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Stories Of The Darkness

Stories Of The Darkness




this is gong to be a bunch of creepy stories together that ill be making originally. i will make my own creatures and situations through out for people to enjoy. i will try and post regularly but i do tend to get busy however this is something i really wanna do as i love writing and reading

warning contains gore

in the corners o your rooms, living room, kitchen, bedrooms, basement, attic, even garage, thing watch you. some are tall and lanky beings that have sharp fangs ready to dig into its victims and tear them to pieces to devour their insides for a nice meal, some are small but still not entirely friendly. some of the small ones are actually worse then the longer ones.

There is one being in particular who lurks in the dark, in the shadows everywhere you go, he watches you and ponders. he can be evil and cruel to those he sees, but sometimes he's just mischievous, pulling small pranks on people such as moving objects, peaking out just enough so they can see him out the corner of their eyes but he pulls back before they can see him. He can enjoys driving those he chooses to madness till he eventually kills them or they kill themselves.

This being is called the man who hunts, he often hunts for certain kinds of people whether it be to kill or just mess with. However, if he wants to drive someone mad, he will typically go for someone with mental illnesses, especially like anxiety because he loves to watch them freak out and battle with them selves in their own mind, in there head. he can cause them to see and hear things that aren't being done or said. he can make their depression, anxiety, insecurities, paranoia, self doubt, everything all worse, its like he can inbody those things to make it all worse, to magnify those feelings. dread, hate, anger, self hatred, hatred to what someone has done to you, he can take it all and drive you insane with it.

His looks vary, as he never gets seen completely, and those who have seen him are dead when found so there is no really solid evidence of what he truly looks like. some say he's just a shadow himself, some think he has teeth and deep red eyes that pierce through whoever's eyes who are looking back into his. But no matter where you go, as long as there is darkness and shadows and if he wants to find you, he will find you and it depends on him what he shall do with you. if you manage to get away, be aware, no one ever, ever gets away from him permanently. so he will one day find you, he will remember you, and make everything he did before seem like a walk in the park compared to what he will do when he catches you.

This is my own creature. Do not take him please and thank you. If you want to use him for a story let me know because he is mine.