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The Alpha‘s Omega

The Alpha‘s Omega

Author:Didi Adeyemi



All Isabella has known is pain. She has been an Omega all her life. She is so used to the pain and tears that when her mate comes in a package of love she doesn’t know whether to trust him or not. Against her better judgement she does begin to trust him and it’s like the moon goddess just doesn’t want her to be happy. From evil pack members to someone in her past who wants her attention to secret spies. Will Isabella and Kaden be able to overcome all their obstacles and have a perfect mating or will these forces tear them apart forever?

"Come out little mouse; it's time to play." I heard him and I willed my breathing to stay even and my heartbeat to calm down. I know I shouldn't hide but I already did. If he catches me then I'm done for. "You do not want me to get angry little mouse; come out NOW!"

I muttered a silent prayer to the moon goddess. Please don't let him find me; if he does I don't think I will be able to handle it.

I heard his footsteps receding but still held my breath. I won't be free unless I know that he's truly gone. Everywhere was quiet for a few minutes and just when I was about to breathe normally I felt a hand grasp my ankle and pull.

"I found you." He said with a smile that was pure teeth.

I held in my tears because they only make him happy and excite him. He in this context is Marcus Flint; the future Alpha of the Dark water pack. He is around 20 and has a mate Claire so I don't know why he still bothers me; I think the thought of having two females he can run to excites him but it also makes Claire hate me. He has the same light brown hair and cold dark eyes as his father Frank, the current Alpha.

"You know I don't like to be kept waiting Isabella." He snarled and I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my lips and he laughed out loud, "Don't be scared Bella; I will take care of you, I always do."

He was rubbing his palms against the bare skin under my dress and I could feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes. I would pray for someone to enter but at this point I know that they are more likely to join him than actually stop him. I stopped hoping the day his father saw us and— no; I'm not going to think about that now or I will throw up all over him. The last time that happened it didn't end well. I spent almost three days in the basement.

I felt him rip my underwear and the tears began to fall.

"Bella don't cry. I always take care of you; it won't hurt one bit." He whispered against my skin then added, "For me at least."

I heard the door open and a familiar scoff and heaved a sigh of relief.

"How many times have I told you not to interrupt me Claire?" he snarled and I saw her discreetly roll her eyes.

"Your father sent me to get you; I didn't know that you were," she paused looking for the proper words, "Indisposed."

"Well now you know; get out."

"He said it was important and he needed you now." She argued making him sigh.

"I'm afraid I have to cut our visit short Bella." He said then got off me, "I will see you later."

He walked out of the room and I saw Claire's attention turn to me.

"Will you get off the floor you are so embarrassing." She spat and I righted myself and stood on shaky legs, "My mate isn't available so why don't you find someone else to whore yourself to you filthy bitch."

I wanted to tell her that I didn't want his attention or his advances. She can have him all to her herself if that's what she wants. I want no part in their squabbles or mated life. She's a woman why doesn't she understand.

"Will you get that stupid look off your face and get out of my mate's office?" she said stressing the MY. I hurried out of the room and just before I left she stretched out one of her legs making me trip. "Before you leave slut; I want you in the basement today at five in the evening; do not be late."

I bobbed my head in a quick yes and hurried away before she could change her mind and whip me there and then.

I ran all the way to the kitchen while also making sure to keep my head down so as not to draw attention to myself. When I got there it was only Laura and Lucy; the head cook and her daughter; both omegas like me. Laura took one look at me and sighed.

"What happened?" I narrated the whole story about Marcus and my impending whipping with Claire. "It's okay; you're a strong one alright?"

"Why doesn't she just understand that I don't want his attention?" I whispered and she repeated the same thing she has been telling me for the past 6 months since Claire arrived.

"She's jealous and scared Isa; that's why."

I sat on the floor next to her feet and lay my head on her lap. I felt a small hand tap my shoulders and saw Lucy handing me a sandwich.

"I saved it for you." She said and I smiled softly and took it from her.

Lucy is like the little sister I never had. Laura and Lucy are my only family. I was dropped as a baby on Laura's doorstep and since she and her mate couldn't have children they took me in. Two years later when they had Lucy they didn't send me away they raised us together. It helps that we all look alike with the same blond hair and blue eyes.

"Are there any dishes left?" I asked and she shook her head then leaned her tiny body against me.

"We did them all."

"You should have waited for me." I said and she shrugged.

"I didn't know how long you were going to be held up."

I sighed and ran my hand through her hair. She's 16 but she has already seen so much of the world. I wish I could protect her but I can't. I've been able to keep her away from all the males but I don't know how long I can keep doing it. Sooner or later they're going to notice her.

Heavy footsteps dragged me back to reality and I rushed to my feet.

"Go into the room and stay there." I said and she nodded and scampered off. I walked over to where the rags were and made myself look busy.

"Alpha what can I help you with?" Laura asked and I heard the familiar sound of skin hitting skin.

"Do not speak unless spoken to runt." He spat and I heard her whimper and the metallic tang of blood invaded my nose. "Where is your daughter?"

"She's right there." She said

"Not her; the other daughter."

"She's out sir; I don't know where she is."

"I want the both of them in my office by five in the evening sharp." He said and the fork I was holding cluttered to the floor. "Is there a problem?"

"No sir." I said quickly while keeping my eyes trained on the floor.

"No exceptions; I don't care what plans you have, cancel them; understood?"

"Yes sir."

He walked out of the kitchen and Laura turned to me. "I am so sorry Isa." She said, "If I could I would take your place in a heartbeat."

"It's fine; It just means Claire is going to be a little upset."

"Can I come out now?" we heard a muffled voice ask and we laughed softly.

"Yes; you can."


By five Lucy and I freshened up and changed into our most presentable dresses. I wish I could wear trousers but we've been banned. Skirts and dresses are easier for when they just want to pull down their pants and have a quick fuck against the table.

"What's going to happen to us?" she asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know; just keep your head down and your mouth closed unless you're asked a question."

We got to the door of his office and I saw the guard give us a leery smile, "He's waiting for you." We were about to enter when he grabbed my arm, "maybe I'll have a piece of you when he's done."

I kept my head down and walked into the Alpha's office.

"You're right on time; that's good; I would have hated to punish you." He said but his eyes said different; he would have loved to punish us. "We have special guests tomorrow evening and the both of you are going to be part of our servers; do you know what that job entails?"

"No sir." I said

"You're going to serve drinks; your outfits will be sent to you tonight. Your job is to make sure that my guests are very happy, do you understand?"

"Yes sir." We answered.

"I don't give this job to just anyone; I have to make sure that you're both capable." He continued and I froze, "Amuse me."

"Sir," I squeaked and he growled.

"Are you deaf or something? I said amuse me. Do something with each other and then you can both please me."

I saw Lucy's hands begin to shake and I held onto them and turned her to face me.

"I can't do this." She whispered

"You won't have to." I replied as I trailed my hands up her arm.

"Are you going to stand there talking all day?" Frank asked and I smiled softly.

"I'm sorry." I mouthed and hit the pressure point at her neck making her fall limp in my hands.

"What the hell just happened?" he growled and I turned to face him.

"I'm sorry sir; she's been feeling unwell all day."

"I should have her whipped for this; I expected to be taken care of."

"You will be sir." I said softly, "With your permission Alpha."

He smirked and relaxed back into his chair, "Permission granted."