
Let’s Read The Word

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Code Of Survival

Code Of Survival




Slaughter or be slain. These are the Codes of Survival that Sequin Vanili learned in the world of pre-apocalypse. Earth was threatened when the second world that lies in the outskirts of her home surface and creates chaos in secrecry. The call for hunters howls. A bully she once was and now in clutch with the blade. She never was afraid to cause bloodshed to the monster's that raid in the second world. Will she be able to save her world and at the same time will not lose her unrequited love in a misery pain?

THE CODE OF SURVIVAL - 'Slaughter or be slaughtered.' 'Kill or die'. From either of the two, one must devour the other to be able to glimpse the first ray of sunlight in the morning. The cruelty of the hidden world was a living hellish realm for humans whose incapable to swing the sword.

Fear. Blood. Death. The three elements you can only sense with one's errected perception. It's always an incumbent feeling one cannot rid to hunters like Sequin Vanili. A Secondary highschool student in eleventh grade.

She was no unusual girl in a prestigious college preparatory of an institution for science and technology. She was quite popular but not for his father's former occupance as a renounced professor but rather as a maverick bully who sways her fist pondering over trivial matters.

Yes. I am a bully but her I am carnaging a myriad of canine beasts.

Sequin hitch at her thought as she thrust the illuminating azure blade into the giant centipede's flattened and segmented body. The gigantic terretorial arthropod screech into an ear-splitting sound called the white noise- that surely breaks one's eardrum if not covered by a certain ear-piece that can deflect the much more higher decibel a mere individual can take.

The oozing hemolymph blood of her huge foe splatter into her face. If she lived her life with elegance and sumptuous apparel coincide with her name as a shiny disk sewn on clothe's ,she'll definitely wince from the filthiness. But she was no similar to a finicky girl. She was raise violent and perhaps cruel still neither thought by her parents but by fate itself. She was meant to cause bloodshed to these monsters.

THE UPROARIOUS trotting of her companions led an awakening to reality for Sequin. A party of five -counting herself in- at their infamous guild 'Boredom' came to her stead.

"That was awesome!"

Michelle Kowern claimed in exaltion- A girl in ponytail whose a C Rank healer of the group. Her gaze are fixed with astoundment at the deteriorating body of the foe Sequin just killed as it slowly mixed up to the scorching humid air of the Granular desert. This remark was then subsequently flooded with cheers for Sequin.

Chris Falcon, the specialist nerd of the guild 'Boredom', leisurely draged his feet to the monster's corpse. Without hesitation of squalor, he took with his bare hands the scintillating white round core of the monster. It was swirling of diamonds inside that surely be interchange with great hefty price.

"Ooooh... I guess we are celebrating tonight aren't we! I do need some dangling rings in my wrist for better aim!"

Michelle said with glistening eyes wavering at the sight of a precious gem. It is truly valuable after all. One core of a boss level monster in an E rank pylon ranges a price to atleast $100000. It gets more higher if the monster itself will fall into a higher rank in pylons.

While they are swamped in admiring their reward, the giant arthropod vanished and only specks of debris floating in the sultry air as its remain. Then the blue screen -that can only be bared into Sequin's ashen eyes- popped out before her.

It shown all the skills she acquired from killing the E rank boss level monster. And this is what her eyes have seen;


- the player can use skill as a catalyst aura for sword that makes the foe flinches and paralyze after three consecutive attacks.




Sequin was no surprise to see such thing before her. She showed as smug grin as her forefinger nudges the yes button to the blue screen whom she called the system.

"I see that you earned another reward my Queen. What is it this time?"

The sheer curiosity of Katleya Trovis' voice was evident that it was always considered as an act of nagging to Sequin's perspective. But as a fellow hunter and as well as the group's proud visual, she was accustomed to its annoying yet subtle's demeanor.

"You don't need to know Katleya."

Sequin answered in an orotund way without avoiding an impeccable coldness. The Archmage who almost had her body clad with nothing but only garb for her enlarging bossom and a skirt for her lower body laugh tediously- leisurely taking her time. She was beautiful by doing such act that surely lure lewd eyes from the group or even outside their guild, thus, one of them is Davis whose proclaimed himself as a toxophilite of the 'Boredom' guild.

"You're drooling Davis! Disgusting as always!"

Michelle rant with a squeal that earned the latter a pound on his forhead. Davis then exclaimed as he riposte at her this time. Their rivalry continues for more rants that gain a recurring lively ambience at a middle of nowhere.

"How are we exactly going to exile this pylon, my queen." Katleya stated in a sulken tone, remembering their current situation. "My barrier that deflects the scorching sun won't hold us any longer. We've been here for three days after all. My power is depleting."

"Unfortunately she is right, leader." Said Chris as the core is in his grasp while his other hand fixes his thick eyeglasses of lenses. "The reward we obtain will be useless if we can't go home. We'll also die to the extent."

Sequin sighed with no slightest of worry painted on her face. She then took a step forward as her hands made a way to take the illuminating orb from Chris' possession.

"We have to say goodbye to the money for now."

As her sentence finished, even with only granular sand admist their grounds, the core crashes and caused a squelching thud-like sound. All eyes fixated on Sequin's dainty hands ,that broke the orb. Dilated by shock to what they have witnessed. And whats more added the astoundment was a pylon was created.

A sombre circular blockhole that sucks everything into it's hollow and void mouth appeared. The Sirocco wind that whipping around Their bodies engulf the inside of the Archmage's barrier.

"Shall we head out now to crush those bastard traitors?"

Sequin asks with a mischief's grin.