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Business With Pleasure

Business With Pleasure

Author:K. Jarsdell


Realistic Urban

Getting frustrated over her disloyal husband Edzell decided to went back to London to her parents... On her way to London she met a handsome man who seems interested in her... The desire was mutual from both side which led them into something passionate... The flame sparked and their journey was blissful... It was the best plane journey of her life... It was supposed to be an one night stand type... But, he couldn't forget her and now he won't let her go.. But she is married right!!? However, things turn more complicated when he turned out her husbands business client!! What would happen now!? Will she be able to control her life and find her true love in him or, let her husband control her life???

*"I am going my parents for few days, Zachary.. Will you come with me?" Edzell asked to her husband..

He frowned but didn't spare any single glance towards her "no, but return before the business party.. You have to go with me.."

Edzell is used to this by now, still it hurts though, but she now can suppress her feelings inside her.. "Okay, take care.." She said and left..*

That's the last conversation she had with her husband.. It's been a week and he didn't even bother to send a single text to her.. He didn't even know that she still is in Spain, leaving with her best friend Cassandra..

"Are you sure you still want to live with that bustard?" Leona asked being frustrated.. "I mean, just look at you! You are beautiful, sexy.. You can get any good man over here but you are still living with that scumbag, why Iza?"

Sighing Edzell close her luggage "I know Leona, you are very worried about me.. Moreover, I also never wanted to live with him.. But, I can't help it.. You know my parents.. Only by marrying him, I have gained their little bit of attention.. I just don't want to ruin that.. Moreover, I am still trying to be a good wife, you know?"

"Trying to be a Good wife! my foot! Damn woman! For past three years you are being an amazing wife but he didn't even care about you! He is just only using you as his ladder, can't you see that!?" Cassandra huffed again..

Edzell smiled at his friend and took her in a tight hug "as long as you are with me, I am fine with everything!"

But Cassandra pushed her back "Oh please, don't change the subject! I think this is the high time you should talk to your parents and walk out of this marriage.." She was stern..

Edzell sighed while shaking his head "fine, I will try my best.. Okay? Now happy?"

Finally Cassandra smiled but it only remained for a second and then vanished again "I will be if you solve this mess.." She grabbed Edzell's hands "I will always be with you Ezy, just be confident and take the step forward.. I am sure, your parents will understand, okay?"

Edzell nodded with a smile, though she know it would never happen.. Her parents would never understand.. For them business comes first.. And that's why they never even think twice to marry her off with Zachary Smith..


Keeping her luggage in the distinct place, Edzell sat down on her seat at the business class compartment.. She is going to London to meet her parents.. Her birth place.. Though she is not much exited to go there or meet them, but it's better than living with Zachary..

Her life has always been like this, trying to empress everyone.. Her parents get married because of business and have her.. They wanted a boy to run their business but she was a girl.. So, naturally they didn't put much care on her..

Her mother had to suffer some problems and she couldn't able to birth anymore child.. They didn't get divorced because of the society and their prestige, but they didn't have any good relationship between each other..

Edzell always wanted her parents attention but never able to get it.. She got a chance to fulfil her dream when her parents decided to engage her with Zachary and she agreed to it..

Her father is a Chatterd Accountant and held one of the famous Accounting farm in London.. He believes that only a son can run father's business.. But much to his disappointment he doesn't have any son..

Zachary was her father's most intelligent student in the farm and getting impressed by him he arranged Edzell's marriage with him.. Everything was good at first few months and then when his father transferred his half business to him, he started showing his true colors.. And now, it became her life..

"Excuse me?" A sudden voice broke her trance, she looked up and saw a very handsome and good looking man standing in front of her "yes?" She asked..

"This is my seat, may I?" He asked pointing to the seat..

Edzell nodded, "sure, please" then she looked outside again, through the plane window.. She got the window side seat..

The man sat beside her.. The plane take off and the journey started.. Few minutes passed and suddenly she heard the man speaking "flying alone?"

Edzell looked beside her and nodded "yes"

He nodded and then spoke again "May I get your name, If you don't mind, then only.."

"Hi, I am Edzell" She replied with a polite smile..

"Edzell" he pronounced as if he was tasting it.. "Nice name" He complimented.. She had a goosebump when was doing that!

"And you?" She asked.. Edzell felt that he went surprised hearing her as If it was something unreal not knowing who he is!

But he quickly gathered himslef and replied "I am Steven.. Hi, nice to meet you.." He hold his hand in front of her for a hand shake..

Edzell hold it with a smile.. But, the moment she hold it, something sparked inside her, as If a current ran down through her spine..

Her eyes met with him and something happened inside her that she couldn't help but bit down her lower lip.. Realising what is she doing, Edzell quickly pulled her hand and spoke "umm.. Nice to meet you, Steven.." And quickly removed her eyes from him, looking outside of the window again but this time to avoid his nostalgic gaze..


It didn't only happen to her.. Steven too feel the spark.. He never initiated the first talk with anyone, but at her first sight he wanted to talk with her and he did.. Though he didn't expect this tension but it happened anyway..

It more intrigued him when she bit down her lips and pronounced his name with those perky lips of her..

Both were seating in awkward silence, tension is in the air.. He cleared his throat, trying to reliese the tension "umm.. where do you live in Spain?"

"Madrid" Edzell only replied with a word.. She didn't know what to ask again.. This is happening with her for the first time.. And then both went silent again..

Nothing much happened between them but both were feeling the same attraction towards each other, even in silence!