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Mommy, Daddy Is A Billionaire!

Mommy, Daddy Is A Billionaire!




Jane Stratford was hired by a man from a rich family, who frequently fell ill, to become a surrogate in return for 80,000 dollars. Six years later, she came back with her two adorable children. She swore she would make her enemies pay for what they did. However, she bumped into a dominant CEO who looked identical to her children. “Lady, when did you steal my semen?"Brian Stewart asked. "Aren't you a sickly man who's also impotent?" Jane asked. Brian smirked devilishly. "Don't you know well enough whether I'm potent or not?" He asked. "Daddy and Mommy are going to have more children!"Nina Stratford exclaimed while clapping excitedly. "Daddy, you can have Mommy since you're handsome," James Stratford said proudly.

Jane Stratford nervously lay in bed in an examination room while a nurse, who wore medical gloves, examined her nether regions.

"Ms. Stratford, if we are to proceed with artificial insemination, your hymen will have to be torn," the nurse explained.

Jane's cheeks turned pink, her jaws clenching together.

Three months ago, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and coronary heart disease. The surgical fees, coupled with post-surgery treatment fees, added up to 80,000 dollars at the very least.

Where would a residential college student like her find that kind of money?

Left with no other option, Jane, through her friend's recommendation, decided to become a surrogate mother for a rich family's son. The man chose surrogacy because he couldn't have a child via conventional means.

As long as the operation was successful, Jane would be given 80,000 dollars in advance. Once the child was born, she'd be given a further 80,000 dollars.

Jane felt anxious. There wasn't much time left for her mother, so she made up her mind.

"It won't be a problem. When can I undergo the operation?"

"The operation can begin once you sign here," the nurse said, indicating a line at the bottom of a piece of paper.

After Jane had signed the surgical consent form, the nurse brought her into the operating theater. The operating theater occupied a large space, and it was divided into a few smaller operating units. The nurse pointed at one of the empty operating tables.

As Jane walked over to it, she caught a glimpse of a girl in the adjoining unit..The girl had her eyes closed. She seemed very young, much like Jane, and she had a very pretty face.

Jane figured that the girl was probably forced by helpless circumstances to become a surrogate mother, much like herself.

"Doctor, help me!"

A loud cry could suddenly be heard outside the operating theater followed swiftly by a huge commotion.

The surgical doctor hurried out as soon as Jane was administered anesthetics. A short time later, the operating theater's door, admitting a blurry figure who approached her stealthily. Thinking it was the doctor returning, Jane began to feel the effects of the anesthetics.

She didn't manage to get a clear view of the person's face before passing out.

As soon as the operation was over, Jane left the hospital, quickly turning her phone on. A message had arrived, indicating that someone had credited 80,000 dollars into her account.

Seeing the numbers, she released the breath she didn't realize she had been holding, feeling calm for the first time in months.

A bitter and self-mocking smile appeared on her face as she placed a fair hand on her flat stomach.

She was about to bear her first child.but it was for a stranger she had never even met. With this money, her mother would be able to receive treatment and hopefully make a full recovery. All she had to do was to make the payment.

Jane hailed a cab and hastily made her way to her mother's hospital.

"Mom..." Jane's voice trailed off when she saw the scene inside the ward. Her mother was no longer on the bed. A nurse was straightening items around the empty bed.

Jane's heart began to race as she peered around the ward, a sickening feeling growing at the pit of her stomach.

"Excuse me, Nurse?" she queried. "Where is my mother, Julie Stratford?"

"You must be Julie's daughter," the nurse replied, flashing a rueful look at her. "Your mother suffered from an acute myocardial infarction an hour ago and couldn't be saved. We tried to call you, but we could not get through. Since we couldn't get in touch with you, we have already moved the patient to the morgue."

Jane's mind went blank, and her face paled.She felt as if her heart had been crushed into pieces.

The act of breathing hurt, and tears streamed uncontrollably down her face.

An hour ago, Jane was in the operating theater, earning the money that should have saved her mother's life. She couldn't even see her mother one last time.

"No, that's impossible," she cried, shaking her head. "My mother was fine before I left. How could she have died so suddenly?"

She refused to believe it. Although her mother's ailment was severe, she had been conscious before Jane left the hospital. Even if her mother was in dire conditions, she couldn't possibly have died within an hour.

"Ms. Stratford, I know how difficult it is to accept this shocking news right away," the kind nurse said sympathetically.

"I'm very sorry for your loss." During these months while her mother had been severely ill, it had always been this young nurse who took care of her. But now that she was gone,Jane was truly all alone.

"Ms. Stratford," the nurse said, seemingly.recalling something out of a sudden. "A man and a woman came by to see your mother after you left today."

Hearing that, Jane's heart felt heavy."Who were they?"