
Let’s Read The Word

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Calvin Nicolaide is a secret agent from an unknown international organization. Their organization is created for a reason and that reason is to protect innocent people from evil person, to protect people who can't defend their self, to protect woman, and weak people. Their organization is anonymous even in politics at every country. They don't know that there's an organization exist like that. It is created with a mission, to protect innocent and powerless people. One day, Calvin Nicolaide's boss gave him a mission and that mission is to protect someone who's born with a rare disease called CIP or also known as analgesia; it is a condition in which a person cannot feel pain (and has never felt) physical pain. He need to protect this person to those who's trying to hurt her for unknown reason, and it all started to THE MISSION. *** DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

"HEY CALVIN, Padrone is looking for you, seems like he'll gave you another mission," Spade said with his usual poker face; Spade is one of Calvin's co-agent. Calvin let a sigh and lazily stood up and walk directly to the office of thei boss.

Eleven years ago when he enter this brotherhood but up until now his boss is anonymous and everyone didn't know his real identity, but everyone in this organization respect him.

Calvin enter this organization for a reason.

He knock at the door three times before it opens and the padrone asked him to have a sit, so he obligated. He look at the huge screen in front of him and bow hid head as a respect. Behind of that huge screen is their boss you can see them, their padrone is known as "the dragon" for some reason.

Every members of the said society has a minimalist dragon tattoo on thei chest as a sign that they're an official member of red dragon society.

"A girl name, Bryleen Marchesa from your country is in danger, this girl is born with a disorder which is she can't feel any pain even she's bleeding, it's a rare disease. Starting next week your mission is to protect her," Padrone said that made Calvin nod, of course whatever his mission is his willing to accept it, he enter this society to protect innocent people and no matter what mission it is, he'll accept it wholeheartedly.

He enter this society because of his past and that past of him made inspire him to enter this secret society to protect innocent and weak people.

"I'll accept your command, Padrone." He said politelty and bow his head again. The huge screen shut down so he just left the room with a smile on his lips because of happines, he'll protect someone again as his mission and he likes it.

Calvin walk towards his cabin to check his laptop if his boss already sent him an email, his smile wider when he already receive an email contains of some details such as bio data and some details that related to her profile.

The location is in the Philippines that made him grin in excitement, when is the last time he step the Philippines soil? It's been a year and now he'll be back to the place where he was born and raise. His flight is tomorrow morning, he sat at the floor and put his laptop at the mini table, Calvin read the report from another agent about Bryleen Marchesa, he found out that this girl is in danger because of some reason, she always receive a lot of death threats but she's not aware about it, so that his mission is to protect her.

Calvin sighed and tsked before he closed his laptop and stood up to prepair his thing for tomorrows flight.

While packing his clothes, Calvin dial the number of his bestfriend from Philippines, Kane; his childhood friend.

"Heya, buddy!" He said when his friend pick up the call, "what's up?" The other line said.

"I'll be back in the Philippines tomorrow. Isn't it a good news? Miss me?" He said with a smirk like as if his friend can see him smirking, he just call his friend to tease him and he burt into laugh when Kane ended the call.

That guy is a short tempered that's why teasing him is fun. He dial his number again to trigger him and burt into laugh again when his friend pick up the call and exclaimed in anger.

"F*ck you! Stop calling me, you tw*rp!" Calvin can't stop his self laughing. "Guide me in the country, I ain't familiar in manila. I won't accept NO as your answer, thankyou!" Then he ended the call while smiling, he's sure that his Kane is currently cursing him.

It's been a while, time flies so fast. He'll be back to his country again. He left the Philippines to enter this society for a work.

His friend didn't know anythinh about this, he only knew that he's a simple doctor, working abroad. But behind that doctor coat there's a guy who has always holding a gun to kill badass people around this world.

See you again Philippines...

"THAT'S NOT how you act when you feel happy, Bryleen. Act like normal people does!" Bryleen mother's exclaimed in anger.

She was born with a rare condition which is person can't feel any physical pain. Her condition is seriously dangerous because no one knows that she's already bleeding, even herself. Back then, someone stab her a dagger at her back but she didn't feel anything so she act nothing without knowing that she's dying without her notice. Good thing is one of their maid saw her, she was about to die that time but God is good.

In her whole life she's just inside their home, no friends like normal people have, she didn't go to school nor go outside because of her condition. She didn't know how did she survive in this condition but she's thankful that she's still breathing.

She's like a living dead: she can't feel hunger, she can't feel tired, she can't feel discomfort on her body, she can't smell anything, and she also can't taste anyfood.

Physically and emotionaly, she's numb.

Basically her life is trash, but even though her life is like this. She didn't try to ended it, she accept herself from the very start. She accept it— that unlike normal person— she's different.

But she's now aging and she have to face her life, she didn't want to stay in her room forever. She want to face the outside world, but she think it's a wrong move. When she started going outside, she experience a lot of things, and she can say that life isn't easy. She receive a lot of death threats, some of them is hurting her without her notice, and some of them is using her condition agaisnt her.

She felt pity about herself. But she knew for a fact that her life isn't the trash, but society is. How can they threat unormal person? How can they use my condition agaisnt me and my parents? How can they do this her?

Bryleen sighed and closed her eyes when she remember what happened earlier, her family is invited to a grand ball. The emcee award her as the most beautiful girl in the ball, the emcee asked her what did she feel, she said she's happy— but in a boring tone and poker face. Her mother said that they might be offended because of her antics.

Some people might think that it's an insult, telling them that you're happy but your face is poker? Yupp, it's something might offend them.

Her mother is forcing her to act like a normal person but the thing is she didn't know how to act like one. How can she act if she didn't know what does it feel? She didn't know what's the feeling of being sad or happy, she born this way and it's her nature! But her mother is forcing her so she have to obey her mother.

"Listen, Bryle, when people is happy, they're smiling, grinning, or laughing because of happiness. Go and read some article about emotion, and if you can't act like a normal person I won't let you go out. I'm thinking about your safety! If someone found out about your condition they might take advantage of you! All I just want is to keep you safe, Bryle. So listen to me, okay?" Mom said that made me nod and flash a smile.

"I'm happy. Should I smile like this?" She asked her mom and look at the front of the mirror, she's like a creepy doll.

"No, not like that. Smile like this," her mom said and smile at her from ear to ear so she did the same. "Yupp, that's it." Her mom said and kissed her forehead and speak again.

"Baby, you're aging and you're right that you have to face your life so becareful, okay? I'm not always here for you to protect you. So please act like a normal person for your own safety, promise?" I smile at her and nod as an answer, after that, her mom left alone.

She was born in a rich family, her parents is both business man/woman that's why she have to be careful 'cause anyone around her can be her enemy.

As her parents are both business man/woman it's a normal to have enemy everywhere. In business industry opponent is everywhere, when they found out my condition they might take advantage to me and my parents.

Bryle stood up and opened her laptop to browse in the internet about people's emotion, she even watch a lot of videos to know how to act like one.

Everytime she saw another action she'll copy it and pratice herself infront of the mirror. Like how to act happy, sad, and mad.

She even search a lot of emotion to find out how to act joyful, her research said that acting joyful is a positive vibes so she's planning to be a joyful person. She watch her own reflection on the mirror while acting happily and cheerful with a smile on her lips.

"OMG!" She shouted like as if she's surprise—practicing her self.

"Yupp, you did it right, Bryle." Bryle said to her self infront of the mirror while smiling and trying the other emotion that she knew. She even cry to act like as if she feels pain and sadness but deep down she didn't know what is she doing— I mean she's just acting but she can't feel anything.

Base on her research she just have to apply the right emotion in a right place and scene. She even asked the maid to get her some food and when the food came, she started to act like as if it she tasted it like how she saw on the TV.

"Hmm this taste good," Bryle said while nodding and copying the girl at the television, fromthe reaction and context she copied it.

And that day ended that way. She just keep on practicing her self and teaching her self to be a normal person.

That night she sleep well and when the morning came, she automatically smile and stretch her body— like a normal person do every morning.

Her life goes on that way. Since she was young she love watching movies and some cartoons, trying to copy their movements even though she didn't really want to. 'cause what's the use since she can't feel anything? She thought it's okay but while aging she realize a lot of thing.

She's sleeping at night and waking up the other day like nothing. She didn't even know that she fell asleep, Bryle just feel that she blinked at night at then boom when she look around it's already morning.

Bryle stood up and do her daily routine. When she pass the mirror, she smile at her own reflection before she enter the bathroom.

She's working on her parents own company because they're planning to make her a CEO someday so she's training herself to be a good CEO. Bryle is the only child so she no choice but to accept her parents offer, to be a CEO.

While droving her car on the way to the company, she saw a donut store that made her remember the novel that she read. The protanogist say that donut is good, and since she want to act like a normal person she buy a box of donut even though she can't taste it.

With a smile of her face she continue droving the car while playing a music, she keep on smiling happily but deep down she just want to poker face and walk around not minding people around her...

AFTER PACKING his stuff, Calvin decide to do some research about CIP disease, he found out that living with that condition is really dangerous.

He let out a deep sighed after reading one of those article, he found out that most of this people with that condition can only live 25 years, most of them died in a young age that's why people with this condition must be careful of their movements.

They didn't know if they're bleeding and if they got bruises, worst is even they got stabbed they can't feel it that's why this condition is very dangerous.

This lack of pain awareness often leads to an accumulation of wounds, bruises, broken bones, and other health issues that may go undetected.

Calvin let out a deep sighed again before he closed his laptop, it's already midnight and tomorrow he has a flight so he have to sleep early.

"Bryleen Marches is in a serious condition, how can she survive this? I envy her for being strong, she deserve to be protected." Calvin said back of his head while staring at the girls picture, she's pretty.

She has perfect shaped eyebrow, long eye lashes, beautiful round eyes, and pointed cute nose. Her lips is pink and kissable— inshort she's stunning.

He tried to find her in social media but the only account he found is her instagram account, but it's private. Calvin turn off his phone and walk towatds the restroom to take a half bath before he lay his body on the bed.

Before he sleep, Calvin smile thinking about the old memories together with his mother back then when he's young, he's living on of the province in Philippines. I'll visit my hometown after this mission.

See you soon, Bryleen Marchesa. I won't promise anything but I'll do my very best to protect you at all cost..