
Let’s Read The Word

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Rose Of Sharon

Rose Of Sharon

Author:C. Kimberly



Two babies, two women. Life for Ryan Thorpe is messed up after a mistake he made in a drunken fit of rage. He hurt a woman that he loved and lost her. Now he is chained to another, not of his own will, but can he choose to be happy? A choice to let go and start over? A sequel to the story Courting Trouble - Lisha's Story. The story of Ryan and Katrina and their journey of healing to find peace and love despite everything.

Do not watch the petals fall from the

rose with sadness, know that, like life,

things sometimes must fade, before

they can bloom again." -


The cool mountain breeze blew through the mountain ranges and carried with it the scents of the valley into the magnificent Maracheli resident.

White plastered walls rose high surrounded by beautiful hedges of white rose bushes and cedar trees.

A wide red brick pavement led away from the front gate to the front steps of the house where white pillars rose high, sheltering the front oak doors from the ravaging elements.

Several guards in black suits and black turtle necks patrolled the grounds. Occasionally one would stop to mumble into his earpiece before continuing with his easy stroll.

In the background, violin music could be heard playing. It flowed out from the front parlor even as the fiddler skillfully plucked it to the tune of Nicona pogandini No.4. The music suddenly stopped as a strong feminine voice suddenly applauded.

"Very well Katrina, lets try No.6 as well, shall we?"

The dark-haired girl in a white and yellow sundress nodded back to the matronly lady and started playing.

As the sweet melancholic notes of the violin flowed, her tears flowed down her pale creamy cheek as well. Flowing down from a pair of closed green eyes before soaking up the front of her dress.

The old woman peered on curiously, at loss for words and what to do.

Katrina played on though, oblivious to the concerned looks that her instructor was now throwing her way, as she lost herself into the music that was now creating.

The music calmed her as it flowed from the ends of her fingertips into the very depths of her weary soul. It soothed her, relieving her in a way that no one could understand. It seemed to speak to her pain and pacify it, while momentarily, it also acted to blot the whole world away. The world that had brought so much chaos and yet, what did she do to deserve this?

Katrina hit the final notes in the piece and turned to look at her instructor. Unconsciously, she wiped away the with the back of her sweater-clad hand, and just like that, it was as if nothing had happened.

"Well..." the instructor stuttered. "I think that will do for today."

Katrina nodded back in acquiescence before standing up to walk out of the parlor with a single word.

Mrs. Beufont, the elderly instructor, stared back at the receding backline of the girl and shook her head in wonder.

"Such a young girl, yet so much sadness!"

She picked up her music sheets and stuffed them into her brown traveling bag. Then, she began to walk towards the door with a slight limp on her left leg. At the door, the butler helped her into her brown tweed jacket which barely closed at the front over her blue floral print dress. The bowler hat went to her head, slightly covering her greying brown curls. She was all set. She smiled as turned to look back at the butler

"Thank you, Mrs Beufont. See you again next wednesday?"

"Indeed Mr. Fredrick." She replied while stepping out into the cool forest breeze.

"This way Mrs Beufont." A guard met her at the door and walked her down the red brick pavement to the towering black gates that led out to the outside world.

She gave one more look at the imposing building she had left behind and heaved out a tired sigh, feeling quite sorry for the sad girl that was now holed up in that great stone edifice. It could not be helped though. She was but an old lady and not a Prince Charming.

"This way Mrs Beaufont, your car is waiting." Another guard addressed her as he gently guided her through the massive front gates to the car that was a taxi.

"Another beautiful day ma'am." the driver turned around with a smile as she came up to stand beside it. Her gaze flickered back to the mansion before turning back to the driver.

"That it is." She smiled even as she settled back into the brown leather seats.

"The usual route?"

She nodded.

"You know it. I wouldn't miss my bible study group or my babies for anything."

"Yes I know." He smiled, releasing the handbrake to let the car cruise down the lane before joining up with the main highway.

The Maracheli residence was quite a distance from town and as such every other Wednesday, Mrs. Beufont would ride up the mountain in the same taxi and ride down an hour later to oversee a bible study group that met at their local church.

She was a retired music teacher. However, every once in a while she would take up a private student just like Katrina. At the same time, she still working at the big church and as an assistant pastor in Crayon city.

She had never had any children of her own but had once been a pastor's wife albeit some many years ago. Her husband though had passed away, leaving her a widow at the very young age of barely twenty-seven. After that, she had decided not to remarry and had instead poured out herself into her music and her calling as a mentor to her many groups of mentees.

The taxi finally stopped in front of the church office and she handed over a few notes to the driver before picking up her bag to exit the vehicle.

"See you later Mrs B."The driver called out as he drove away. Mrs. Beufont smiled and waved back at him before turning back to walk up the front steps that led into the great church building.

"Mrs B!"

"Mrs B!"

Two teenage girls ambled down the stairs bubbling with a whole lot of excitement.

"Here let us help you." One said while relieving her of her bag and the other, she held out her arm to escort the elderly woman up the great church stairway.

"How is your leg today." The second girl asked her.

"Its okay Janice. Thank you for asking." she responded to the tall slender girl who was holding on to her arm to assist her.

"And how was the class?"

"It was okay. Katrina is really talented. Her music is heavenly."

"Oh, I wish I could hear her play."The shorter and much younger girl that was carrying the bag replied dreamily. Mrs. Beufont patted the girl's brown curly locks and sighed at her expression.

" I wish you could too Bernice. I wish you could."

"But how? She is locked away in the castle with the dragons guarding her."

" Bernice! They are guards not dragons."Janice protested in laughter.

"What! You've never heard of an allegory?"

"That's not an allegory."

"It is not? Then what is it?" Bernice pouted.

"I believe it's called symbolism. And girls, lets stop arguing. We have a class, remember?" Mrs. Beufont finally mediated.

"Yes Mrs B." The two chorused together before helping Mrs. Beufont up the main stairway into the main sanctuary building.