Thirst, pain and darkness made her weak, it takes a great effort to move forward the little light she saw in front of her. She kept walking and walking until the light starts getting bigger. Her legs begged her to stop walking, her eyes wanted to close, her whole body ached like she is run over by a big truck. She dragged her weak body towards the light. Her only encouragement is the faint voice she kept on hearing.
‘ Love I am waiting for you please don’t give up. Even if it takes years just don’t give up' a warm voice kept on telling her this time to time. She can feel the pain and longing in that voice, even though she really want to give up, she kept on walking just for the voice she heard. There is nothing in her life now other than this voice. Whenever she hears this voice she used to search for the man who is trying to encourage her but she never find anyone around her. There is only darkness around her, that is the time she decided to walk towards the small dot of light she saw far away. May be once she reached there she can see the person who is waiting for her. May be he is waiting there for her.
Slowly the light started to become big and big indicating she is approaching to her destination, slowly it become too big that she couldn’t bear it anymore. She shut her eyes due to the bright light and take a deep breath.
“ beep beep beep “ ...There is a rhythmic sound can be heard after a long time. She forgot when she last heard a sound other than that warm voice which is her encouragement. She tried to open her eyes again but the sharp light hurt her eyes too much. She blinked to get adjusted with the brightness. She finally succeeded in her mission. She tried to looked around the room to find out what is going on, but she couldn’t move her head as she wanted.
Once she got adjusted with the brightness she could tell that this room is only dimly lit. It is particularly cool and contains a lot of machines. She can feel there is a lot of machines around her and a bunch of tubes connected to her body. Every machine make some sound in an interval. There is a tube in her nose and her mouth. Many things are connected to her body.
She tried to make a sound but she couldn’t make any word only a groan came out of her throat. It is too low that if someone didn’t really concentrate they wouldn’t hear that. Even with that low voice her throat felt a pain. Her face changed due to the pain.
“ Love did you make a voice” An extremely concerned voice asked her. She realised it is the same voice which kept on talking with her all these time, the voice which gave her strength to move forward. She tried to crane her neck so hard to get a glimpse of the person but her body didn’t react a bit to her efforts. She felt so warm that as she thought that man really waiting for her at the place where she saw that light. That man really still waiting for her. That voice still contain the longing and love she always felt.
When she is trying so hard and praying so hard to God that to give her atleast a glimpse of that man’s face, an extremely handsome face came in to her view. That face is filled with a lot of shock because he saw her opened eyes. His excitement filled face is enough to fill someone’s heart with warmth. The pain and effort she took to reach here worth it, if it made this man this much happy. She thought in her mind. He almost moved in to tears seeing her opened eyes.
“ Love, oh my God you open your eyes. I will call the doctor right away” He press a button near the bed to call. A nurse come in within seconds and that man asked her to call the doctor because the patient opened her eyes. She nodded and ran to call the doctor.
“ Love I waited for this day for a long time. Thank you for not giving up.” The man said with tears.
Love care happiness there is a lot of emotions in his face. It is sure that this man values her and really happy because of her waking up.
“ Love how are you feeling? Can you hear me? Are you in pain?” He kept on asking.
“ Wa..el” She wanted to ask some water but she couldn’t spell it correctly. Whenever she tried to speak not much sound came out of her throat even after applying so much effort. Even though she wanted to give him answers and ask him a bunch of questions, at least before that she had to make her throat comfortable so that she can talk without pain.
Hearing her talking to him made him happy. He so intently at her to understand what she is trying to say.
“ You mean water? Just hold a little more. Doctor will be here soon” He said with a pained expression which clearly shows how much pain it cause him to reject her.
“ Look doctor is here.” He sighed and moved aside so that doctor can check her. Soon the doctor looked through the machines that connected to her body. He explained to the man next to her that she is really good now. It is a big change today. He kept on giving the man about his examination results. After hearing everything he had only one question.
“ Can I give her some water?” That man asked to the doctor. Doctor nodded and the nurse removed the pipe in her mouth and then brought a glass of water and a spoon and feed her water spoon by spoon. It took time but it really helped her throat to feel at ease.
According to the doctor she seems fine. It is a miracle that she woke up. The doctor asked them to take a bunch of tests so that tjey can completely conform she is perfectly ok.1
“ Where am I?” She managed to ask.
“ Hospital. You had an accident and we are taking care of you” The doctor replied.
“ Who am I?” Everyone in the room shocked by hearing that question.