
Let’s Read The Word

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Deceiving the Queen

Deceiving the Queen




Thana Mariele is the future Queen. She will be the ruler of the Empire she never dreamed of. She always wants a simple life, but she can't live that way. Furthermore, she is a strong and independent woman, but she is soft and weak inside. Calvin Alastair is the devil who rules the Empire—Mariele's Empire—the biggest enemy. And to defeat them, Calvin wants to make everything just to invade the whole Underworld with his own rule. And the only thing he can do to succeed is to deceive the future Queen and make her surrender everything to him.

  Mariele's Point of View

  “All hail to the new queen of Cassiel,”

  Ophelia's thin and loud voice echoed in the whole side of our mansion's pool area. She accompanied us with her cocktail glass asking for a toss. Noiré, Maeve and Cara agreed and did it with her. But all I did was to roll my eyes at them.

  “Hey girl, a smile would mean a lot. Gosh, Elle, you will be the new ruler of this whole empire just by tomorrow, everybody dreamed of that, you know! Can't you be happy and proud even just for a bit?” Cara said half smiling but still she sounds tatting.

  “You will be owning almost the half of the whole wide world, Ele.” Noiré doweled, there is something with her smile, but—whatever. I just deeply sighed and hooked my head.

  I want to be positive, and I don't want them to feel what I actually feel right now, especially that it's almost months since we all spent time together, but I just can't stop it.

  Orbicularly, what they are celebrating is a big problem for me.

  Owning and ruling this whole empire, for me is not really a good idea. And I never ever dreamed and liked to be in this kind of situation.

  Everybody wants to be like me—and I don’t want to be myself. I know that there's a lot of people out there who secretly dreams of being in my situation right now—but I am different, and I never really liked this.

  They thought that being a queen is like being the wealthiest human in the world—but no, it wasn’t, and it will never be like that.

  I witnessed, I witnessed how my dad smiled in front of his people, and always made them feel like nothing's bad really happening but deep inside him, I know he's depressed and problematic.

  I know how difficult and stressful for him to think of all the way he can think of, just to mend and resolve every problem in different parts of this empire he is leading.

  And I would never like to experience that, I don't really want, but I badly need to. I don't want to be in that hard situation, but I can't stand seeing my dad suffer secretly, especially that he's not getting any younger. It was so hard for him, but no one dared to ask him, how does he feel.

  I love myself, but I love my dad more. He is the only one left, that I have except from my grandfather. They are the last people that I can lean on, and I don't want them to suffer anymore.

  I don’t have any choices, but I need to.

  “Shawty had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur!” I got back to my sanity when I heard one of the girls sung, while the others united at the center of the pool. Noiré just looked at my side and walked.

  She seated at the side of the bamboo bench where I am sitting, she put the content of the wine bottle in the empty glass from the table. She also put a little on the glass I am holding.

  “Thank you,” I didn't even look at her. But I can feel that she's staring at me.

  “Aren’t you happy? You will be the new queen, for real. I guess, you are the only person in this world who's not happy to be a Queen, I mean, that was so honoring. Especially that you will be ruling this empire where we are born.” She said with a dull voice. Again, I sighed.

  “You know my reason, Noiré. This is not my thing, this isn’t for me.” I glanced at her a bit, but I fast retracted it and looked at nowhere. I heard her deep sigh by that.

  “But you need to accept it, Ele. This is your fate. Just think that all of this will make your dad feel at ease, you are doing this all for your dad. I know... it's hard, but I believe that you can do it. You will be used to it.” She said on a cheering tone.

  Noiré is my very close friend. We became friends since we are kids, our parents’ are both what you called here—Royalties. Her parents are the rulers of the Cosgrove, and my parents are the ruler of the Whole Cassiel.

  Cosgrove is the Underworld City of the Philippines. Every country has its own Underworld City, and each country has it's half part of the two empire of the Underworld.

  The first part was the Cassiel’s Territory, which is constituent to the government my dad is ruling—and I will be ruling starting tomorrow. The other part is the Malchom's, but I will not tell too many things about their empire.

  But a peak about them, they are very opposite to ours, they rule unlawfully and inhumane. And also, they are the Cassiel’s biggest enemy—well, actually they are our empire's only enemy, because they always plan of invading us.

  They want us to be evil too—correction, they want this whole world to be theirs, just so they can spread wickedness in this innocent world. And what I mean is, they want evilness to rule everything.

  Every City in Cassiel has their own rulers, and they are also called Kings and Queens. Of course, one government cannot handle this big empire alone. So there they are, to guide and rule the Cities destined in every Country.

  Since our family is Filipino-blooded, our Government is destined here in the Philippines. Because it really depends on us and our race. We're not actually pure Filipinos, but my grandfather still followed his Filipino heart, so we decided to live in this wonderful place.

  Well, it’s our choice though.

  Back to Noiré, as what I’ve said, she’s my very close friend, we've known each other very much far. And also, she will be the future Queen of Cosgrove.

  She knows me very well, and she knows how hard it will be for me to accept all my responsibilities tomorrow, she knows everything that runs on my mind. Because we are best friends.

  Our families are the same as ours, Cassiel Government maintains connectivity, friendship and closeness between all the rulers. Because my dad wants every people to be fair to each other, despite the fact that we are royalties or the rulers. My dad—my family is a very kind type of people, and they rule honestly and fair.

  “Cheer up, girl. We know you can do it!” Because of thinking deeply, I didn't notice that the three girls are already sitting beside me and Noiré, and done with jamming at the pool.

  I have nothing to do, but to smile at them since they made me feel in comfort for now. Our glasses clinked when we made a toss and smiled. I think, I would just enjoy the last hours of my freedom, so I won't regret tomorrow.

  “For the new Queen of Cassiel, The Highest Empery Queen of Cassiel’s Government, Thana Mariele Schneider.”

  Calvin's Point of View

  “What treasures would we mine, boss?” I glared at one of my men as I heard what he said. I saw how he gulped in fear because of what I did. He secretly glanced at the gun hanging on my waist.

  “... How about mining your brain, huh? ” I sarcastically said. No one dared to answer me back and acted as if they don't know a thing.

  As if they would like to. Unless they already want to be buried six feet under.

  Tsk, I really don’t like talking to uneducated and brainless people. They are a waste of time. I can't bare a single piece of second talking to them.

  I don't even know why Malchom sent me this kind of people, they are all stupid and senseless.

  Is their government now having a hard time of searching for worthy people? Fuck it.

  I went to the center table where we put all the guns and bullets we robbed at the Cassiel. I can't stop my jaws from piquing, while remembering the fresh memories of how I got this injury in my arms.

  The sound of the Fire Drill is covering the whole corridor, as the Cassielian Blacksmiths are trying to chase us.

    “Fuck it, Gary. Jump into that window, move faster so that they won't catch you!” I shouted at one of my men who carry a large bag of Paraphernalia's we stole from the Blacksmith’s Arm force Department. He quickly nodded at me and gave signals to the others, but before he can jump, I grabbed his shoulder that caught his attention.

  “I will kill you and your family once these men caught you, I will not give even a piece of mercy, and I'll finish you all. Understood?” I threated. I saw how his face pale, but he still nodded quickly and fast jumped into the window.

  Four of my men started pulling their triggers straight to the Blacksmiths who are chasing us.

  Instead of fighting with them too, I roamed my eyes to find a way to escape. The left exit of this corridor is full of Blacksmiths, and the right corner is blank. But I still need to plan my moves, so I hid in the center core of the corridor to start thinking on how would I escape them.

  I went to the corner and kneeled, as I ready my gun, I exactly heard a voice from my earpiece, so I turned it on.

  “I successfully escaped, boss.” I smirked after hearing Gary’s voice from the other line.

  “Good, now, go straight to our base. Send us two SUV's, so we can now go home.” I said and turned my earpiece off.
