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Bride In Blue

Bride In Blue




[A Romantic Thriller] An impulsive decision along with a sinister idea was enough to create a mess. The mess was big enough to turn the life of the person involved upside down. But an immutable decision was taken that tangled two people in the chaos, one who was not at fault and the other who was oblivious of everything. How will the two deal with the situation they got stuck in? To know more peek inside the romantic-thriller journey of our protagonists named "Bride In Blue".

  Author's Note: Hello Lovely Readers,

  This story is divided into two parts. The first part is Red Journal and the second is, Bride In Blue. The first part will consist of only six chapters that will be published at the starting of this book.




  14 August 2010



  It’s Saturday. Yayyy! Weekends are best; no school, no studies and you can sleep for as many hours as you want.

  “Anvi, wake up. It’s 7 in the morning.” Mom shouted.

  Ok!! You can ignore the last part of what I said. It is just an illusion that you can sleep according to your wish. But somehow I will manage to sleep in the afternoon.

  Sssshhhh! Please don’t tell Mom.

  “Anvi, you want me to come over.” Mom shouted.

  I need to go, otherwise, my furious mother will wake up the whole town.

  “I am already up, Mom.”

  “Good, now better be at the breakfast table in 15 minutes.”

  'Shit!' I cursed under my breath, if mom could listen to these curse words, I am so dead.

  I completed the morning routine and ran down the stairs but bumped into my elder brother.

  “So, the princess finally got up..huh..?” my brother mocked, but I passed a fake smile to him.

  Everyone has settled at the dining table.

  So, Let me give you a quick introduction about me and my family. I Live in a joint family where we laugh and cry together.

  I am Anvi Shekhar, daughter of Late Mr Rohit Shekhar and Rita Shekhar. The eldest member of the family is My grandfather Ranjit Shekhar and grandmother Suhana Shekhar. I have one elder brother Adhyan Shekhar. And my uncle Shivam Shikhar, his wife Nivedita Shekhar, and their son Arpit Shekhar also live with us.

  It's like a ritual in our family to have breakfast and dinner together, though lunch is not possible as everyone is not at home.

  We live happily but used to be happier before. Everything changed after dad left, 2 years ago.

  Adhyan Bhai has become distant, I don’t remember when was the last time he spent quality time with family. He talks often and when he does either he teases me or taunts me so I don’t mind it at all.

  Mom had become strict, the total opposite of her older self. Maybe, because after dad, the burden of the Textile Industry is on her shoulders.

  Uncle is a professor thus he does not have any interest in the family business.

  Grandfather, grandma, and Nivedita Aunty always try to light up the atmosphere but deep down everyone knows that our family is not the same anymore.

  Arpit is my younger cousin, even though he is 2 years younger, but acts all protective and never leaves me alone. Adhyan Bhai is in 12th and he will leave India for his higher studies.

  We have one more member in our family but we are not supposed to talk about that person. Although my curious self always wants to know Why? But never dared to ask.

  Arpit and I were always curious to know the reason thus we asked Bhaiya once, but he scolded and told us to listen to the elders. I don’t know what everyone hides.

  We had our breakfast while grandpa and grandma teased each other like kids, just like how dad used to tease mom. After breakfast Bhaiya left for coaching classes, Arpit went out to play and I decided to watch a movie. I would have gone to my friend Sara's house or would have called her home, but she has gone to her hometown to celebrate Ramzan with her grandparents.

  As I was shuffling the list of movies someone knocked at the door. “Come in,” I said, not looking at the person who entered.

  “Anvi.” Mom said.

  “Yes, mom.”

  “Beta, I am going to your Maasi’s place with grandpa and grandma. Don’t trouble uncle and aunty?” She instructed as if I am a 7-year-old kid.

  “Yes, mom. I won’t create any trouble.” Her concern was genuine, I am the naughtiest kid in the house and always creates troubles for everyone.

  Mom bids bye, listing me a bundle of instructions. Nodding, I closed the door and decided to watch my favourite movie ‘Twilight’. I am so in love with Robert Pattinson. I hope to get someone like him in the future, who is mysterious as him.

  I watched the movie and dreamed about my future partner. After some time, Arpit came to call me for lunch. We had lunch together. Bhaiya was silent but Aunty and Arpit tried hard to lighten the mood with their silly jokes.

  After lunch, everyone retired to their rooms. I was so bored that I called Sara. To my dismay, her mother received the call. I greeted her and she informed, that Sara had gone out with cousins.

  With not many options left, I thought to ask Aunt if she could teach me how to play chess. She is the only one who plays chess and is a great player.

  I moved to Uncle’s room and was about to knock but listened to uncle and aunty arguing which was so unusual of them. I have never heard them fighting.

  “Nivedita, are you out of your senses?”

  “If you think that way, then yes I am.”

  “Even if you convince dad and mom, Rita Bhabhi will never agree.”

  “That’s where she is wrong. We need to tell our children.”

  “And then what huh? Will you be able to answer their questions? They are kids, they can't understand.”

  “They are not kids anymore. They are teenagers and are smarter than us.”

  “Nivedita, this is stupidity.”

  “Shivam if you don’t want to, then I will tell Adhyan, Anvi, and Arpit. We need to prepare them for the upcoming danger.”

  “Don’t do this Nivi. The Last time when we talked about it Rita bhabhi almost left the house.” I was shocked to hear about it. Mom was about to leave the home, but when?

  “Shivam she was not in her right state, At that time she had lost her husband but now she is fine.”

  “Nivi, stop it please.”

  “And just be a spectator of what is happening around?” She raised her voice a bit.

  “I won’t Shivam. Our children need to know about the Red Journal,” she added further.

  “Nivi, Don’t you dare take the name of it?”

  I heard aunty sobbing and she said to uncle, “How will we protect the kids?”

  “We will do it Nivi, together. But promise me, you will not mention it in front of them or anyone.”


  “Please Nivi.”


  I left when I heard someone coming outside the room. I couldn’t understand their conversation. But all I could grasp from the conversation was Nivedita Aunty wants us to know something while Uncle doesn’t. And what was the Red Journal they were talking about? Whose journal was it?

  I thought to tell Arpit, but he might get upset if he gets to know that uncle and aunty were arguing over something.

  My curiosity was ready to kill me so I thought why not ask Bhaiya, He might know. I went to his room and knocked. He told me to come in. I went inside and sat on the couch.

  “Do you need any help?”

  Fidgeting with my fingers I questioned, “Can I ask something?”

  “What is it?”

  “Have you heard of The Red Journal?” The moment he heard about it his expression changed as if I had asked him the most forbidden question.


  Translations of the words used in the chapter:-

  Bhai- Brother

  Bhaiya- Elder Brother

  Beta - Son in English and in India we use it as an endearment for girls as well by the elders.

  Maasi - Mom's sister