
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Candy FG



All my life I've lived to meet the expectations of Alpha Damian, who rescued me in the hands of rogues six years back when I was coming home from school. I lost my family on the night of the rogue attack. My father was the mastermind of the dubious attack on our pack, he colluded with rogues to take down the Alpha. My mum lost her life in the fight. My life was on the line as well but Alpha Damian rescued and spared my life after hearing of my father's betrayal and atrocities to the pack. Alpha Damian took me in as a maid, under careful watch so I don't take on my father's footsteps. I was grateful he spared my life but after six years of loyalty, the Alpha requested for the unspoken to me. "You want me to carry your child?" I questioned in shock. Alpha Damian has been married to Luna Hazel for the past four years and has no signs of having a child. The anxiety of the pack members heightened. This forced the Alpha into making this drastic decision. Yielding to his request wasn't it all, Hazel had something else planned out for me when she found out, I was the alpha's true mate. I also found out about this on my first transition. Her insecurities pushed her into planning on ending my life cos I also knew one of her biggest secrets and this wasn't just not bearing children but why she's not bearing any. I overheard her plans and ran away from the pack to secure my life and that of the alpha's unborn child.

Nalda sauntered out of her room with her school socks on her hand and her cell phone struggling to balance between her shoulder and ear.

She was on a call with her friend.

"Mum, my breakfast!" Nalda screamed while trying to put on her socks.

Her mum walked up to her and whispered in her ears.

"We've got guests so lower your voice. Nalda, you've got a project to finish up with Sonia back in school right?"

Nalda stared at her suspiciously. Her mum wasn't the type to go around asking her anything concerning her school and it was weird, seeing her mum tiptoe inside the house.

Nalda pulled her mum closer.

"Mum, is everything okay? Are we being held captive?" She asked in a lower tone.

Her mum chuckled and threw Nalda 's breakfast inside her school bag.

"Stop being silly. Don't bother coming home early today, spend some time with Sonia. Our guests aren't leaving anytime soon and you know how much your father respects his guests" she said and dragged Nalda along with her.

Nalda got to the door and still couldn't brush off her mum's suspicious act.

"Just a minute mum!" Nalda uttered and ran up in the direction of her father's bedroom.

She peeped through the door hole and saw strange faces murmuring with her father with a huge map hung in front of them.

Her mum ran to her and dragged her out of there.

She nagged Nalda for pulling a stunt like that.

Nalda headed to school and her mind was crowded with thoughts and suspicions about what she saw today, she had a hunch, that things weren't fine. Her parents have been acting weird for the past few days. They are either late outside or have suspicious guests at home.

And to make matters worse Nalda knew all her father's acquaintances.

Nalda is the only daughter of her parents and she's currently fourteen and still hasn't gotten her wolf yet. Everyone at school ridiculed her and some even mocked her for her predicament but it never bothered her. Her mum had a similar situation when growing up so this gave Nalda the confidence she could ever ask for.

She went to school and hung out with her best friend, Sonia.

Throughout the day, Nalda couldn't brush off the thoughts about her father's strange guests.

After school, she reminded her mum's warnings to her not to come home early after school.

"Nalda, your mum called. She said we should spend some time together. Let's go to my place" Sonia cut in through Nalda's thought.

Sonia's words to her made it even more clear to her that something fishy was going on or something dangerous was going to take place.

"I'm sorry, Sonia but I can't hang out with you today. See you tomorrow!" She said and ran along.

When she got to her house, the door was left wide open.

"Mum... Dad!" Nalda called out slowly as she walked in.

She looked around the house and couldn't find her parents.

She headed out to look for them but then she saw numerous rogues running up in the direction of the pack house.

Nalda ran to a corner to take shield but then she heard her father's voice.

"Don't spare anyone!" He growled in his wolf form.

Nalda ran out of her hiding spot to have a careful look at her father, indeed it was her father.

She covered her mouth in shock.

'Dad's rebelling!' She gasped in her head.

Nalda was still in a state of shock when she saw her mum running into the pack house in her wolf form as well.

"Mum.." she gushed and took on her heels.

Nalda ran to the pack house to stop her mum if possible.

Running to the pack house, many of the rogues were lying on the ground dead.

Nalda covered her mouth in shock so she didn't gasp out any word. At this point, her eyes were glistening with tears already. She had a hunch already about what her parent's fate was.

"Mum...!" Nalda called out in a shaky tone.

She kept running around in search of her parents and just then her injured mum was thrown from the roof of the pack house when she landed on the ground, and blood gushed out of her mouth.

"Mummmm!!!!!" Nalda screamed as tears streamed down her cheeks. She ran over to Mum and bent over.

Her scream alerted most of the rogues nearby and they thought of her as an enemy so they ran in her direction to attack her.

They were about to puncture their claws on her skin when Alpha Damian showed up from nowhere and then brushed them off with his sharp claws giving them a heavy cut on their chests.

His fangs were sticking out angrily. His amber eyes gleamed red cos of anger.

He stood before Nalda, protecting her.

Alpha Damian's beta showed up from behind and attacked the rest of the rogues.

Nalda's Dad dropped dead on the rooftop after having a tough fight with the alpha.

Nalda watched the tough fights between the rogues and the alpha and also her mum who was lying dead before her eyes, she passed out before she knew what was happening.

Damian was twenty-two years old when this happened.



Nalda wiped her hands with a napkin and rushed out of the kitchen at the mention of her name in the sitting room.

"Prepare something delicious today. Damian and I are expecting a special guest today and also my bedroom should be sparkling, not the slightest dust should be found there!" Hazel instructed meanly and she smiled a scrolled through her phone.

Hazel is Alpha Damian's Luna. They got wedded four years ago.

"Yes, ma'am" Nalda bowed to her request and left for the kitchen.

Years back after the rogue attack and the loss of Nalda's parents, Alpha Damian took her in as a maid cos that was the only suitable job he could offer to a traitor's daughter. Nalda was more than grateful to be at the mercy of the alpha.

'She looks uglier when she smiles' Celia, Nalda's wolf said.

Nalda chuckled loudly. Hazel turned to her direction.

"Did you just laugh at me?" Hazel grunted like a psychic.

Nalda frowned immediately.

"I wouldn't dare!" She lied and turned back to what she was doing.

Nalda derived joy in all she does. Ever since she got her wolf Celia a year ago, she's been the happiest. She feels complete having Celia.

Alpha Damian walked into the sitting room with his beta Asher next to him.

Damian has golden eyes, hairy and veiny arms, broad shoulders, and clear skin. His appearance isn't only sexy but domineering also.

"Honey, how was your talk with the elders? Did they agree to your request?" Hazel asked calmly as she changed seats.

She sat next to Damian with her arm wrapped around his.

Damian has been having struggles calming down the elders of the pack regarding his childless situation.

"I think their fears have heightened compared to the last time, we discussed it but don't worry, I've got this. I'll try to convince them when I get a chance" Damian stated and Nalda walked in on them with a tray of chilled glasses of juice.

She served it on the center table.

Damian looked up at her with a frown but in that instant, his wolf with Celia connected.

"Couldn't someone else do this? Why does it have to be you all the time? Why are you everywhere?" Damian grunted irritatedly.

Ever since Nalda got her wolf, he has been having weird and strange feelings regarding her. On second thought, he had a hunch about Nalda being his mate but he rejected it every time it crossed his mind.

"What are you still doing here? Scram!" Hazel barked glaring at Nalda.

Nalda ran out with her tray.

Asher stared at her from where he was seated.

He always felt sorry for her whenever Damian treated her coldly. He kept staring till Damian snapped his fingers before his eyes.

"You were also there when the elders spoke out their minds so what do you suggest I do? I can't be living without an heir, I have to secure my child's place before anything happens to me" Damian emotionally blackmailed him.

Asher smirked and picked up his glass of juice. He sipped on it.

"How about a surrogate? Have you ever thought of it? Since Hazel is fine according to the doctors. Why not get a surrogate mum?" He suggested.

Damian looked at Hazel and his face brightened up.

"Hon, why haven't we thought of this?" He asked with a bright smile.

Hazel forced a smile on and kissed his cheeks.

"You're so right, honey. That's such a brilliant idea, Asher" She uttered faking a laugh.

Damian smiled at Asher. He felt so proud at that moment.

"A surrogate!" Damian smirked.


Damian lay down on his gigantic bed facing the ceiling. He just couldn't fall asleep.

'Celia!' his wolf just kept calling out for Nalda's wolf.

Damian groaned loudly cos the more his wolf called out to her, the harder it was for him to stop thinking about Nalda.

"Just stop calling to her!" He groaned frustratedly.

He couldn't take it anymore so he sneaked out to the maid's quarters downstairs.

Damian got to Nalda's door grabbed the doorknob, he cracked the door open silently.

Peeping through the door, Nalda was completely naked. She just got out of the shower, she was drying up her hair first before putting on anything.

Damian shut his eyes and all he could see was Nalda's beautiful curves and soft-looking ass.

The imagination only made things worse, it awoken the wolf in him.

He walked into the room and shut the door behind him.

Nalda turned around in shock. She swiftly covered her breast with her arms.

"Alpha..!" Nalda gasped out.

Damian fixed his eyes on her, he bit his lower lips and moaned out silently.

'Just do it! She's your maid after all. Just have s*x with her' His wolf urged but Damian moved closer to her and her shampoo fragrance swept his nose.

Damian got even harder, he grabbed Nalda's neck sexually breathing hot air down her face.

Nalda flinched not knowing why but deep inside of her, she wanted Damian to do more to her. She looked up at his fleshy juicy pink lips and breathed out warm air.

"Nalda! Nalda!" Hazel called along the lobby.

Damian dragged Nalda into the bathroom with him and turned on the shower.

Hazel walked to the door and heard the sound of the shower then she walked away.

Damian was getting drained under the shower with Nalda in between his arms.

Nalda's heartbeat accelerated. The sound of her heartbeat made Damian get back to his senses and he shoved her off.

"Shut your door when next you're getting into the shower!" He spoke rudely and walked out of the room.


Damian left the pack house to the office. Hazel excused every other employee except for Nalda.

She thought Nalda went grocery shopping not knowing that Nalda was sleeping soundly in her room. After her encounter last night with Damian, Celia has been way too excited for her good. She even made Nalda skip her morning duties so she could dream more about it.

Nalda woke up and it was past 12, her eyes widened in shock when she glanced at the wall clock.

She jumped out of her bed and then out of her room. Heading out, she noticed no one was home.

It was weird and strange at the same time. The pack house has never been this empty before. She looked around hoping to see anyone but then she heard some thudding sound coming from the guest room.

Nalda hit her head gently.

She completely forgot about the guest.

She headed to the guest room to ask if he was fine or needed anything since all the workers weren't home.

She got to the room, the door was slightly open.

Nalda turned around to leave but then a thought crossed her mind and she peeped through the door.

Hazel was on top of the guest, riding him completely nude.

Nalda gasped in shock and Hazel turned around but Nalda ran off so fast and hid herself in a corner covering her mouth. She still couldn't believe what she saw.