
Let’s Read The Word

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Alex was a nerd at Simpleton high school. She wasn’t used to having to socialize with people. Norman a werewolf discovered that his mate would be a human, which in this case was Alex. He finds himself hating on her every time she was around him and also detested anyone who tried to have any connection with her. Alex would be involved in a ghastly accident and would discover that Norman was a werewolf who didn’t like her as a mate. Would she be able to live with the fact that Norman can’t have her and she can’t have him either? What would Norman do when he discovers that Alex was hiding a secret from the past?

The sound of the bell ringing across Simpleton high school is every student dream, they all hurriedly rush to leave the school premises. Alex the school’s nerd was headed home and chose to follow the school alley. While going through the alley, Alex wondered why she had even chosen this path as it was always creepy every evening. Alex yelped when she heard the squeaking sound of the mouse and thought it was something else. She had to leave this alley before she got a heart attack from all the weird noise the alley was producing.

Still walking briskly, she heard the sound of footsteps and turned back and saw some group of guys also walking the same path with her. She couldn’t see their faces as they were all on hood but Alex had a bad feeling about how they weren’t thinking of walking past her but monitoring her pace. Once again, she turned around to see if they were still behind her a few meters but yelped when she came face to face with one person she dreaded seeing every day of her life.

“Hello Alex, why the haste though, I wanted to walk with you home but you kept walking hurriedly like you were going somewhere” Gavi stated whilst smirking at poor Alex. Before she could say anything, Gavi pushed her to the floor and all the books she was holding dropped to the floor, leaving her in a mess. Gavi grabbed the collar of her neck and stared directly in her eyes saying

“Earlier today in the A.P calculus test, I told you that I would need your answers but you didn’t bulge a bit. It seems you forgot who you are dealing with young lady” he threw her to the side like she was some sort of rag doll. Gavi’s minion laughed at her whilst she was being manhandled by their master.

A loud growl was heard from the end of the alley and Gavi paused to look at the direction of the sound and there at the end of the alley stood a guy of his age approaching them slowly.

‘Hey get the hell out of here man, this isn’t any of your business” Gavi stated as the young man approached them with his hands formed into a grip.

“I will say this and I will say this once, I need you to get your filthy hands off her or else…..” Gavi interrupted him by slapping Alex who once again fell to the floor.

The young man launched at Gavi and dealt with him with a series of blows. His minions tried to stop him but each got a blow. He continued punching him till he heard a crack at his neck region and stood up from the body, wiping off the blood stain from his hands.

Alex on the other hand was amazed as the stranger had single handedly beaten all of them right before her eyes. She stood up in awe as the stranger turned and looked at her, studying every inch of her. He approached her slowly but stopped in his tracks and looked once more at her and simply left, ignoring the look of admiration that he got from her.

Alex's face fell as he walked away from her like she was some sort of plague. Alex noticed he had dropped his bracelet on the floor, she picked it up and tried following him to give it to him but he was nowhere to be found. Alex shrugged and went back to pick her books from the floor. She looked at the bracelet once more and contemplated whether to leave it on the floor or simply take it along with her. She chose the latter for apparently, she thought it was better to return the favor that he had given her today.

On getting home, she discovered her parents weren’t back from work and so headed upstairs to her room. A well neatly arranged room, with a beautiful design obviously colored pink to depict the feminine nature, coupled with stakes of books beside the bed side. Alex dropped all her books on her reading table, and took a curious look at the bracelet one more time. She contemplated returning it to the stranger but remembered he didn’t state his name. She just kept it at her counter as she hated misappropriating people’s property.

“Alex honey, I am home” the voice of her mom boomed around the house. Alex’s mom Mrs. Gallagher was an archeologist. Every day, she would go to work early and come back late but that didn’t stop her from spending quality time with her daughter as she always loved her. Alex’s dad is late and had died in an auto crash while returning from Afghanistan. It was a sad memory that Alex had always kept within the confines of the back of her mind.

“How was school today honey?” Mrs. Gallagher asked as Alex entered the kitchen obviously drawn to the smell of pancakes already being made by her mother. Alex always said that her mom makes the best pancakes and was ready to make her point known to anyone who asked.

“The usual in school mom; attended classes, went to the library, and also read my favorite novel at the school café” Alex had a thing for Harry potter. She believed that it was relatable and wondered whether the supernatural stuff portrayed in the book could actually happen in a real life scenario.

“You should try and mingle a bit with people my dear” Her mom said and this was the umpteenth time that she would advise her on her social life but Alex seemed not to care about all that.

“Well I will try to relate with people like you have advised if that will make you happy” Alex stated even though she knew she would never follow up on her promise. Mrs. Gallagher looked at her daughter once more and nodded and went back to making pancakes.

Another day in school and Alex was already tired of it. She had just arrived at school today and as cliché as it has always been, she walked straight to her Math class. Alex loved math and was always of the opinion that numbers are significant in a human’s life.

Mrs. Ramsdale entered into the noisy class and everyone maintained their cool once they saw her. She was a very strict woman in her late thirties; she loved her work and would always take time in explaining math to everyone in the class that cared to listen.

“Alright class, before we begin today’s class; I would like to introduce a new student to the class” a young guy entered the class and the cue reaction from the female student filled the classroom. Alex on the other hand was shocked; this was the same guy who helped her in the alley. Looks like fate has a way of bringing people back to you.