
Let’s Read The Word

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Counterback of the Divine Emperor

Counterback of the Divine Emperor



Qin Tian, of royal lineage, was a spoiled child in his young age. It was only when the mountains and rivers broke apart that he finally awoke. Wielding the Xuan Ice Sword, he led hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers to resist the enemy and took the post of Luo City's Defense General! The Battle of Luo City resulted in nearly all of the three hundred thousand elite soldiers being slaughtered. Despite being pierced through the heart by thousands of arrows, his soul miraculously crossed over to a different world, marking the start of a new journey! Qin Tian, the young master of the Qin family in the Tian Luo Continent, was also a pampered child from childhood. He was severely injured by the children of the Lin family and eventually died from his injuries! Unexpectedly, another Qin Tian who had crossed over took over his body, beginning an extraordinary path! "Martial Arts" or "Wu", is a pursuit of mankind, drawing natural energy into oneself, defying the heavens, seizing the essence of the earth and sky, and merging them into one's body. Standing tall against the vast sky and respecting all living things! Symbolizing "Wu"!

"Charge! Archers, get ready! Fire!"

Ah, pear blossoms are all fallen, their petals adrift for more than thirty miles, until they buoyant flowers and frivolous stamen are all gone, leaving you in solitude.

The gates of the city are wide open, iron-clad knights trod upon the corpses to enter the city, outside the city gates, desolation prevails! Shouts and killing, soaring to the heavens. "Ha ha, haha! A lifetime of fame is buried in a single moment, the intricate affairs of the kingdom, ludicrously bereft of a king's command! I, Qin Tian, refuse to concede! I cannot concede!"

Three hundred thousand men, an entire army of three hundred thousand, all slaughtered! This was the last hope of Luo City! Why? Why did such a thing occur? Why! Why did you do this!

The roar of rage stirred the clouds, the echoing voice, sword propping up the ground, this profound ice sword that had accompanied him for twelve years, had also reached its end today. The migratory birds overhead returned to their nests, Qin Tian fell face-up to the ground, his eyes becoming moist. Luo City was still taken, Father! Mother! Big brother! Little sister! We've lost, we've lost! I've failed your expectations!

"Hmph! Luo City has fallen, and there's no power to turn the tide! You refuse to concede? What use is that? Your Qin Family's time has run out! Fire!"

Atop a majestic horse, a man of roughly sixty years old harrumphed, his voice robust, though already in his sixties, his vigor rose to the heavens, with dragon breath swirling above his head! Seeing this, the army behind him cheered, shouting 'Long Live the Emperor'.

"Father! No, don't do this! You promised me, after the fall of Luo City, you said you would…"

"Silence! Hmph, attendants! Escort the young lady back to the city! Fire!"


Whizz! Whizz! Whizz! With the sound of bowstrings, a rain of arrows descended. Qin Tian threw his head back and howled, from the corner of his eyes, a clear tear slid down, pear petals danced before his eyes, at that moment, remembering childhood murmurs, the scenes blurring, within his pupils, a rain of arrows descended.

"If there is a next life, I, Qin Tian, will definitely not be a profligate! If heaven gives me another chance, I will be a dragon among men! If time could rewind, I, Qin Tian, will never trust any woman again!”

At this moment, Qin Tian came to realise his regrets, but it was all too late, having been a profligate for so many years, it had taken until the city had fallen apart for him to finally wake, sadly, he had passed his prime for cultivation, even though he had talent, he could not reach the realm his father had in the past. Facing the millions of troops, everything seemed so pale and powerless!

Qin Tian died, a thousand arrows pierce his heart! With Qin Tian's fall, the Qin family's bloodline came to an end, three out of the four cities had been broken! The final victor was the enemy!

"No! My dear Qin, Qin! Why, why is the outcome like this! Why! I did not go back on my initial oath, the news of Luo City's hidden soldiers was not disclosed by me! Not me, not me!"

Boom! A thunderclap filled with desolation rang out in the sky, followed by heavy rain. The icy water rinsed everything in its wake, hitting Qin Tian's cold and lifeless body. The ground shook under the stampede of thousands of soldiers. The city was breached!

The Battle of Luo City! Three hundred thousand soldiers fell under the blades, their souls lost forever. Every captive was slaughtered without exception. If you don't pull out the roots when mowing the grass, the wind will naturally bring it back to life. Luo City was obliterated and not even the common folks of the city could escape their grim fate of being belatedly murdered.

The wind wailed, the smell of gunpowder filled the air, and the blood flowed for miles. The aggrieved souls didn't disperse!


In the land of Tian Luo, power ruled supreme. There were countless sects, occupied by numerous strong warriors.

Inside Qin's residence in Pingdu.

"Lady, please take solace in your grief. Young Master Qin, he...he...sigh!"

Pain! Excruciating pain that gripped his whole body. Qin Tian, in his faint state, had an instinctive feeling that every part of his body was convulsing, and his chest seemed to have been pierced by thousands of arrows.

"Am I not dead? Impossible. Luo City was captured, invaded by millions of lions, and I was shot right through the heart. How could I still be alive?"

His consciousness was a bit hazy, but the physical pain he was feeling was distinctly real. His eyelids felt heavy, and he couldn't muster the strength to open them. At this moment, Qin Tian was like someone bound by a hold spell; although his mind was somewhat clear, he couldn’t wake up.

Around him, he could hear sighs and the sound of women sobbing. As Qin Tian's mind was filled with confusion, a flood of unknown memories rushed into his consciousness.

"Tian Luo continent? Young Master Qin Tian? What is this? Have I traveled to another world?"

Memories continued to refresh in his mind, and soon, Qin Tian was at a loss for words.

Yes, Qin Tian had crossed worlds. The most absurd part was that he had crossed into the body of a wastrel. It was not known if it was a coincidence, but this wastrel was also named Qin Tian. The annoying part was that this young man named Qin Tian was even more decadent than he had been in his younger days!

Oh brother! Peeping at maids bathing at the age of six, visiting brothels at the age of eight, and ending his virgin life at the age of twelve. This...this was too... decadent! This was genuine decadence! Compared to him, he himself seemed rather lackluster!

After the integration of memories, Qin Tian, who was in a coma, gradually became familiar with this continent. This Tain-ro continent was an exotic one, where above it, there was no so-called monarchy existing. The continent was so vast, none could estimate how much larger it was than the world he used to know. On this continent, strength was revered, and power was the only hard truth.

"Hehe, never thought that after traveling across dimensions, I would still be a young master of nobility."

Qin Tian laughed, motionlessly lying on a luxurious golden silkwood bed. At the head of the bed, there was a beautifully dressed woman with a sorrowful expression on her face; it seemed like she had just cried.

Not far from the door, there was a middle-aged man around forty. His fingers were clenched tightly. If one observed carefully, they would be astonished to find out, the air around this middle-aged man was actually being oppressed into a vacuum by some mysterious force!

"Master, about young master Tian..."

"Humph! Well done, Lin family! Do you think our Qin family no longer has people? If anything serious were to happen to Tian'er this time, I, Qin Xiong swear I will wipe out every descendant of their Lin family!"


His voice boomed like a bell toll, exuding a stark coldness. The sound kept echoing in the room. After his words fell, Qin Xiong grasped the air so forcefully that it seemed to explode. In the next moment, a terrifying aura flooded the whole room.


Experiencing this momentum, Qin Tian, who was lying on the bed, was greatly shocked and almost jumped up.

"Frightening! Is...Is this the aura of a martial general? If...I had such strength back then, Luo City wouldn't have fallen so easily. Is this...the warrior's aura in this world? Truly powerful!"

Qin Tian was deeply struck, this was strength! This was what he yearned for the most when Luo City fell. Now, having received a second chance at life, Qin Tian vowed to devote himself to cultivating. He would make sure not to repeat the tragedy of his past life.

The Qin Tian in his memories had exceptional natural talent but despised martial arts. In his opinion, dull cultivation could not rival the enjoyment of a leisurely and happy life.

Exactly for this reason, this Qin Tian's cultivation skill had always been stuck, and he had failed to break through to the Warrior stage. Among people of his age, he was merely seen as a waste.

In the Tain-ro continent, the martial stages from low to high were: Martial Apprentice, Warrior, Martial Instructor, Grand Martial Instructor, Martial General, Martial Marshal, Martial King, Martial Emperor, Martial Venerable, Martial Saint, and Martial God - a total of eleven levels!

It is known as the eleven levels, but strictly speaking, the realm of Martial Disciple isn't considered a legitimate stage. Only after breaking through to the Warrior Realm, can one be considered a qualified martial practitioner.

Currently, after his rebirth, Qin Tian's cultivation base can only be considered at the peak of Martial Disciple. Although it seems like he can easily break through to the Warrior Realm, the difficulty in achieving this cannot be explained in just a few words. The step from Martial Disciple to Warrior, is considered a slight bottleneck within the realm of martial arts, and it isn't easily surmountable. Some martial artists with lower talents struggle to overcome this challenge, throughout their lives!

Given the Qin family's status within the capital city, they have naturally invited many alchemists in an attempt to help Qin Tian break through to the Warrior Realm. However, Qin Tian despises this practice so much that he secretly gets rid of all the elixirs the Qin family bought at great expense.

This is why Qin Tian has been unable to break through to the Warrior realm.

"Master you..."

"My wife, please rest assured, this time, I will not hold back. If the Lin family wants to court death, then this time, I'll..."

"Cough, cough..."

As the tense atmosphere lingered, Qin Tian, who was originally assumed to be dead and was laying on the golden thread wooden bed, suddenly coughed. Then, to the disbelief of everyone present, he sat up.

"Sigh~ My head hurts so bad!"

Qin Tian grimaced in pain, perhaps due to the oppression generated by Qin Xiong's previous aura. Under this kind of pressure, his soul finally fully merged with his body.

"What happened to me?"

Feigning confusion, Qin Tian weakly shook his head. It wasn't an act. Although he had been reborn, his physical injuries had not fully recovered. And given that his cultivation was still only at the Martial Disciple level—despite having consumed a considerable amount of spiritual elixirs—the injuries couldn't heal that quickly.

But Qin Tian's awakening considerably lightened the grim mood of the furious Qin Xiong. His son might have been a bit of a troublemaker, but he was still his son after all.

Qin's mother embraced Qin Tian and wept with joy, which left him feeling embarrassed. Although he appeared to be only fifteen or sixteen, his spirit was actually already thirty years old.

This embarrassment was fleeting, however, as it soon melted into warmth.

"So this is what a mother's embrace feels like? It's really warm."

Tears welled up in Qin Tian's eyes, increasing his longing for power. The incidents in Luo City had made it abundantly clear to him that only by gaining overwhelming strength to crush his enemies, could he ensure the safety of his loved ones. Excessive trust would only be a stumbling block on his warrior path. The more beautiful the woman, the less trustworthy she is!

If it weren't for that woman, Luo City would not have been defeated so thoroughly!

In his previous life, it was his excessive trust in women that led to the tragedy in Luo City. This time, he vowed to prioritize his own judgment, to not fall for sweet words ever again!