
Let’s Read The Word

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I found him

I found him

Author:Rose Tara Blossom



A Cristian girl is just an ordinary girl but she gets bullied because of her religion. So one day she decided to move schools and then she found the one. But something terrible happens.But that does not stop them from being happy together. Delyila finds her way back no matter what happens. But this was different. Was Delyila able to solve this problem?

Delyila was going to school on regular day it was her first day in high school! She had hoped to have so many friends. But all of her friends were going to different high schools. That still did not stop Delyila from being happy. She had everything she needed Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Delyila didn't think that she needed a boyfriend I mean she would be luck to have one but she thinks that's just one of the little things that you could have after you have Jesus. God really blessed Delyila she had beautiful long brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. Of course Delyila wasn't perfect no one was. Delyila sinned a lot actually but she tries not to. Delyila was ready for high school since 6th grade she was doing high school mathematics and English. She didn't think she had to do high school science and social studies because her sister was in high school and didn't do either of those things. Delyila wants to be a travel agent when she is older. She wants to travel the world and spread the gospel. Delyila is just about to enter the school she is so excited she has goosebumps.

"Hello all of my freshmen I hope you are ready for my English class today." The English teacher Mrs. Decence shouted.

It was a long class but now it is lunch. Delyila found an opportunity to share the word. She wondered if they would like her if she did. Then she remembered not to care what people think because the only judgment she should have is God's. So she wiped off her sweat and felt a relief like a weight lifted off her shoulder. So she took a deep breathe and walked up to a table with a bunch of girls around her age they seemed quite nice.

So Delyila said, "Hey did you guys know Jesus loves you so much that he died on the cross for your sins!?"

So one of the girls said, "No one cares about your little imaginary friend in the sky."

Then another said, "Yeah you Christian's are brainwashed or something."

Then the lead of the group said, "Guys let's not put her down poor girl is so lonely she has to have an imaginary friend to talk to."

Delyila ran like she was a cheetah she was so mad at what they said about her. She went home as soon as she was done with school and started praying. She prayed like she never had before. She got on her hands and knees and started giving Him praises and reminding Him of how great he is. Delyila didn't know people treat Him like this she's used to people agreeing with her. Later that day she face timed her friends and told them what happened. They all agreed that all those people needed to be saved.

The next couple of days were all the same. She told the same girls about Jesus everyday. She was nice and she even told them a verse everyday. Each day they all laughed and threw food at her. She didn't understand why they were rude when all she was doing was spreading the gospel and being nice.

The next day she was doing homework that afternoon. She heard a knock on her door. She quickly and quietly ran upstairs to check who it is. She was surprised to hear a knock because she hasn't invited anyone over and she was home alone. When she checked out the window she didn't see anyone but she did see a black minivan parked outside her house. She quickly ran downstairs to check out the eyehole in the door to see if anyone is there. But when she checked there was no one their. So she opened the door and saw people running away. She decided to let it be it was probably doing dong ditchers anyways. But then she heard a knock again so she looked through the hole and saw some people so she opened it.

"Why are yo uh guys here?" Said Delyila.

"Oh we are here to apologize for being so rude to you." Said the lead of the group laughing.

"Just kidding!" Shouted all the people who knocked on the door.

"Then why are you here?" Asked Delyila.

"Oh we are here to show you how dumb Christianity is." Said one of the people that was there.

"Sorry to get your hopes up but you'll never convince me that Christianity is dumb." Said Delyila.

"Oh well that's okay but we're having a party and only non Christians could come sorry." Said the lead of the group.

"That's fine I probably will be having a Bible study at that time anyways." Said Delyila.

So then the girls left. Delyila right away knew that the devil was controlling them. The next day they were all partying and drinking at the party. While they were doing that Delyila was doing a Bible study and praying for everyone that went to the party. Delyila loves talking to Jesus. She never went a day without talking to Jesus. Well besides when she wasn't Christian. Delyila has been Christian since 6th grade. Ever since she has loved Jesus with her whole heart. Jesus was her main priority always. But she didn't focus on Jesus as her main priority all the time. Sometimes she would chose worldly things over Jesus the devil takes control over her. Delyila tries not to let that happen anymore but now it's even harder for her. She has been getting tempted every here and there. It's really hard for her. She's trying her hardest to let only Jesus take over her body but the devil keeps trying. So Delyila spends time with Jesus at every chance she gets well at least she tries to.

Delyila was thinking of moving schools but she wasn't sure, if she wanted to move schools she would want to at least help them get closer to Jesus. On her way back home she stopped by at the community charity to donate her old stuffed animals to people in need. When she got there she decided to make stop at the office to make a phew calls to her parents because they are at LA forever. They have never came back since she came clean for being Christian. Her parents are all atheists so it was hard for her to tell them she's Christian's. They said they would come back in 1 month. She knew it wasn't true but she still had a little hope. Delyila learned to do things her own way. She got a side job and paid the rent of her parent's house. It was hard but she did it. With God's help she worked before school and after school. Her parents didn't answer her phone call they never did but each time she had a little hope that they would. When she stopped by the office she saw the group of girls that bully her donating a bunch of toys that look like they were just bought. Then Delyila had the perfect idea.

So the next day when Delyila got to school she sat with the girls at lunch. They didn't seem to care they just talked about how much th ed y loved to donate stuff. She didn't think they noticed her. So the Delyila spoke.

Delyila said, "Hi I heard you guys talking about donating stuff I love it don't you?"

Then a girl replied, "Yeah it's so much fun helping others in need but I don't think you should be getting in our conversations."

So Delyila went home. When she got home she wondered what if she moved schools. She had always wanted to go to private school but she never knew if she had enough money to pay for her house and pay for private school. She thought maybe if she worked during her lunch her free classes maybe she could pay but she wasn't sure. So she went to work a full Saturday and got paid $50. Then when she was walking by she saw a homeless man so she gave him 10 dollars. Then he gave her a ticket to win. So she turned in the ticket and won $10,000! So she put the money to safety until she was ready to use it. Then she remembered that she could use the money to pay for a private school. So she went to check how much the private school costs the next day. When she went their it only cost $500 a month! She could go their for 20 months and still pay for the house. So she decided to go the next year of high school. So Delyila did her best to tell that group about Christ but they never listened. But Delyila never gave up. It is getting to be the last week of school so Delyila decided to make the best of it. She worked extra hours to make money for the house she also tried her best to get all her assignments in on time but it was really hard for her too. She wasn't the smartest person but she got good grades most of the time.

"It is now summer!" Delyila shouted.

Delyila loved summer it is her favorite time of year. It is shiny the birds are singing and there's no school. And she has something waiting for her after summer private school! She was so excited she couldn't breathe. So she decided to call her mom and see if she would answer. But she still didn't get an answer. So the next day she worked long if she was going to pay her summer bills. She worked hard everyday in excitement of getting to go to private school. Private school is in two weeks and she is so excited she even studied over the summer. She went to the coffee shop the afternoon before school. She did a little Bible study and spent the day with Jesus. Later when she prayed, she thanked God for everything and gave Him mercy. It is now night time and she wanted to make sure she registers. So when she registered it went through and now is going to private school for almost three years! She got some good rest for a good day tomorrow. She had made sure she set her alarm before going to vfc bed she didn't want to be late. Then she woke up.