
Let’s Read The Word

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Liza Claire Gilbert is a twenty five years old loving lady simply living with her nephew James in a faraway villa in Slytherland. When she meets the Queen’s gorgeous grandson, Prince Hades, sparks fly and she begin to admire him. Unfortunately for him, she was just a commoner with a common interest like any other girls. Though Liza tries her best to get close to him after the wedding, Prince Hades repeatedly kept his cold distance. Their duties and responsibilities entangled them along with each other until his highness discovers hidden dark truth about her. Would he still be able to accept her in his world after he found out her secret?


“Aunt Liza!! Aunt Liza! Look there is a dead body I found here!”

“What?” I looked at my nephew James and immediately went to where he’s standing. I did not hear him loud and clear, to my disbelieve I saw an old woman’s body lying alongside the river shore. She is unconscious and her skin is full of bruises, even her forehead has wound filled with blood in it, some parts of her clothes were torn. I wonder what has happened to her before to be in this state of being.

“Auntie why is she here? Is she dead already?” James asked confused.

“I don’t know either baby boy. Wait, let me see” I said as I slowly uplift her wrist to check the pulse. The old lady looked so weak with a pale face; there is no sign of life in her.

“Oh! She isn’t dead yet. Help me, let’s take her home.” I commanded him as we moved away from our spot.

We took the old lady in my place where James and I are residing. She was a little heavy and at the same time unconscious. It was not surprising that all of her weight were for me as I carried her with all my strength. Thankfully, James was with us helping me to balance.

It has been five hours since we took an ill stranger in our house. When we arrived earlier I immediately brought her to my bedroom, cleaned the wounds in her arms and face and applied some first aid kits available at home.

James and I are living alone in this cabin in the middle of forest. It feels safe here and comfortable, away from the people who wants to take my dearest nephew away from me. Living in woods is so risky; you never know when an accident will happen so it’s a must to always have first aid kits handy at any time. After I treated her wounds, I changed her clothing with my mother’s old one; it is the only clothes available in her size.

I just finished washing her expensive looking dress for now, I am only waiting for her to wake up and feed her the soup I cooked. A while ago, the doctor I called for help came over and said she will wake up anytime soon so he left notes along with the prescriptions and told me I should take care of her with the right amount of medicine and soft foods, he’s gone as soon as he finished examining her.

“Don’t carry all the heavy woods at once James. I have told you so many times already but you’re still not listening to me. Do you want to make my blood boil over and over again?” This kid will be the death of me. He never really listens and would always rebut me with “It can save time Auntie.” Yeah I know it can save time but he could get into an accident and injure a part of his body. I don’t want him to get hurt plus it will cost us much more time treating him just in case.

Now is the fourth day since we found the old lady and took her home but she has not been waked up. She haven’t eaten anything at all except for the spoonful water I dripped in her lips, it is to keep her hydrated a little. Her breathing become stable already and her wounds are healing slowly. I thought someone would come find her yet no one or there wasn’t even a single relative came looking for her. I had visited the market the other day and asked around if there is news about an old woman missing but they said they heard none.

James came rushing to me with a heavy panting and pale face saying the granny was not in my room anymore. For a moment I was shocked. Early this morning there was no sign of her waking up so I decided to leave with James to find woods in the forest, our stocks are running out.

We hurried back home. As soon as I opened the door, I immediately went to the bedroom passed by the living room to look for her – there was no trace of her. Then I went to the bathroom, still she was not there either. James has gone to see other rooms as well. She slept for four days so I thought she was hungry when she woke up, I checked the kitchen with all my hopes but to my void there was no single person in there. I face palmed myself wondering where she could be right now until I heard the door clicking open. It was her.

“You have a nice backyard here.” She said as soon as she entered the room.

She walks pretty slowly yet she took every step gracefully making me speechless. Thank goodness! She is okay and she did not leave unlike what I have been thinking for the past few minutes, don’t know what to do if she really does escape.

“Goodness Madam. Where have you been? I thought you left. Your wounds haven’t even healed yet. Please let’s go back to the bedroom, you have to rest first.” Not that I don’t want her to leave because I am conspicuous of her or she would steal anything, there is nothing worthy of being stolen in this house. It’s just that she is not fully recovered yet and she may lose in the forest, we are a little secluded.

She gave me a broad, senseless smile and said “Do not worry my dear, I feel a lot better after I saw your garden… what was your name again and where am I?” She asked like nothing serious happened to her. She then walked to the nearest chair and sit down, James rush over helping the old lady sit down slowly and carefully.

“That’s good to hear then! By the way I am Liza, Liza Claire Gilbert, and he is James.” I replied pointing a finger to James.

“This was my parents’ house, it is in a middle of woods and the neighboring houses are a little too far but we are still in Slytherland. We lived here together and he is my only nephew.” I stated as the matter of fact.

“Oh really, well it’s nice to meet you two. Thank you and I owe you for saving my life. I will definitely pay you back soon.”

“You are very much welcome Madam. May I know who you are and where did you came from… So I can call on your family and tell them you’re with us?” I replied with a bit of curiosity. I have told her almost everything yet I don’t even know her name since we rescued her.

“I am the queen of Slytherland.” She simply said.