
Let’s Read The Word

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She Alpha

She Alpha

Author:Alicia Cross



A prophecy. One that would change the world, to save it, or destroy it. Humanity and every creature on the planet will die, she has a chance out of a million to save them all, or they all perish. She has a choice to make, be their savior or thier destruction

My eyes jerked open as I was forced up from the bed where I slept, I looked sharply to my left and saw Anabelle, only born child of Alpha Dominic and the woman I served crouched low on the floor next to my bed,, she shakily put her finger to her lips as she shushed me just as I was about to speak

She waved her hand, urging me to stand up. A shadow passed by the door, then I heard snarls and screams, then sounds of a struggle and then a thud, the Stark smell of blood reached my nose. Training took control and I quickly unsheathed my sword I had carried from my drawer. Who were the people outside? I knew what they were here for, but I wouldn't let them have her. I stood in front of the Annabelle, guarding her. We stoods still, watching the door. Footsteps moved towards the room where we stood. A shadow cast over the door and I braced, I wasn't dying without a fight. They would have to go through me to get her

The wind blew by the window, and I realized my mistake. I turned as fast as I could towards the open space, but it was too late. A stunning arrow shot into my neck and I slumped to the floor, Annabelle followed. The stunned arrowed was taking effect, I was getting drowsy.

"Princess...." I reached my hand toward the prone figure next to me, then blackness took over

I woke up disoriented, my head was pounding and a very foul taste filled my mouth, I tried opening my eyes, they felt too heavy. I realized soon what had woken me up, sharp intense pain, none like I had ever felt before was moving through me, thick long silver metals had been embedded in my palms into the chair where I was tied. A whimper of pain escaped me before I could stop it

I suddenly remembered, the attack and our abduction, Annabelle! I quickly looked around, searching for her, my eyes went wide with shock. She had been hung on the wall, her hands held together and tied with silver metals, silver ropes around her neck holding her up. I tried moving my hands but the intense pain held me back

"Annabelle!" I shouted, feeling helpless. For the first time in a long time, I regretted being different. I was unlike other female betas my age, I was unlike other wolves, period. I was born of wolf blood, but I never transitioned into a wolf, never gained the strength and power other wolves had, I had never even turned before, I was a disgrace to the pack, but did my best fighting and guarding the princess, my sword was all I was worth

"Oh look, the human is wake" Someone said to my left, I lifted my head and searched, I didn't have acute smell or hearing like other wolves. Human? Who was he talking about? A tall bald man walked towards me, he had a gun limp in one hand. He jerked my head back forcefully with the grip on my hair. Pain reverberated through my entire body. I shouted, unable to resist. He bent low and moved his face close to mine

"I am not here for chit chat, I ask you questions and you answer, or I am going to cut your throat out with my teeth" he said calmly. Fear shot through my body, his eyes looked dead as he looked into mine. This was a wolf who has killed without remorse, I knew if I didn't speak I was going to die. I looked over his head at Annabelle, the information he wanted was probably going to cause her or even the pack harm, I would keep protecting her if it was the last thing I did. I looked back at him and he smiled wide. He had seen the resolve in my eyes

"Well looky here, the little human chooses to die" he said, taunting me. I heard male laughs and sneers from other side of the room, we were not alone

"I am not going to tell you what you want, and I am not a human you idiot!" I shouted, enranged. He backhanded me and i felt the taste of blood in my mouth, i was shocked my head hadn't pulled out from my body with the force of the slap

"I said no fucking chit chat" he said furious.

"How else would I tell you want you want if you want me to shut up? You are not very smart are you?" I retorted. I didn't know what i was doing. I didn't have a plan to get Annabelle out, and i was already in too much pain from the metals in my hands

Baldie snapped his hands, and another man walked away from the shadows toward Annabelle, the new man removed a sharpe pointed metal and suddenly stabbed her with it. Annabelle whimpered, the only sign she was alive

"What are you doing?!!" I shouted, ingnoring the pain and frantic to get to her

"I know you are not the daughter of Alpha Dominic, since you are obviously human, since you won't talk, you will if I hurt her. I told you no time for chit chat, I would have thoroughly enjoyed torturing you though" the man said, standing to his full height. I knew they could smell my fear, it had become a breathing living thing

"Don't hurt her, I will tell you what I know" I replied, defeated. I couldn't get her out because I was trapped, and she couldn't get herself out, she was been tied down with silver.

"You are going back to the castle with us, you are going to lead us to the underground safe where Dominic stashed his money" said baldie

"How easy do you think that will be huh? Every beta is probably on guard looking for his daughter, and I have no fucking idea where the underground safe is" i replied defiantly

"You stupid bitch!" He grabbed my neck and squeezed. I tried breathing but couldn't, he was choking me. I trashed on the chair, trying to free myself so i could breathe

"I know that all the servants at Arindale castle have been working there their whole life so you can't claim you don't know where the stash is, the Alpha is currently in a summit, so he wasn't there and is not there now" he said smug. "We did our fucking research you brat" he added angrily

"She doesn't know where the stash is" boomed a female voice, I couldn't turn to look because my neck was still held in a submissive hold by the man

"She doesn't?" Asked baldie, the woman must have nodded because his hold tightened on my neck, black spots flashed in my eyes, I was going to pass out. He let go of my neck suddenly and I pulled in large amount of air, filling my lungs. I watched as baldie walked toward the man who stabbed the princess and collected the pointed metal, he walked back toward me. I knew his intent.

"Gilbert wait..." The woman started

Baldie pulled his hand back and stabbed me in the chest with the metal. All that air in my lungs went out with force, my eyes bulged out with pain, I could feel every inch of the metal in my heart. I tried to speak but nothing was coming out of my mouth but blood, lots of blood. Baldie pushed the metal deeper, staring me in the eyes, he wanted to watch the life drain from my eyes

My vision was blurring, I tried to look once again at princess Annabelle but my eyes were too heavy, I was going to die, blackness overcame me

I woke up in a meadow, I looked down at myself, I was wearing my favorite dress, white and flayed at the waist. I was surrounded by grass and endless fields of it for miles all around me, I was also alone. Was this the after life? Was this a dream? A lone tree stood tall a few miles away, I could see it. I walked towards it as fast as I could. I tried remembering my name, I was.... I couldn't remember

As I reached the tree, I noticed the leaves, golden in color, it was the most unusual color for leaves, I moved closer and realized that they were not leaves, but butterflies, lots of butterflies imitating leaves on the huge tree, I suddenly knew where I was, I knew what was happening. Something that should have happened when i attained the wolf link, this should have happened when I was in my mother's womb, just like it did for every other wolf. I was about to transition into a beta. But, why now?
