
Let’s Read The Word

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SYNOPSIS: "Real Feeling featuring wrong person?" It is almost six months when Mourge became single/bitter again when it comes in "love" because of her cheating ex boyfriend. That is why she spend most of her time making herself a better person. She always put herself in a busy line so she won't remember her ex. But again, she never thought that "cupid" will hit her again. Because the day that Mourge saw her ex cheating on her, she swore that she would never fall for a sweet words again. But what can we expect from Midnight Mourge Styvier? She's not just a self proclaimed "Marupok" but everyone knew that she's Marupok. Midnight Mourge is a curious cat. She became too curious with an unknown man that her friends keep on talking about the day when they decided to chill out. She filled her curiosity and met Parzeval Aguilar. The mab that makes her curiosity to the highest level.


"Maybe he really just wait for me to get tired of understanding him." I still remember the night when I saw him with someone else. Someone whose not me."

I came back in the Reality when I felt a slight pain in my back. I look back to see who among my friends throw the book. I met four pairs of glaring eyes. And those eyes belong to my bestfriends.

"What?! Are you thinking of that jerk again?!" Skye ask with her annoyed tone.

The sky is already dark and all of our employees are gone. We decided to stay for a little while for us to be able to have some rest. We've met a lot of clients today and it's totally exhausted.

I just shrug before making a cup of Cappuccino.

"Mourge what did you do that day? I mean when you saw him with the slut?" Reign ask calmly.

All of them are waiting for my answer. Oh yeah. In fact I never told them or anyone what happened that night. I just don't want them to know what kind of craziness I've done.

I laugh before walking out of the counter. As I put down my cup in the table. At started telling them the truth.

"I beg him." I said with a laugh.

I saw how Zenchie gasped. Can't blame them, they know that I will never beg someone.

"I beg him to choose me. I beg him to stay with me." I look like a mad woman as I laugh again. With my laughter filling the silent room, my tears began to fall like a tear drops.

"I look like a fool asking for him to choose me. To be with me. Hahahaha!" What the heck! The pain is still there but the person who made me feel this way is already gone.

Maybe because he's my first boyfriend?

"We have told you a countless time to stop but you never listen to us. That's why don't blame me us if you will heard us saying 'I told you so did you listen?' Yeah. Listening isn't part of your vocabulary." I look at Kaye while sipping on my Cappuccino.

"If I will be a fairy I think I'm tinkerbell." I smile when Skye started to whine.

"Why?! Go on! Enlightenment me with your answer Mourge!" Skye ask with her arrogant voice.

I just shrug. "Because tinkerbell stay with Peter until he found his Wendy. And me?" I laugh again. "Like Tinkerbell, I stay with him till his own Wendy came. In the end? I stay by his side even though I love him."

Skye rolled her eyes and closw the book that she's been reading for a while.

"Just admit it that you're just a fragile plainwood! Marupok!" I just laughed at her comment.

"Aren't you gonna go home? It's already pass evening!" It's almost midnight but they are still here.

"Do you need some help? You keep on making tones of cake every night! Gosh! Have some rest!" Irritation is visible in Reign's face. I just shake my head before going inside the counter.

"Shoo! Go home. I need to keep myself busy. Beside if I go home with all of you I'll just lay down in my bed and still up until morning. Overthinking makes me up all night so let me spend my time making something."

It's better to use my time baking. I look at them

again. Kaye is the first one to stand up and she even drag them.

"Let's just leave her alone. She'll go home eventually." I just smile at her. The others doesn't want to leave me alone but they don't have any choice.

I just followed them so I can close the door.

"Go home if you want to rest okay?" I just nod at Kaye before bidding our goodbyes.

When they finally left the cafè I immediately fix fhe Ingredients that I will be needing.

If I didn't do anything my brain might explode. I decided to make a red velvet cake that is one of our famous cake.

It's a pink raspberry cake. Mostly this is what most of the couples brought in our cafè whenever they want to suprise their partners.

I also made some carrot cake and one upside down cake. It took me almost four in the morning and then Crumps attacked me that is why I decided to take some rest in the office.

As I close my eyes, I saw all the scenarios that i don't want to remember.

"Hey babe where are you?" That was my last chat with my boyfriend. Maybe he's playing mobile games again?

I can feel boredroom is eating me that is why I decided to take some walk.

I was in the middle of walking when I saw a familiar body figure.

I stopped walking and just watched them laughing with each other.

'Maybe sweet words?' I guess so... This is the first time I saw him smile like that. My favorite eyes that was almost gone whenever he smile...

I smirk. 'A girl with a straight hair and a small body figure.' It's a way more different than my fatty body.

I remembered the day that he confessed his feelings. It was raining. And just like the rain, my tears kept on pouring down on my face.

"You should have told me that you're already into someone... I'll accept it. But why does it hurts like hell?" I silently ask myself.

How can this happen? From a butterfly in my stomach to a sudden stab on my chest. I feel it right now...