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The Alpha's Slave Mate

The Alpha's Slave Mate

Author:Justin Sam



Alex is the most feared lycan in the Werewolf kingdom.he is feared and respected by all.Every shewolf wants to have something to do with him but there is one shewolf who doesn't see things as other shewolves.her name is Rose and she doesn't want anything to do with Alpha Alex hence she is minding her business working as the omega she was. What happens when she is mated to this Alpha Alex? What will she do?will she reject him or accept her fate? Is there more to this hatred of hers? Alpha Alex is a powerful and proud Lycan who doesn't want to have anything to do with the lowly rank of werewolf-the omegas. What happens when he finds out that he is mated to an omega who doesn't even like him? Find out in this book.


Crescent moon pack is a very powerful pack in the Atlantis the Kingdom of Werewolves. The alpha of Crescent moon pack was the supreme alpha of all the packs in the kingdom. They are not just respected and feared for no reason, they are made up of lycans.

Lycans and Werewolf might possess similar features but the lycans are more powerful than the werewolves in every aspect.

Werewolves are known for their proud nature but this pack has the most pride. They are also different from other packs since they don't have an omega in their pack. Instead omegas from other packs work for them.

The alpha of this pack and also at the same Time the supreme Alpha king of all the packs in this kingdom of Atlantis no other than Alex Fernando.

He is the most ruthless and powerful Lycan whose name is heard in all the kingdom. He is a handsome man who has lived for many years. In human age,he is in his late twenties but in werewolf age,he has lived for one thousand years.

He wasn't just feared for no reason but he was feared and known for the victory he brought to the werewolves community in the war that happened many centuries ago.

It was believed that the moon goddess cursed him to be mateless because of his Ruthless nature and all the deeds he has done in the past that brought him this fame and respect.

It didn't bother him for not having a mate since he can pleasure himself with any woman he wants.he also enjoys that he doesn't have a mate because he sees mate as a distraction and trouble and he doesn't want that.

Currently,he is dating a very powerful witch known as Brenda Arrington. They have been together for a long time now.

Alex Fernando is the law and no one questions his decision. Many girls wanted to be with him but they knew it was just their fantasy because he would never look at their side.

In this Kingdom,there lived a young girl of 18 years in human age who has only lived for around 30 years in Werewolf age.

She is an omega,she was not born an omega but was reduced to the state of an omega. Her father was the alpha of blue moon pack who was killed for treason. She never knew who her mother was since her mother died while giving birth to her but she experienced the love of a father and mother from her late father before he was killed.

Her father Mathias King treated her like a princess before he was executed when she was just thirteen years old.

She knew her father as a good man to know that he wouldn't betray their pack,he was found guilty in all his trial,her only hope of her father being free was the supreme Alpha king who would be the last judge but he found her father guilty too,that's how her father was executed. Since then,she felt nothing but hatred towards all those judges.

She has an hourglass shape,a long waist length platinum blonde hair which was very rare in their kingdom,she was the one who had it and some girls envy her because of the special hair. She had an oval face with a heart shaped pink lips and sea blue eyes which were clear as a calm sea. She had a cool skin tone to compliment her beauty.

She is very beautiful despite the old rags she wore because of her status as an omega. Her name is Rose king. This is just the beginning of this story.


I was at the river side washing the clothes that my aunt and my cousins asked me to wash. My uncle became the alpha of our pack after my father died. He was my father's step brother.

Since then,his wife and two daughter Hailey and Lisa has been making life unbearable for me. I didn't complain no matter what they did to me. It was better being their slave than being a slave to unknown people that can end up taking advantage of me.

"Rose", I heard my name being called.hearing the voice,I needed no one to tell me that it was my best friend Magda. I concentrated on washing the clothes but she pulled me by the ear. I chased her and she ran laughing,soon I caught her and made sure she was drenched in water.

"Are you satisfied now?", she asked me.

"Yes", I chuckled. I was more than satisfied. Before I knew what was happening,she pushed me and I fell into the river.

"Help !", I screamed, pretending to be drowning. "Who are you trying to fool? I know you can swim", I heard her voice but I continued with my act.

Seeing that I was serious,she jumped into the river immediately.

Just then,I started laughing at her and she glared at me. "Why can't you just accept defeat,you are so cunning", she said to me splashing water on me. After playing for a while,we came out from the river.

I squeezed my cloth to squeeze out water.

"They would never allow you to rest,the worst part is that they are the people who is supposed to be your family", Magda said to me staring at the heap of unwashed clothes.

"I don't want to talk about them, talking about them is not going to change anything,it will just bring me sadness instead", I said to her and she bent down helping me to wash the clothes.

Magda was the daughter of the alpha of Silver moon pack so she has never experienced hardship before.

We have been friends since we were still kids because my father and her parents were good friends.

"Today is the mating ceremony,you know it's a big day for all the werewolves,we should wash these clothes fast so we can go and get ready for the ceremony,"Beth said to me.

"Oh,I wasn't even informed,"I said to her.

"Everyone knows, what do you expect?, You are always locked up in your uncle's house doing house chores. I bet they intentionally asked you to wash your clothes today so you won't be able to find your mate," Magda said to me.

"I think you are right,they are full of mischief,"I replied.

"But don't worry my dear friend, I am here for you and I will help you finish with this immediately,they will be shocked to see you come home early", she said to me and I smiled at her.

I don't know what I would have done in this world if she was not around. She was the only family I had. She was always there for me when I needed her.

"Are you excited about meeting your mate?", she asked me.

"Hmmm”, I thought of what to say. "You shouldn't even think about an answer, today will mark a new beginning in your life. I hope you end up with a good man that will treat you like the queen you are supposed to be," Magda said to me.

"I am happy about this but the problem is I don't want to get too excited since I might end up being rejected like other omegas,I don't want to keep my hopes up and end up getting disappointed,I already suffered,I don't want another person to suffer me", I replied Magda.

She held my hand and we maintained eye contact.

"Anyone that rejects you is a big loser,you are very beautiful and you have a good heart so it's that person's loss,think positively,stop feeding your mind with negativity", she said to me and we continued to wash the clothes.

"Who do you want to be your mate?Is it Dave, your boyfriend?", I asked her.

"I know he is the one for me,I can feel the connection between us but I will find out today when the moon goddess blesses us with our mates,I just know he is the one", she replied and I didn't say anything again.

I just hope Dave is her mate because my friend would surely go crazy if he is not, she might be calm but I know she is worried.

The kind of love she has for her Dave is scary.

"I bet you Don't know that this year's mating ceremony will be held at your place," she said to me.

I was not surprised because my pack has been making a name and gaining recognition.

"That means that we need to hurry up,we are in a mess,our clothes are drenched in water,we have to do fast before guests arrive", I said to Magda and she nodded.

It was already late in the evening when we finished washing the clothes,we spread some on the rope there and put some in my bucket so I could spread it in our house.

I and Magda swam in the water one more time before finally heading home. If not for Magda,I will still be washing till night approaches. We walked for a while before we arrived in a pathway.

"I will go back to my house and dress up,I will head immediately to your house with a dress so I can help you dress up", Madga said to me.

"Okay,I will just spread these clothes too,I will be waiting for you", I said to her before she left.

As I approached our pack,I could hear the drums beating. It was melodious in my ears,my lips curled up into a smile.

When my father was still alive,this was his favorite song and he always danced with me. I closed my eyes and started humming it in my head, dancing and jumping at the same time. I didn't know what was going on anymore,I just focused on the song I was hearing. I imagined my father with me as I danced happily.

I realized myself when I collided with a hard object and the Bucket in my hand fell on the ground.

"Ouch", I yelped in pain as I fell on my knees. I looked at the legs before me,it occurred to me that I didn't collide with an object but a man.

My gaze went to the shoe worn by the man. Looking at it,it wasn't an ordinary shoe. It must be very expensive.

This type of shoe can only be worn by nobles. The worst part of it was that the water and washed clothes fell on his shoes. My heartbeat increased in it's pace as I raised my head slowly to see who the person was.

"I am so sorry", I kept on ranting.

I stood up and looked at his face for my eyes to see a beautiful pair of hazel eyes with gold flakes which were burning like fire and staring intently at my sea blue eyes.

My eyes narrowed when I realized who it was,it was impossible for me to forget his handsome face which shows how cold and ruthless he is.

He was the supreme Alpha king,Alex Fernando.

I clenched my fists,I haven't forgotten what happened years ago.

He was the last judge in my father's case and my father was executed because of his Verdict. He was the only one that had the power to save my father but he joined my father's accusers. Words can't explain how much I despise him.

There was something different about our meeting now from the time we met years ago.

I felt a strong attraction between us and the only thing I thought of was running into his arms.

That was when I realized that it was the mate bond.

"Mate", my wolf Zara helped me in confirming.

"Fuck", I cursed inwardly.


She was disgusting to me, everything about her disgust me,her scattered wet hair,her old wet dress. She looked so dirty. She must be an omega.

I would never involve myself with this lowly species of werewolves.

She just had to ruin my day by bumping into me with her dirty clothes and water.

On a normal occasion,I would punish her for her carelessness because I don't let things slide easily but that wasn't the case this time around.

I felt an attraction between the both of us,my wolf Ozuna was restless all of a sudden and I had the urge to grab her and Mark her.

I can't believe this is happening to me right now.

"Mate", my wolf Ozuna whispered and I frowned.

"Was the moon goddess crazy?has she finally lost it?".

I was mateless for years and when she finally gave me one. It had to be this lowly trash. The moon goddess has insulted me today by giving me such an abomination as a mate. I would never forget this and there was no way I was accepting her.

Let her go to hell together with the moon goddess.

Before I could say something to her,she put her hair behind her back and glared at me.

I was taken aback with her action but the next thing she said shocked me more.

"I Rose King reject you Alex Fernando as my mate and I don't want to have anything to do with you in this life or the after life", she said to me in a loud voice.

I looked around and saw that everyone was gathered staring at us. I have never felt so ashamed in my life before. How dare she reject me?who does she think she is?.

She will never get away with disrespecting me. No one disrespects Alex Fernando and get away with it. I was beyond furious.