
Let’s Read The Word

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A Secret Night with The Billionaire

A Secret Night with The Billionaire




Adriana was hit with the news of her getting married to the richest family in the state in a month after her family signed a partnership deal with them. Except there was no known male in the family around her age, they were either too old or too young. Angry, Sad, and Betrayed by her parents, Adriana decided to rebel against the marriage and her parents, she got drunk and had a one-night stand with a bartender. The once quiet, peaceful and trouble-hating girl became one who made it to the news every other day of the week.

"Good morning Lucy" Adriana greeted the housekeeper as she sashayed into the dining room with her pajamas still on, she looked around expecting to see either of her parents but found none,

"Good Morning Miss Adriana" Lucy replied with a bright and fine smile, as she began serving the breakfast of Oatmeal, bananas, scrambled eggs, and a cup of warm milk.

"Thank you" Adriana muttered digging into the meal, "Have you seen Mum this morning?" Adriana asked with a mouthful of eggs

"You shouldn't talk with a mouthful of food Miss, if your Mother was here she'd chew your head off for having bad manners" Lucy reprimanded with a playful glare, Adriana rolled her eyes and continued eating silently.

"She asked me to inform you to get ready, she'd be back by midday after her appointment with the designer" Lucy reported

"Uh? Get ready for what? I don't have plans with her today"

"I'm not sure, but she looked a little bit off while she was leaving this morning"

'When does she never look off? Little things piss her off, she was probably angry because of a minor issue' Adriana thought as she continued eating

"What about Dad? Did they go together?" she questioned further

"No, Master has a meeting with the young master and some business associates today, I heard it's very important"

"Oh, alright" She continued her meal while scrolling through her social media feed watching cute dog videos and fashion news.

Once done with her meals she thanked Lucy and marched back upstairs to her expensively decorated room.

She picked up two outfits, one casual wear and one official wear, not knowing what her mother had planned for the day; before going to the bathroom for her extensive morning routine.

At midday, her mother returned, with several shopping bags filled with clothes, shoes, and jewelry, alongside two attendants from the store.

Adriana raised a questioning brow as her mother walked into her room with urgency, directing the attendants where to place the bags.

"What's up? What is the occasion for you to buy so much? She asked sitting up from her fetal position.

"I told you to get ready, why are you still in a robe?" Mrs Peterson quarried, her hands folded under her breasts as she glared down at her sitting daughter

"I didn't know what you wanted me to get ready for, plus I initially didn't have plans with you. So what's the occasion?" Adrianna asked again, standing up to check out the clothes her mother had bought.

Mrs. Peterson gestured for the attendants to hand her the magazine as she handed them to her daughter, "Pick a dress from there, they will take your measurement"

With a raised eyebrow and a confused mind, Adriana took the fashion magazines from her mother and flipped them open to see they were filled with various wedding dress pictures

With a nervous chuckle, "Mum, did you perhaps pick the wrong magazine? This is full of wedding dresses" Adriana asked in puzzlement, dread settling in her stomach at the seriousness on her mother's face.

It can't be?

"I didn't pick the wrong magazine," she replied before turning to the other people in the room "Would you two please excuse us? I will call for you when we need you" She waved off the attendants and sat on Adriana's bed, her legs crossed with her hands settling on her knees.

"What do you mean you didn't pick the wrong dress? I never told you I'm getting married or anything like that and for your information, I broke up with my boyfriend last month, so what the hell is going on? "

Her mother took a deep breath, avoiding eye contact with her daughter as she began to explain

"Your father and I agreed to marry you to a business associate's son"

"The hell? The fuck did you just say?" Andriana asked in disbelief, her heart skipping a beat as she moved closer to her mother "You are joking, right? It's a prank, right?"

"I know this is a lot to take in at the moment and this is the wrong way to go about it but you have to understand we had no choice"

"Oh for fuck sake Mother!... "

"Language young lady, I won't tolerate you cussing at me!" Mrs. Peterson yelled

"The fuck do you mean you won't tolerate me yelling at you, mother?! If I don't yell at you what am I supposed to do? You spring the news of me getting married on me, is this supposed to be some kind of surprise?" Adriana asked angrily, her hands flying around in annoyance

"Do you expect me to call and tell you 'Oh you've done well'? Because I'm not not going to pat your back and say thank you for deciding to marry me off for fucking business sake"

"And what do you mean you had no choice? How many fucking families dared order the Peterson family to do anything? You had every fucking choice! You just chose the stupid one of all" Adriana yelled in anger, tears streaming down her face as her voice got louder and louder.

How could they? How could they make such a decision without asking for her opinion?

Mrs Perterson sat down with her gaze looking out the side window as she listened to her daughter's outburst. Her hands held her knees tighter, as she bit back her words,

'It was their fault and she has every reason to be angry, she has every reason to cuss and throw things even if it's untidy' she repeated to herself as her daughter continued yelling in anger

'It is our fault'

It was true they had a choice. They did, but a moment of greed made them choose the wrong one.

Despite the stoic and indifferent look on her face, she felt sorry for her daughter, None of her older siblings were married for the business, it was a choice they were allowed to make on their own but now hers had been taken away from her.

"Mum, You are kidding me right?"