
Let’s Read The Word

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"Out", I rolled over , letting my back face the flithy, nameless human I just spent the last hour deep inside. I snarled internally as i waited for her to collect her stuff and leave, I hated this. I hated having to exist amongst humans, let alone fornicate with them. I closed my eyes as i felt the anger run through my body , I shouldn't have to belittle myself like this , humans were beneath me! Asmodeus, I am Asmodeus , one of the seven princes of Hell for fuck sake ! I growl as i feel the rage threatening to devour me. I always feel like this after being with a human , each time i vow never to do it again but its inevitable for i am the demon of lust.

Asmodeus Pov

"Out" I barked as I rolled over , letting my back face the flithy, nameless human I just spent the last hour deep inside.

I snarled internally as I waited for her to collect her stuff and leave, I hated this.

I hated having to exist amongst humans, let alone fornicate with them.

I closed my eyes as i felt the anger run through my body , I shouldn't have to belittle myself like this , humans were beneath me!

Asmodeus, I am Asmodeus , one of the seven princes of Hell for fuck sake !

I growl as I feel the rage threatening to devour me.

I always feel like this after being with a human , each time I vow never to do it again but its inevitable for I am the demon of lust.

I let out a shakey breath as I hear her scurry out the door, closing it behind her.

Ask anyone about Asmodeus , the demon of lust and they will describe a monstrous creature, one with three heads , rooster legs and a serpent's tail, I don't know what they were smoking that day but I look nothing like that, even in my true demon form.

It used to piss me off when my brothers brought it up but nothing pisses me off more than my current situation.

I have been exiled to earth , stripped of most of my powers and forced to live among the humans.

I grip the side of the mattress thinking about what Raphael did , I vow one day I will regain my powers and return to hell and when I do, I will be sure to get my revenge on that disgusting angel.

Its been three years already , I do get to see my family every once in a while but its not the same. They look at me with pity and I hate it.

I sighed as I checked the time , almost 9pm.

I roll out of bed and pull out a black suit from my wardrobe.

After a year of being exiled I decided to do something with my time , other than burn with rage , so I bought a casino and added a gentleman's lounge.

I still needed to be around sin, greed and especially lust.

Tonight I will be overlooking the gentleman's lounge, we got some new girls in last week and I have yet to see if they are worthy to dance in my club.

Lexi Pov

I smiled as I walked onto the stage , winking at a few familiar faces.

I grabbed the pole and immediately started my seductive routine.

I smiled as I let myself go and just enjoyed what I was doing.

I know most people would frown upon being an exotic dancer but I love it , I love being my sexual free self and getting paid for it.

I also work in a very classy gentleman's lounge , with strict rules , no touching and no actual money , everything was electronic.

Ive only been working here for a week but I was already starting to get some regulars .

After my set i had two VIP rooms to attend to before my break.

I adjusted my top , making sure my cleavage was on full display before I entered the first room " Good evening Gentleman, my name is Lexi and I will be your server for the night, is there anything I could get you?"

I smiled as the 4 men raked over me.

" Four top shelf whiskeys, neat".

Asmodeus Pov

"Good evening Mr Black",

I gave James a small head gesture as we made our way to the lounge "Evening".

James was my second in command, he ran both the casino and lounge and is probably one of the only humans i dont loath.

I handed in my coat and proceeded to one of the VIP rooms , I wanted to see these dancers up close and personal.

I relaxed back into the velvet couch, as James handed me the new employees contracts , " They're all on three months probation".

I nodded and tossed them next to me , "Bring the first girl in , I need a drink"

James nodded and rushed out of the room , returning a couple minutes later with a pretty brunette.

" Good evening S-sir, my name is Casey , can I get you something from the bar?".

I looked at her up and down, she was good looking but she was either shy or nervous, which I didnt find at all attractive , " A Vodka for me and a whiskey for James".

"Yes sir, straight away".

I turned to James as she bolted from the room , " Did you tell her that i was the owner?"

James nodded , "Yes sir".

I chuckled and shook my head, "No wonder she is half shitting herself, don't tell the others , I want to experience them as my customers would".

James nodded ," Understood Mr Black".

I toss James the contracts , " You can get back to your work as usual James, I will let you know if I need anything".

James nodded as he backed out of the room , "Yes sir, thank you Mr Black".

I relaxed back as Casey entered with the drinks , I watched as she placed the drink infront of me, hands shaking.

I rolled my eyes , " Casey".

Her face shot up , eyes wide and uncertain ," Y-yes sir?"

I reached over and took my drink , taking a sip before I continued," You are a very attractive women Casey", I watched as her cheeks reddened, " But you know what I find incredibly attractive ?"

She smiled and looked down, " Whats that Mr Black?"

I took another sip , " Confidence... a confident women makes my pants a few inches shorter and you Casey, have none".

I watched as her whole face dropped , making me beam internally, I love watching humans in despair, " Get your stuff and get out".

She turned on her heels and ran out , muffling her cries with her hands.

I pulled out my phone and called James.

"Yes Sir?"

" Send in the next one".

I hung up and downed the rest of my drink.

I was scrolling through my phone when the

curtain opened , "Good evening Sir, my name is Lexi and I will be your server for the evening, is there anything I can get you?"

I was still busy checking my messages," Mm mm , I will have... ", I looked up and for a moment I forgot what I wanted to order , "Sir?"

I cleared my throat and smiled, as I tried to regain my composure ," Yes , sorry , I will have a vodka with some lime please".

She smiled , "Coming up".

I watched as she turned and left the room, confused as to what just happened.

I apologized to a human, and said please , in all my existence I have never belittled myself like that.

I lent back into the seat , fixing my pants, which were now were feeling abit tight.

I quickly removed my hand from my crotch as I heard footsteps," Here is your drink sir, is there anything else I can do for you?"

I took a sip , relaxed back and nodded ," I would like a dance ".

She smiled, " It's $300 per dance , is that ok?"

I couldn't help an amused grin ," Yeah that's fine", she gave me a smile and made her way to the pole.

I sipped my drink as I watched her start her routine , she was beautiful, possibly the most beautiful human I had ever seen.

My eyes raked over her as her gorgeous body wrapped around the pole , fuck I never wanted to be a pole so bad in all my existence.

The more I watched her , the more I realized how much I wanted to bed this women.

I felt my dick twitch at the thought of having those legs wrapped around me, hearing her moan as I'm buried deep inside her , I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as she slipped off her skirt and started walking towards me.

I almost forgot how to breathe when she started giving me a lap dance, I wanted this woman and I wanted her now.

I took a deep breath as I try to access Lexi's mind, I wanted to cram as much seeds of lust as I could , I wanted her writhing on the floor and begging me to satisfy her need.

She turned to face me and I lost all self control, I grabbed her thighs and pulled her onto my lap, fully expecting the seeds to have consumed her by now.

What I didn't expect was for her to slap my hands away and get up," No touching is allowed Sir, that is your first and last warning".

I was shocked , I can only think of two individuals that were not effected by my power and both of them were not of this earth...Lexi is a mere mortal, she should have been leaking all over my lap by now.

"Is there anything else I can get you Sir, maybe a snack?" I quirked my brow at her question, the only snack I craved right now was her but I shook my head ," No I'm fine for now, would like to join me?" Her brows scrunched together ," I can't sorry, I'm working". I ran my fingers through my hair," Then how about after?" Hell, I've never sounded so desperate. She smiled ," Sorry not tonight, now can I get you something before I see to my other customers?" I felt both frustrated and angry, what the fuck was happening, " No I'm good", she gave me a quick nod and left.

I couldn't remember the last time I felt this defeated and I didn't like it, how dare that human deny me! She should be honored to have my attention! The more I thought about it, the more in rage I became. It took every bit of control I had left, not to go and find her and make her submit to me.