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Thread Of Fate

Thread Of Fate

Author:Lisa nur



You know what she was to me. She was a beautiful blessing in my life which I lost because of my mistake. But not this time fate gave her to me again and this time I will cherish her. This time I won't let her go. This time she will be mine. I will destroy each and every fucking person who tried to take her away from me. I will torture each and everyone even myself Cynthia and Azrail was married for two years. Cynthia love Azrail but he never bothered to glance her. But one accident change everything between them. The man who didnot bother to look at her past is now head heel over her. She should be happy but she is not. She feel like something is changed but what? A story of second chance,heartbreak,redemption..

Machine beep sound can be heard in the single room.The room is normal and has a single bed where a petite figure laid Lifelessly. Her body is attached with several machine.She has an oxygen mask on her face. She is looking so vulnerable. Her beautiful long brown hair is in a braid.She was looking like a broken doll.Her whole body has plaster and bandage.

"She is so young.I feel pity for her"Doctor Aurora said when concern pooled in her eyes

"Yes we still didn't find anything about her.Who is she? I just wonder what was going through to her family"Doctor Jack sighed telling this

"Yes I saw a diamond ring on her ring finger when they brought her.I think she is married"!

" Yeah I also think that.She was Calling someone names. A man's name. Maybe it's her husband "?

" It can be. She is out of danger now.But her child doctor Jack sighed mentioning to her dead child.He is also a father of two children he feels bad for the girl.

"I hope we can find her family soon. I am really worried about her". Doctor Aurora's eyes teared up seeing the girl in bad condition.

" We will darling don't worry"Doctor Aurora hugged her husband which he reciprocated. 

One month later:

Doctor Aurora was checking some files when she heard a cough.She instantly moved her eyes to the figure but was shocked and happy.

"Hey are you alright?" Doctor Aurora asked softly

The girl gestured something she didn't understand at first but when she looked at her.She was trying to catch her hand.Doctor Aurora instantly held her hand and looked at her. She gives her a gentle smile to assure her she is fine.

"W..where I" she asked. Her voice is very weak but Aurora heard it or moreover guess it.

"You are in hospital and you are safe " Doctor Aurora lightly squeezed her hand. 

"H..Hospital w..y w..what h...happened *cough* to me" she tried to ask but  coughed badly.

Doctor Aurora instantly put her oxygen mask on her.

She tried to protest but she didn't listen  to her 

"Hey Listen don't talk and don't take stress.You are safe now.You had an accident and you ended up here but now you are perfectly fine just some minor wounds.You will heal quickly" she gave her a beautiful smile.

The girl looked at the women. Don't know why she feels safe with her.She gives her a weak smile.

1 week later:

"Doctor Aurora room no 605 patient is calling you"A staff member informed her.

" Ok I am coming"Doctor Aurora got up and marched her feet to meet the girl.She had a beautiful smile on her face.

"So i see you are perfectly fine now" The girl moved her head hearing her voice.

"Yes and thanks to you" The girl smiled at her.

"Well that's my job but still welcome" Doctor Aurora giggled saying that.

"So now it's time for you to leave.Tell me your name so that I can contact your family" Doctor Aurora said her with a smile.

"My name is Cynthia. Cynthia Harrison.And my family didn't live here.My father, mother, brother, sister all are living in Singapore.I got married and came here. This is my husband hometown" she told her Aurora can sense a little sadness on her face when she mentioned her husband.

"I see! then give me your husband  phone number. We will contact him so that he can come here and take you to the home. I am sure he must be worried sick for his beautiful wife" Aurora said but she saw a little discomfort on Cynthia face.She is surprised that she didn't ask for her baby even once and she didn't even tell because she doesn't know how she took this news.Of course it's hard for a mother to bear the death of her children. She is also a mother of two childern.So she understand that.

"I think he is busy. He doesn't have to come. I can go just please call a cab for me" she said politely. 

Aurora brow furrowed hearing her.''What kind of man he is.Her wife is battling with death and he was busy with work.What bullshit work he is doing.You will give me his number immediately "Aurora told her with angry tone.She is pissed off hearing her.Aurora has a eye for people.She can see Cythia is not a fragile girl.She is strong.Because she can see it on her eyes when she talk with her.Then why she was so afraid of her husband.She feel suspicions. But no matter what happens she will not let her go alone.She will stay with her. 

Cynthia bit her lip and finally nodded.Aurora gave her the phone and she called her husband's number with nervousness.

The phone rings 2 times when someone picks up.Cynthia immediately becomes frozen.She gulped hard waiting for the reply.

" Hello"a deep male voice echoed to the silent room.Cynthia bit her lips to control her.She took a long breath and calmed her.

"It's me Cynthia" she told her with a lower tone.There is a pause on the other side of the phone.

"Hello, are you there?" Cythia asked. 

"C..Cynthia is this you"? Cynthia was shocked hearing his broken voice.He never sounded like that.He was sounding so desperate. His voice has a unbelievable tone.

Aurora was noticing everything. Something was off between them.But when she heard her husband's desperate voice she felt a little relieved. She was worried for the girl and thought many bad things but now she is relieved. 

" Yes I actu..."Before she could complete her sentence Aurora snatched the call from her and put it on her ear.

"Hello," she said and waited for the reply.

"Who are you?where is she? Give her the call "Aurora flinched hearing his angry desperate voice.He literally yelled at her.

Aurora clears her throat and calms her.

" She is in Moonshine hospital.I am doctor Aurora King. Your wife is admitted to our hospital. She has a big accident and went on a coma nearly 1 month.She just woke up and give me your number.I request you come here and do the formalities so that you can take her.She is fine now but her c..Aurora stopped seeing her face.I mean come here and get her"she told him professionally

"Give me the address" after a long pause she heard his deep voice but this time it's not angry. She can feel a longing in his voice.

"Ok " she said and cut the call.

Cythia who is just looking at everything blankly looks at Aurora.She doesn't know what he says but judging her expression she can guess a little.

"He is coming. I will get your stuff. Get ready to go home" Aurora smiled at her gently.

Cynthia smiled back and nodded. Aurora left the room and went to her chamber.Don't know why she is little relieved now.