
Let’s Read The Word

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The Last Cinderella

The Last Cinderella




"I'll make you happy. I am serious." "But Ty, I'd dated your brother. People will think of me as-" "I'll make you love me. I promise." ---- Lorien Adasha Daniel, an ordinary female student that wanted to keep a low profile at school as she never dreamed of becoming the center of attraction. But fate seemed to disagree with her. Deciding to have her breakfast at her most favourite coffee shop, Lorien accidentally stained somebody's shirt with her coffee. And that person just happened to be Milo Ellis - a member of one of the famous band (Zenith) in their city - that is how she became good friends with him and the rest of the group. As their friendship grew and grew, Lorien and Milo had realized their feelings for one another. With the help of the rest of the band, they eventually got together but unfortunately, their relationship did not last for long. Lorien had witnessed him and Odette - Milo's ex - kissing and that alone, was enough for Lorien to demand for a break up. Heartbroken and while on the stage of moving on, Tybalt - Milo's younger brother - just had to approach Lorien and confessed that he's liked her for a long time. While she knows for a fact that Milo is not easily replaced in her heart, Tybalt never gave up on her. Will he manage to win Lorien's heart and replace his older brother? Why did Milo cheat on Lorien? There has to be one truth and one lie in all this; all that I can say is that, being a fan can be not fun at all.

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight! We love you!"

Shouted the lead vocalist of the band that just had their concert over Willrey City from the television. I yawned, placing my feet upon the coffee table then turning the television off and scrolled through my phone.

I looked through into my favourite social medias accounts: Titter; Stargram; and Snoppyshot. Being alone and bored is not good, I feel like dying. With a groan, I put my phone back to the center table and gone to the kitchen to get some food.

Well hello folks, my name is Lorien Adasha Daniel if you all ask. Also, I'm turning eighteen two months from now and I'm in my junior year in high school. I am living with my mom here in Stanford, while I don't know my father's whereabouts. Don't misunderstand that, I mean my parents aren't divorced or separated. My father's super workaholic; he goes place to place. I don't even remember when was the last time we saw each other, seriously. I've lived in the city of Wigston just until thirteen years old, my dad has been relocated so we had to move to another city. To be honest, I never really wanted to leave Wigston. I had my friends there and I promised to never leave but I was way too young that time that I couldn't do anything. Our relatives had some issues so my parents will never let me live with them, I don't have any idea why but they told me that it is best not to know. Anyway, it wasn't hard making friends over here in Stanford. The school where I'm studying really has good people, I never felt unwelcomed and isolated so it's all good.

And, that's it.

Welcome to my boring life.

And since today is Saturday, I am all left alone here at our house. Mother must be out shopping today, too. If you care, my mother had a job in tourism back then and obviously, my parents had met in an airplane. She was a flight attendant while my father was off to another country for his work as always. Now that she's married with him, father had asked her to quit on her job. She was against it, my mother loved doing her work despite of having been standing all day and checking on the passengers. But then I came and had been born, mother needed to quit and my dad never let her get back to work.

My father was really clever though, he knew she'd be mad so he had told her that she could go shopping every time she wants. My mom loves shopping for clothes and make-ups, well it isn't so surprising. Don't flight attendants always have make-up on and seemed to be so fashionable? It's a good thing though, we don't need to ask for someone else's help to dress me up whenever there's an occasion, for I have a cool woman in the house which is my own mother.

But anyway, today though, I am all left alone with nothing to do. Mom had gone out and the house's so quiet and empty, I could not spend another minute in here. Just as I got into my room, I threw on a light blue sweatshirt and pants before grabbing my phone from the bed and stormed out of the house.

Kofibucks it is.

I maybe the nerdy girl at our school, the awkward and the dead kid, I really wanted to keep a low profile in school, I don't want too much attention. I don't know why some wanted to be the center of attraction all the time; you'll have all eyes on you and feel like being watched 24/7. Gah, I'd hate that, plus it's creepy. Don't popular people get stalkers? Oh I would never want that. Anyhow, we're getting off topic here, I'm saying too much, I'm just one of the people that has this crazy obsession over Kofibucks. It was my mom's fault, just kidding, no but it was practically her fault haha. If she hadn't brought me to Kofibucks that day we were shopping for new dresses, I would not be so crazy over it.

Once I get inside, I sprinted into the line and ordered my usual. Once it's finished, I've found a vacant table and took a seat, brought out my phone then resting my feet over the table and scrolled up and down through some of my social media accounts as I was sipping on my coffee.

This is my life.

And oh yeah, I'm also a fangirl. Well every girl in this generation is a fan of somebody, so it is not surprising that I am one of them, you could be one of us too. Anyway, I am fangirl-ing over some boy bands and solo artists but not as crazy as some girls are. I don't really like going to concerts and being on a huge crowd, but I've been into one, and God is it so suffocating. I really felt like I was dying. I sipped on my coffee and retweeted Zen's recent tweet. I replied to it in hopes he'll finally notice me but it just didn't happen, sigh it just don't happen. Celebrities must have been really annoyed to their fans, they had to clear all of their notifications time after time.

Feeling bored yet again, I stood up from my seat and walked to the exit to leave Kofibucks when I ran into someone. Worst is, I stained his shirt with my coffee. Great.

"Oh my.." I heard him whisper from above me, he was really tall and yes it was a he. This is embarrassing considering that the person was a guy and people can see.

I backed away as I roll my eyes, swallowing my embarrassment and sassed, "Don't worry about it, I'll pay you. I would even buy you a new shirt if you want to."

"Dude, are you okay?" I heard someone else asks him and I raised my head a little to take a look at him, gee there's five of them. This one could be the leader and command his followers to beat me up. Oh Lord, help me...

"Y-yeah," he chuckles as I finally looked up only to see him smiling down at me. His messed up blonde hair almost covering his face from looking downwards, his blue oceanic eyes shining down at me and staring right into my plain brown ones. "Yes, I'm okay. I just got my shirt stained with coffee."

"Ooh, and that's your new shirt." The one with a black cap replied with laughter, he has a beard and looked like he's in his 30's.

"Nah, it's okay. Don't worry about it, it's perfectly fine." The blonde haired guy tell him, as I squinted my eyes and stared at all five of them. I feel like I know them, have I met with these guys before? As I tilted my head over to the side, I saw a brunette boy with hazel brown eyes just behind the blonde haired one. I really feel like I know them but I just couldn't remember where I saw them.

Until the brunette forced a smile at me and returned his eyes down to his phone, a bulb appeared upon my head with a ding!

"Aren't you...." I started mumbling.

"...Zenith?" The blonde continued and let out a soft giggle, I slapped my own forehead; face becoming red all the way through my ears.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I exclaimed with a bow. "I-I didn't mean.. I didn't do it on purpose, and I'm so sorry for giving you guys an attitude."

He laughs, just too cute to see. "It's fine. It's just a shirt, it's no big deal. And by the way, hi, I'm Milo." He extended his hand while I just stare down at it; not knowing what to do. I'm still in shock, the fact that standing right in front me is that famous band - Zenith.

Then Milo giggles as I mentally slap my forehead. "Oh, I-I'm Lorien." I slowly take his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Lorien." Milo smiles down to me and I nearly melted, just like an ice cream under the sun.

"And you too, Milo." I replied, pulling my hand from his as I added, "I'm so terribly sorry, I'll pay you as soon as possible."

"Pay me, huh?" Milo smirked, looking over his shoulders as his friends shrugged. "How does joining us sound? That will do, so would you mind?"

"If that counts as my payment then why not?" He giggles once more, as I faced my back and looked for a table for six. Milo rested a hand on my upper back and I felt warmth from it as well as the warmth of my face. As we found a table for us all, Milo pulls a chair away from the table that's beside him for me to sit. I couldn't believe that the Milo Ellis is offering me a seat.

THE Jacob Milos Ellis. Anyone would die to be in my position, oh my.