
Let’s Read The Word

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Dauntless Viper

Dauntless Viper




He was born to lead the race track. He eager to make it to the top, but as he goes up one by one in his troupe is leaving him and it's driving him nuts. He lost his track over a year and now his a notorious drag racer in the red light district. Then he met this arrogant and daredevil racer. "Wanna have a race?" the challenger asked. "Why would I have a race with someone just came in." He sneered. "Ho ho, your the one who's new in here." The challenger came near to him and whisper. "I go by the name of, Dauntless Viper. Bet you've heard of it." The challenger smirked everyone around them are watching them. "Fine, I'm going to have a race with you." He said' "That's good to hear, I thought your going to forfeit." Viper sat on a chair and look at him intently. "Hmmm... I'm thinking of having a bet on our race, it'll be boring if we don't have one, right?" Viper smiled and the atmosphere became intense. "Okay I'm on it." "Good then, so here is it. If you win the race I'll help you to be the number one." Everyone around them gasped. He cocked his head and raised his eyebrow. Viper enjoys his expression that he's showing. "But if I win you need to obey me." His jaw gape when he heard Viper's conditions. Viper stood up, "If I were you, I'd better close my mouth now you might eat up a poor fly." Viper mock him. He clench his fist. "I'll make sure you're going to lose." He yelled. "Will see about that." Viper went to the car. "Goodluck to us." Will he be able to win the race? If he will win, he's going to be the number one racer!

"Good thing you came"

"Why, I came here as soon as possible when I heard what you said." She answered while parking her car.

"I know you shouldn't be here anymore." Her brother said while having a hand signal then he tap the back of the car. She put her head out of the window.

"I still have a flight to catch up later, Yila."

"Yeah, I know that but someone wanna compete with our great Viper." Then he rub her hair.

"Ah! Stop messing with my hair." She dab his hand and open the door and push it. Yila groan in pain when the door hit his legs.

"Make it fast." She said irritatedly then she look at him devilishly.

"Yeah, yeah It'll be fast it's just one lap. So no need to worry about it." Yila said and cling to her shoulder.

"Ah! Get off me." She pulled Yila's hand and twisted it.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Damn it Viper it's fucking hurts. If my hand will be broken I cannot work on the shop." She released him.

"This is my last race, I won't have to race anymore. You know what happen the last I did this kind of thing." She clench her fist.

"I know it, and no one will ever forget that incident, except if you want to forget it. You know what I mean."

"I don't want to have a reminiscing memory with that, and there are still missing piece of my memory that I haven't retrieve yet. I tried to remember but it's giving me headache and nausea feeling." Yila tried to messed up again with her hair but she caught immediately his hand.

"Can you keep that arm of yours, if not I'll cut it." She gritted her teeth and Yila pulled out his hand quickly.

"Where's the car?"

"It is over there." Yila pointed the green mustang, "I upgraded some parts of it already." Yila become alerted when Viper put up her hand and tap his shoulder, Yila sighed.

"Good job, a very, very good job." She smiled widely that it almost reach her ears.

Yila lowered his head and whisper through Viper's ear.

"See the man sitting down on the bench in front of the white lamborghini?" he whispered.

"Yeah I can see clearly and vividly." She was trying to tease Yila with her answer.

"He was the one who ask for this match."

"Sooo? I don't want to know about it anymore, all I need now is to win this race and get may ass out of here." Her eyes rolled and she walk faster, then sh paused in a moment. She tilt her head and studying the man who Yila just pointed out, he seems so familiar but she can remember him. Then be move four steps backward.

"Hey, Yi who is he?" She ask.

"I thought you don't need to know him." Yila just shrugged his shoulder.

"He look familiar to me?" She eyebrows curve as curiosity runs through her mind.

"Why don't you ask him by your self." Yila Answered and he smirked.

"Argh Yila I'm going to kill you for real if your not going to answer me properly!" She yelled in hr frustration.

"Fine, fine I'll answer you this time." He said, "He's a famous NASCAR Racer."

"Who? I mean there's a lot of racer in NASCAR." She look at him madly.

"He's the number two." Yila put his hands on his waist.

Viper eyes grew wider when she heard who is the man is.

"But, what I he doing in here?" She asked curiously.

"Haven't you heard that he was became rebellious, this past years, I mean he became rebellious a year ago."

"It just last years!?" She bursted out and made her pause from walking.

"Shush lower your voice. Yeah it just last year the rumor said that he became like that because his lover left him without any words, he gave up his career to look for his lover. Unfortunately the rumored lover just disappeared like a bubble, nowhere to be found. " Yila explained.

"How sad, but it doesn't make sense." She just shrugged her shoulder and continued to walk.

As she came near to the man the crowd goes wild when they saw her.

"Viper is here." Someone shouted then she wave her hand as she's walking on a runaway.

"Viper! Viper! Viper!" Everyone is cheering for her.

"Thank you." She muttered and winked the crowd became so loud when she did that.

She came get to her car and check it first.

"Hey are you just going to ignore." A man said she turned and look at him.

"Nope, I'm just checking first my car before I talk to you." She said and turned her back, she bent over to check the tire. Someone whistled. She just ignored it, but the man behind her cover her back.

"No need to cover it, I'm used to it." She said and stood up.

"I'm not doing this because I care, Im just doing this because I don't like to see a someone being mock in front of me." He said.

"Sorry mister but I'm use to it, and I don't care if they disrespect me. Just mind your own business." She put her hand in her waist and raise her eyebrow then se rolled her eyes. "Since your here, be sure to finish the race soon, I had a flight to catch."

"Soon for real!? I want to have some time with the famous racer in here." He Tease her.

"For your information mister, you called me here to have a race. Haven't it!?" She look at him intently.

"Yes, but it'll be boring if it is just a race isn't it?" He tilt his head and he smirked.

Viper scoff, "Really your bored with that kind of sense, if your bored with it I won't be having a race with someone like you." She almost busted out because of anger, she slowly clench her fist. She's started to feel irritated with the situation. "Fine since you say it is boring why don't we have a deal with it!? Since your the challenger, I'll be the one to set the rules and the condition." She smiled and come closer then she pulled his collar. "So I'll be the one to set the rules, conditions and it's benefits."

"Benefits!?" He asked curiously his eyebrow curve.

"Yeah, If I win, never ever disturb everyone in this district just to fulfill your needs." She said and looked at him studiously.

"Okay, but if I win you'll help me win at the Cup series." He said snigger.

"Okay I'll deal with that." She offered her right hand to make the deal official. The man seems to be curious about why would she dare to deal with him as soon as possible.

"What's the problem?" She asked.

"Ah nothing, okay it's a deal." He answered, he was about to touch her hand when they both feel a tingly sensation. They both took a step back and they look at each other. As there eyes meet, there is a curiosity run through their mind. She broke the silence with a giggle.

"Maybe it just a friction because I kept on rubbing my hands a while ago." then she turned her back and go to the woman whose holding a two flag and talk to her for a bit. Then she came back and ask him

"Shall we start now!?" She asked nervously and she went inside her car.

"O-okay." He was stuttering and he head also in his car.

A woman holding a two flag and announced: "Are you ready players?" The woman asked.

"Ready!" They both answered and they started their car. The engine of the roared loudly as the crowd because wild again.

"You know the rules, always follow the green light until the finish line, and you need to pull the flag from the finish line." She said. "If you take a shortcut you'll be disqualified." She said and she squealed.

"Ready, on your March, go!" She yelled and wave the flag down.

As the flags go down she stepped into the gas pedal. Then she maneuver the gear level and she lead the race.

They haven't gone to the middle when she heard a police siren.

"Oh shit!" She coursed and she smack her steering wheel. She looked at her side but she couldn't see the other. "Double shit." She said. She slowed down a bit to wait but no one is coming that why she reverse the car and went back to where she last seen him.

She was midway when she noticed a smoke from a far.

"Goddammit! Hope that it wasn't him." She was praying, but it's already late for her prayers. She saw the car bump in the concrete barriers. She went down to her car to find him, but she found him bathing in blood, she tried to tap his cheeks and wake him up.

"Hey, hey wake up." She said again and again. "Come on don't sleep!" And tap again his cheek.

The man open up a bit his eyes, he is trying to recognizing her.

"Who are you?" He asked and put up his hand trying to reach her but it didn't make it because he got unconscious again.

"Darn it!" She cursed again