
Let’s Read The Word

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A guy whose not Willing to date or be in any relationship due to what he's ex did to him, got a night with a jobless girl named Melissa.find out more secret from the story. how Ryan Reed was able to meet our jobless Melissa, what he's ex lily and her dad to him. It's a story you won't wanna miss

Chapter one Ryan pov

"gosh!!! it's been a really long day"

after rounding up my important meetings for today, I can't be more grateful"

"just to get home on time to rest my aching head"

"well am Ryan reed, the only male child of the reed family and the successor of reed company"

"have a sister Lora Reed but, she's a pain in my ass don't want to talk about her.

"knock, knock"

yeah, come in Sarah"

"Sir Ryan! Richard bliss is outside waiting to see you"

"I told him already that u won't want to see him here but, his beening adamant"

"what does that bastard wants from me?? hasn't he done enough damages in my life?does he have to show his ugly face to me again??my voice echoed with anger.

"tell Him to get the hell out of my company,if he doesn't want to be thrown out!

"right away sir"she said,then walked out of my office.

my body is vibrating with so much anger

"how I wish I could lay my hands on him, God knows I will kill him with my bare hands.

"but am not yet ready to face that monster after everything he made me pass through"

"I picked up my phones and my car keys then walked out of my office"

"need to get home and rest my aching head.

Melissa pov

"Rita, I don't know why my mum is beening secretive"I voiced out annoyed

"why are u saying your mum is secretive?? Rita asked" probably surprised

"well u know you have always asked me about my dad, right??"

"yes" but u never wanted to tell me about him"she said sitting down on the coach close to me

"that's because i don't even know who my dad is" I said sadly, trying to fight back tears"

"you know, I do need fatherly love right??I asked her already in tears

"I know you need it but, u don't have to be sad about it.she may have her own reasons for not wanting to tell u now, very soon am sure she will talk to u about it okay?wipe your tears beautiful girls like you don't need to be crying"she said wiping my tears with her palm

"thanks alot for removing such a burden from my shoulders, you are the best bosom friend anyone will like to have.thanks sweetheart"I cooed pecking her cheeks

"it's nothing lissa" what are friends for?"she ask smiling widely displaying her one sided dimple

"Will treat you to dinner later after work, are u in?I ask smiling

"what??is that a question, of course am in...u know I love free food"she said while raising her eyebrows playfully

"I do know u ma"I said prostrating playfully

we laughed at our own crazy joke

"alright let's get back to work.lunch break is almost over"I said already on my feet.

"yeah, right"let's go...Rita said already leading the way out.


"rinnnnnn rinnnnnn"

my alarm rang loudly disturbing my peaceful sleep

"I angrily picked it up and send it crashing on the walls of my room"

"I turned on my bed backing the scattered alarm and slept off again forgetting I have to get ready for work



"I woke up stretching my body"

"gosh"that was a really great sleep"I said suning my set of white teeth like I won an award

"I soon closed my suning teeth when my eyes ran into the wall clock in my room"

"8.....8.... what???8:30??no no no"am so stupid, so so stupid

"I ran inside the bathroom like flashing, took a bath that's not even up to a minute.

"came out with a towel wrap around me, I ransack my closet for a suitable cloth to wear.

"I later settled for a rugged Jean and sleeveless top, packed my hair into a messy bun, picked my handbag and ran out of my room.

I ran Into mum at the sitting room.

mom why didn't you wake me up?now am damn late"I fired angrily at her as though she was the cause

"have u forgotten you asked me never to wake you up from your pretty rest?"mom asked smirking

"whatever bye"I said waving her off

"won't you stay for breakfast? mom asked while laughing at me

"no thanks"I screamed a reply

I know she's just trying to get me more infuriated.

"I boarded a cab and went to work



"yes what do u want??"I asked the person calling my phone


"you are so annoying big brother, is that how to greet your kid sister??"

"you are not romantic and that's why girls don't wanna date you"she said, probably giving me a one sided smirk and am sure of that.

"thanks kid sister.....I drawed dramatically

"is that why u called??"I asked already tired of her one repeated words whenever she called

"what do u mean by that brother??"so I can't call my big bro ,right??"she asked with teary voice

"I rolled my eyes as though she could see me.u are really so dramatic, gat no time for your non meaningful words

"gat to go bye kid sister" I didn't wait for her reply before ending the call

"geez this girl won't kill me

"she knows am not Willing to date any girl after what that fool and his daughter did to me but still,she and my mom keeps persisting. Though my mom doesn't know about what happened.

"don't wanna remember past things, got lot of meeting to attend to and don't want my day to be ruined by my crazy kid sister.

I checked the wall clock and found out it's already 9:40 and I have a meeting to attend in less than 20 minutes.

"I stood up, picked the needed files, my phone and walked out of my office approaching the meeting hall with my assistant behind me"