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My Mate Is A Vampire

My Mate Is A Vampire




Her parents gave up thier lives and died in order to protect her and so that she could protect the pack in the future. Elina is a werewolf she is supposed to turn into her full for. Once she turns 18. She is sent to Frost Academy for further studies but who would've thought that she will meet with her mate there who is a vampire. Elina and Daniel would they make a revolution to end every hard feelings between the two races or what? Continue.....

"I want to be free"

******************************************************************"Miss Bella can you tell Elina that the elders are calling for her please " said a boy, she smiled at him "I will right away!" She turned coming toward my bedroom, "Elina my Dear! You have to wake up now! It's almost 4 and you are still asleep?" I pulled a pillow and placed it above my head .

"Mhhhh! You old woman stop with your nagging !" I retorted, she took a broom that she was holding and hit my bums "You lazy wits!" I sat up quickly and frowned settled on my face "Aarrgghhh! I'm not lazy!" Although I was .... I just couldn't let anyone call me that lol! .

She came and sat beside awhile with me on my bed with a serious look, Okay I think I know what's coming next with that look of hers sheesh! "The elders are calling for you Eli.... wash up faster and go" she said , I pouted my mouth in denial "I don't want to! What's the point of going there if they are just gonna taunt me for being a weakling " .

She held my hand rubbing it "Listen Eli... somethings are not rushed, you need patience to achieve them" she gave me a peck on my cheek, I stood up and walked to stand by the window, a big yawn followed.

"Arrgh! I'll go only because you told me to" she came and gave me a back hug. "Oh my baby... thank you" , I just can't deny this amazing woman anything, I smiled facing the bright light from the sun.

Several minutes later I climbed downstairs brushing my hairs, Miss Bella was setting the breakfast on the table , "Come and first Elina" she said , but I shook my head "No.... I'll eat when I am back.... I don't wanna get nausea once those elders open thier mouth " she chuckled but I meant it.

"You sure hate them don't you?" She covered the food the food with a plastic food wrapper. I went toward her and placed a peck on her forehead, "Yes! Just as much as they hate me...... I'll be back Bella" she shook her head smiling as I turned to go to the elders of our pack.

"Hello Elina " two little girls that were running around said in unison "Hello twins!" I replied with a smile .

I reached I what seemed to be a local house mad by bamboo sticks. I knocked before entering "Anyone home?" I knew they were in i just liked teasing them lol!

Two old females and an old man sat on curved wooden chairs like statues , their white hairs dancing from the wind , 'Okay here comes trouble ' I said in my mind.

"Hello my elders " I bowed greeting

them and they nodded at me, one of the womens , Kiko pointed her sit down on a mat, "We have something to inform you Princess " I lifted up my head facing them , 'Okay! What are they going to tell me now? They liked damn serious ' I screamed in my head.

The Oldman cleared his throat pulling my long lost attention to him "We received a letter form an academy, they offered you a scholarship " he halted looking at my reaction, little did he know I was a queen of faking emotions since I was a little girl. He continued after seeing my blank face... "You are supposed to go on you have anything to say" finally I was given a chance to talk, I exhaled "I'll go, I'd love to" I said looking down my knees.

The other woman Kitana gave me a calender "You have to be careful on your staying there, the luna eclipse is in one month... and you'll be turning 18 on that night , you will manifest all of your powers " , I lifted up my head up staring at them, yhe old man handed me a glass of local drink, it was a costume when the elders calls for you to give you a drink as a blessing before you go. I gulped it down and handed back the glass, he placed it on the wooden stool , "You have to be back on that night , no o e is supposed to see you, especially the other races , they are our enemies " I nodded "I get it" , he pointed his hand to the door "You may go and prepare yourself... Jeremy will drop you there princess " I nodded before heading out.

Once I was outside the dark local house ... I spread my hands wide and inhaled then exhaled, I ran with happiness I couldn't believe that finally I was going to be free, YES FREE!! Free from the pack and these stupid people who only focuses on making my powers come to live instead of me.

On my way home .... I ran into my old friend "Beatrice!" I ran to her and held her hands spinning her along with me , she didn't understand my actions but didn't kill the joy either. "You seem so happy Eli, have you found your mate or something?" She teased me, I halted and placed my arms beside my waist "What mate? I don't need to have one.... I just want to be free" I laughed out loud , she creased at me "Spit it! What happened?" There beside Bella she is the second person that knows me very well. I cleared my throat "I got a scholarship! I'll be going to an academy at town that's too on Monday " she was shocked just like how I was in the inside when I heard about it. "WHAT! It can't be, how did you convince those grumpy elders?" She rubbed her chin.

I was also dumbfoundedfor a minute, I mean how did they let me go now? When they never wanted to let me step out of our territories. "I didn't! They called me and told me on their own, now I think about it what happend to them?" I shook away the words, "Anyways I'm so happy Beatrice that I can finally breathe a different air" she gave me a quick hug "Oh yes I'm happy for you ..... I can see your dreams are coming true now" I smiled at her "I know huh!" We chuckled together.

We parted our ways and I went back home very energetic. "BELLA! Serve me some breakfast please I'm famished " she noticed the change in me , "What happened? ... you seem so excited and here I thought you'll be back sulking " she uttered surprised, I walked to her and gave her a tight hug before sitting down by the table, "You want me to tell you something amazing " I asked, she nodded......

"I GOT SCHOLARSHIP! At town and I'll be leaving this monday" I said loudly, but this was both good and bad news to her I know, she came and gave me a warm hug "oh I'm so happy for you honey.... but I'm going to miss you so much child " a tear fell down to my shoulder, I pulled back facing her , I knew this was gonna happen "I will too" it was my turn to shade tears, she wiped my eyes and pulled me to sit and eat .

"You have to meet Diego before you go..... you ha e to know some tricks to protect yourself Eli" there she goes, she us always worried about my safety before anything else and I love her for it. "I will... I promise " I had to make her stop worrying, I finished eating and we headed to my bedroom and helped me to pack my things. A day went on by listening to her advices to me once I'm at town, sheesh! This worrywart of mine.