
Let’s Read The Word

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Betrayed by myself

Betrayed by myself




Marie was only 15 years old when she was brutally raped by her neighbor John who was 10 years older than her, John had migrated from Mexico and lived next door to Marie in South Florida USA, John became friends with her older brothers, they played soccer together and John would always have an evil eye on young Marie who at the time was only 15 years old, on that July 22 of 1995 a severe Hurricane was hitting South Florida leaving the whole State without electricity for almost 1 month, After the Hurricane, thunders continued to hit the South coast for the next few days, it continued to rain but things started slowly going back to normal.

One morning 6 weeks after the Hurricane Marie woke up as usual, it was 4:30 in the morning and her alarm went off, she hurried got off her bed washed her face and brushed her teeth then went straight to her every day routine, she went to the kitchen to help her Mother Nina cook and wash the dishes for their entire family, her father had passed away from Colon Cancer when she was only 12 years old and her mother was in her earlies 40s, mother Nina had to go to work for 12 hours shifts every day 7 days a week and her 2 oldest brothers were almost 10 years older than her and they also had to work to help their mother with household expenses.

They would all help each other they were a team.

Marie's parents had migrated from Mexico, they had old school Catholic culture, they went to church every Sunday to pray for their well being.

One morning when Marie finished her house morning responsibilities she was left alone, her mother and siblings had left to work, she turn on the water and started happily singing getting ready to shower to go to school.

She was only 15 years old and was on her sophomore High Shool year, she had many dreams! one of her dreams was to become a Registered Nurse, she had discovered she wanted to be in the medical field while her father was admmited with his Colon Cancer in the Hospital, she really wanted to become a professional, she didn't want to work in a warehouse like her mother, she wanted to help people, she wanted a better life for her future.

That terrible morning after finishing her routine the water was warm but she only had less than 45 minutes to get ready to go to catch her school bus.

It was raining very hard again that morning and while taking a quick shower she had no idea that she was being watched this whole time by her neighbor and sibling's friend John.

John was 10 years older than her he was 25 years old.

He had been watching Marie for a few months, since he lived next door, he would know all their schedules and routines, he knew step by step in detail when his pray was alone.

John was watching young beautiful Marie with her medium blonde long thick hair almost to her waist, she had light brown eyes, she was very curvy and petite, she was only 62 inches in height and her weight was 120 lbs., but her curvy body made a lot of young boys have a crush on her and when John saw all her beauty naked body through the bathroom window he couldn't take it anymore and forced the back door open and like a furious animal got undressed and started to forced Marie to have sex with him.

Marie jumped out of the shower hitting her body and head as she rushed out trying to get someone to help her unfortunately the whole street was gone. Regardless of her crying, desperate screaming for help no one could hear her, she was being attacked by John with no mercy, he started kissing her lips bitting her neck and breast till they almost bleed, he then penetrated her and was a demon inside her over and over until he finished.

He didn't care how much Marie cried, she was in so much pain she fell unconscious, he saw her almost not breathing and got scare, he looked around and found alcohol he then pour some in his dirty hands and pour it on Marie's nose and neck.

When Marie came back to her senses she was very devastated, she had always dreamed of her first kiss to someone she loved, giving her virginity to her husband on her first night, she believes it was every girls dream at least her dream, those were the teachings she was given by her culture and mother.

John on the contrary had a big smile in his face, he felt very proud of how he had hurt her.

He had imagined this for a long time, he felt accomplished, Marie was finally his.

He was the first one, he saw blood coming out of her fragile little body.

Marie couldn't controlled her shivering body and the excrutiating pain she felt, she couldn't even breath!

She asked why? She never flirted with no one, she started hitting him, crying helplessness, she was a virgin and since in her culture once you lost your virginity you had no value you were consider trash and treated as a prostitute, she Marie felt ashamed of what had happened to her.

John knew her family were old school and knew that as long as he married her he wasn't going to get punished for the wrongfully crime he had just commited.

He knew that in his village as long as you liked a woman you would ask her in marriage and she would obey. He knew Marie's inoccence, he knew Marie was very obedient and would not make a scandal to prevent her agony to be known by others.

John's demonic and shameless face looked at Marie and threatened her to kill her whole family if she accused him. He manipulated her after he raped her to date him otherwise he would destroy her image among the town that they lived.

The next few weeks Marie dropped her grades, she wasn't interested in doing anything at all, one day John followed her to her bus stop and his sinister smile looked at her and told her if she looked at other boys he would pulled her by her hair until she was destroyed.

Marie started to have chills and decided that since he had already had sex with her she might as well marry him! She felt dead already, she was scared. She informed her mother she wanted to start dating their neighbor John, initially her mother Nina said Noo! Nina didn't know what had happened to her youngest princess, she felt that maybe Marie was looking for a father's love, but Marie had no choice, since it was not illegal to marry with parents permission.

Mother Nina accepted Marie's petition to date John for 6 months while they got the wedding preparations ready.

John promised Nina to let young Marie continue her education and promised to take good care of her.

However, the truth was far away from all his false promises, he would just manipulate them to get Marie to marry him.

One day Marie was talking to a friend about homework and when John saw he came grabbed Marie and started threating her as if she was a prostitute he then took her to his house and started abusing her over and over, she found she was 8 weeks pregnant after his rape, she had to endure all her pain, she went to church to confess, her church priest told her that she was blessed to be pregnant and she should marry right away and abortion was a sin.

Marie had to leave her home and left to live with John, her mother Nina and siblings thought she had ran away on her own will, not knowing she was being sexually, Mentally, physical and verbal abused by John.

After 8 weeks she was brutally gotten beaten by John that she had a miscarriage, her mother took her to the hospital and she had a mistreatment by the Doctor that was attending her, he told her she shouldn't be promiscuous and gave her a lecture not knowing the sad truth, Marie felt that she had no one to listen to her so she never told the cruel sad reality to no one.

As timed passed 6 months had already gone and it was time for her nightmare wedding, her Mother Nina bought a $700 wedding dress, Marie didn't want to do anything with the wedding preps, the wedding day came at only almost 16 years old she was raped, pregnant, miscarried and now married to her rapist, the day before the wedding she told mother Nina the truth the real reason she left their home and was marrying John, her mother of coarse didn't believe her and told her that she had no value just as John had told her in the past, she felt helpless, if her own mother didn't help her who would, her own mother just called her a lyer, she even told her not to tell her older brothers as they would probably kill John and they would end up in jail, Marie felt a knife cut in her heart after listening to her mom.

The wedding reception was small but she was beaten on her wedding night by John, she got pregnant again, she decided to just be obedient for her child and her own safety, John didn't allow her to visit her mother not even call them. They also didn't look out for her, until she was almost due to have her baby girl her mother had time to see her, she almost lost her life while giving birth, she ended up having Eclampsia, she then decided to endure and embrace her life.

John didn't speak English and had no legal Ducuments to reside in the USA. So by marrying Marie who was a USA Citizen he would get legal documents in less than a year.

Marie eventually dropped High school and decided to get her GED instead, all her life was ruined, she felt crushed, she would cry everyday, her future was unsure she had to much to handle at such a young age.

Her baby girl made her strong, she wasn't going to let no one hurt her daughter, after getting her GED she started a technical school she really wanted to achieve a caree, initially her now Husband John refused to let her go to school but against his will she registeted and started working a part time then at night she would study hard, 4 years passed those years she didn't visit her mom, she would not forgive her mother for not helping her.

One day Marie wasn't feeling well, she stayed home while her baby daughter was in Pre-K she took the day off she was 20 years old she had no cell phone, no friends no one to talk too, Marie decided to go cut her hair and started getting ready for her new job.

4 years after her terrible loveless marriage she asked John for divorce, he almost killed her, he was choking her but even though she was not the same teenager she was still submitted to his manipulation, she indeed was very afraid of him.