
Let’s Read The Word

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Rite Avanti is the son of the popular billionaire Rite Nelson..He has all the looks,killer body,brain and he's damn hot..he is intelligent but has a problem-girls,he hates them.. Guess what happened when he meets with Germy Sarah a rich bitch who is proud,arrogant and beautiful

Avanti's P.O.V

The bright rays of light shone into my eyes awakening me from the beautiful dream I was eyes jammed the clock and I jumped out of bed like flash.gosh I had over slept,mom is gonna start with all her naggings this morning.

But come to think of it,how come time ran ahead of me like this to 11:34am,maybe because of what happened yesterday,I tried to remember but all I received was an hangover,I need pills jezz..I rushed into my exotic and expensive bathroom to brush my teeth,then I jumped into my jacuzzi to have a relaxing bath,by the time i got out it was already 12:02,men today's time is Fastforwarding.i applied lotion all over my body,combed my hair,applied my hair cream.i quickly wore my clothes,put on my diamond stone earrings,gold wristwatch and chains..I hurried down the stairs,the aroma of food that hit my nostrils sent mouth salivating..quickly I kissed my mum on the cheek and started to devour my food....

Rite Anna P.O.V

I checked the time,waiting at the dinning looking at the stairs to see if that lady son of mine will by any chance come down,just almost immediately i sighted him.he kissed me on the cheeks..I knew that was just his little way of apologizing but I didnt care..

Oops..let me introduced name is Rite Anna,and am the wife of Rite Nelson,the popular billionaire,I guess you all knows him.

Back to reality

Avanti how many times do I always tell u never to wake up are lazy and useless,go see your mates,they are busy at the office but you are here sleeping Around,going out and coming in when you want,I yelled at him..

Avanti's P.O.V

Mum kept talking and talking,who cares,I already got used to it and am tired of replying her because she always has her ways..I turned to look sideways only to discover that the maid beside me was blushing...God,what does this little girl knows,I dropped my fork,cleaned my mouth and hurried out,that house is a hell,am not going back there till midnight..........................