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Slave: Falling For The Master

Slave: Falling For The Master

Author:Eugenia Zantoto



Cindy escapes her home village, after her uncle wants her to enter into an arrange marriage witha n older man. With a glow in her eyes, wanting the best life from the City, Cindy finds herself in a worse situation... she's been trafficked. Felix Martini, a human defense lawyer is shocked to find that his best friend has brought him a gift in the form of a slave. Felix is torn between reporting his friend to the police or keeping Semi a secret. With Semi now in his home an workign for him, sarks fly between the two but whereever love blooms, theres always evil in the way.

  I sat down in my late father’s yard, on a little wooden chair and watched all the other young maidens walk about my father’s property, with excitement written all over their faces. Each of the maidens assigned to a special task in the household, each of them took their job seriously. I on the other hand was a queen, so to say, but I felt more like a slave. Different women from the village came bearing gifts, some were expensive and some were not but neither really bothered me.

  Each of the women smiled and even congratulated me on snatching one of the richest men in the village. Everyone overjoyed with the announcement of my wedding but I the bride was in no high spirit.

  Why would I be happy? When the conversation with my uncle, the previous nights before haunted me for possibly the rest of my life? My uncle informed me of my arranged marriage and unfortunately, this marriage came with its threats too.

  I remembered the conversation clearly; about a week ago, my uncle had called me into his quarters, making me aware that I had no choice in the matter. My faith was sealed and I could not save myself. This was a marriage not of love but for my uncle’s convenience.

  “I have said my piece Cindy, you either marry Nyemi or else I would put your family out of this house” The shock on my face was evident. I knew that my uncle was wicked and he would go to any length to prove his dominance, even if it meant hurting his own family members. My happiness was clearly not his priority, the money that he would gain was.

  “But uncle—” The raising of his hand meant that the conversation was over. Nothing at this point and time could have changed my uncle’s mind. I kept my mouth when an elder spoke, something I was raised to do even as a child. Even if it meant that, I was subjecting myself to a life of sadness.

  I listened to my uncle rant about what this union would mean for the family, he spoke about the dowry set on my head, the cows we would receive from my prospective husband. As he spoke about the riches that he would gain, I realized that in none of his sentence was there any benefit to me. People like my uncle, were greedy and money determined their actions and how they treated people in their lives. Family meant nothing and once again, money has won.

  I did not want to marry Nyemi. I for one was twenty-two, whereas Nyemi was seventy and if I were to marry him, I would become his seventh wife. Nyemi was known amongst the villagers to be a powerful man, who ran the village with his wealth and controlled the elders to favor him at any cost. He had a short temper, which was evident from the bruises on each of his wives bodies, if they ever defied him they knew what they would be facing.

  All of his wives were terrified of him, they would hardly leave their home and if they did it was for a quick errand and then back to the house they went. None of his wives would dare utter the truths about his abusive ways, why would they? His anger was one that no one would want to bring upon herself.

  No one could stop Nyemi, he had the money and he was not afraid to waste it on childish shenanigans. He loved young girls, they were easier to control, he loved the power he held over them. I was unfortunate enough to his next wife, like a sacrificial lamb they offered me to him in marriage.

  My mother walked out of the house, clearly looking for me until she found me, sitting under a mango tree. I needed to be by myself and her walking towards me proved that she had not understood that. My mother’s smile was simply for show. Ever since my uncle had announced the wedding, she said nothing. She simply nodded her head and agreed with him, like the good African woman that she was to be. Around the house, my uncle’s word was law and we all had to abide by them.

  That is my mother; she always saw the light at the end of the tunnel ...even if this time there was none.

  "Good afternoon my daughter, you look so beautiful. I never thought I'd see this day ". My mother told me, trying so hard to pull a brave face, but this time it was less convincing.

  I felt my mother’s hand move over my braids; she touched the multicolored beads on my head and touched my glistening dark skin.

  "Mother I do not love him". I spoke softly as tears stung my eyes. I was never the one to cry about things like these, I was brave and everyone saw that in me. This was the time where I could not be brave, not even to keep my mother happy.

  "My daughter don't you worry, because love will grow between the two of you " I knew my mother was lying. My mother was the perfect woman who never lied and her lying meant that she was at her wits end.

  I had to voice out my opinion on this arranged marriage, this was not what I wanted for myself and it will never be what I want.

  "Yes just like it grew with the other six wives, who still get beaten by him whenever he is displeased with something, someone or them!” I raised my voice at my mother for the first time.

  "My daughter you don't even know if that's true, they are only rumors that are created by jealous villagers ". My mother told me, holding my hand in hers, rubbing it to calm me down but it did not work. I was smarter than this. I did not need the rumors from the villagers, for the scars on Nyemi’s wives were evident.

  "Yes, says their bruised eyes and bodies. I don't care if he's nice mother, I just want to go back to school again ". I begged my mother. School, that was the one thing that I wanted more than anything in the world but now I was being deprived from having it.

  "Look my daughter, Nyemi is a rich man and he'll probably let you go back to school" My mother tried to explain, my eyes widened in shock, because I knew that she was smarter than this.

  "He won't, he won't! We all know that that old man just wants a young wife to warm his bed and my education is the last thing on his mind". Cindy knew exactly what men like Nyemi were all about; her education meant nothing to him. Nyemi was from a time and a group of men who believed that women should not be in school.

  I cried out to my mother, begging her not to let me marry him, for a moment it seemed possible but my mother’s face changed.

  "Enough! That is enough, you are marrying him whether you like it or not. Cindy stop being selfish, it’s either that or your uncle puts us out of his house!” My mother yelled at me, she looked drained, as though she had not had enough sleep.

  "But it's father's house! “ I bravely told my mother. My uncle was and will always be a wicked man and he dared take my father’s house from us, his way of having control on me, my sibling and mother.

  "But he’s dead and it all belongs to your uncle now, don't you get it? Get ready, because tomorrow is your traditional wedding and I don't want your childish antics ruining everything” My mother told me, this time not holding back the tears in her eyes.

  I watched as tears race down my mother’s face before she walked away. I remembered it now, since the 4 years that my father had died, the last time she cried was at his funeral.

  It was last at night and I could hear my friend whistling. I quickly packed the small bag of clothes I had ,not knowing where I was going but as long as I was far away from marrying Nyemi then that was good enough for me. I sneaked out of the house and met my friend Lori, who stood behind the mango tree waiting for me.

  "Lori how are you my friend?” I greeted her, excited that she had kept her promise to help me escape.

  "Shhh, this is not the time for greetings, let us hurry up before the truck leaving for the city leaves you here" Lori whispered to me and I quickly placed my hand over my mouth. I followed her into the night and luckily, for me the truck was there, hugging my friend one last time, I jumped onto the back of the rusty old truck. To my surprise, there were other women and children onboard. One last look at my friend and I blew her a kiss.

  "I promise Lori I'll come visit you". I promised my friend and I waved at her.

  "But I don't think you'll keep that promise, Cindy". Lori responded. Tears fall from Lori’s eyes and I could not understand her why it was that she said that.

  "But why would you say that? I pro-". I tried asking her but the trucks engine came to life and most of my words drowned with the sound of the engine. As the truck drove further down the road, I watched my friends tiny figure disappear. I was excited. A new world awaits me.