
Let’s Read The Word

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Slasher MC Adam Black

Slasher MC Adam Black




Hazyl Corazon is a Puerto Rican 18 year old single mom of twin girls she moved to a new town in Montana. She moved to get away from the drama of her crazy ex and parents who are not nice. And to give her 10 months old girls a better life. Plus she wants to open Wicked Heart Cafe Bakery and make a name for herself. While visiting her neighbor's house she meets her kids and grandchild. Her son Adam Black is an asshole and one sexy tattoo cover sin. Adam Black is a 23 year old who has a 3 year old son and is the President of the most feared MC in the West Coast. He has a heart when it comes to his family and people he cares about. He has also been ruthless to his enemies, and has gotten worse since the day another rival MC killed his father. Adam is a man whore, he loves his single life style with a different woman every night. But when he met the neighbor that moved in next door to his mother he couldn't stop thinking about the beauty. Her curves are driving him crazy, Hazyl Corazon will be mine. What will happen when Hazyl meets Adam Black the town bad boy Prez of the Slasher MC, heartbreaker, TROUBLE all around. Will it be love at first sight? Or will they crash and burn?

My name is Hazyl Corazon. I just turned 18 years old and I have twin girls 10 months old. Right now I am driving to my new home in the Mountain side if California. I left New Jersey because my crazy ex was trying to kill me and he didn't want the twins in the first place and he was abusive. When my brother rescued me I went to stay with my friends. Parker kept coming after me. I had to get us out of there. That situation would have gotten my friends hurt. We had to move to where he couldn't find us.

When my grandparents passed away they left me and my brother Hunter all their money and everything they owned. So our parents weren't really happy that our grandparents left us everything.

So we are moving from the East Coast to the West Coast to get as far away from the ex and all the crazy back at jersey and we need a fresh start for us. This house belongs to our grandparents. And it was ours now. I'm glad they left it to us. We have a place to go when I didn't even know what to do before. Fresh start like I said. Fresh start for all of us. We all needed to get away.

I pulled up to our new house. It was beautiful, big enough for all of us and that included me, the twins, Hunter, and my 2 best friends Lexi and Luna. The house has a big living room, big beautiful kitchen, a nice dining room area, 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom, big basement which will be the game room, big pool, and huge backyard for the twins to play in. I love it.

When I had the twins I lost most of my friends. I learned quickly who my friends really were but I still had my brother and two best friends were there for me and still are. Like I said before they are moving here too."FRESH START" I say to myself again.

I take the girls high chair out and put them in the living room and put the twins in there. And get them something to eat and drink, turn on the t.v. and put on some Laugh & Learn videos. Thanks to my brother he made sure he put some cameras up so we can monitor the girls from anywhere in the house and because we do YouTube videos me, Hunter, Lexi and Luna all have a channel. I like to teach people how to bake. But I stopped doing videos because of Parker. So we have cameras mainly to monitor the girls when we aren't in the same room. While they are eating and busy watching their videos. I went out to the SUV and started to unpack while I was unpacking. One of my neighbors came out and introduced herself to me.

"Hello, my name is Kira Black I live there," she says while pointing at the house next door. "Let me help you sweetie." she asked while taking a box out of the car. OOOOOOkay.

"Hey I am Hazyl and sure thank you come on in." I said to her and I can't believe I just invited her in.

"So how are you settling in? I know you just been here a few hours but how do you like the town your grandparents lived here there whole life. Can't believe we haven't met you kids before." she says well my parents hate it here and they never wanted us to go near this town or our grandparents. My grandparents told my parents that they shouldn't let the nannies raise their children and that they should be better parents and more in our lives. And my mother being who she was did not take it well. So she cut them and all our family from both sides out from our lives. So me and Hunter would facetime with them and they got to know us and we got to know them. But I can't tell them that.

"Good still unpacking, my brother sent a lot of the girls stuff here first so their things were here when I got to the house sorry about the mess. And we didn't get to come down here but we did facetime everyday." I told her now she is looking at my twins that are sitting watching the videos in the living room.

"Awwwwww, who are these beautiful little angels?" she asked while looking at the twins. Well damn here goes nothing . Some people don't really take it well when they find out I am a teen mom. They get all judgy.

"They are Ashlynn and Allison Corazon, my daughters." I told her There I said it. I wait for the judgment in her face or the words that everybody says 'you're a little to too young to be a mom.'But they don't come. That's the first. NO JUDGEMENT just kindness.

"They are so beautiful, how old are they?" she asked me

"10 months old they will be 1 in December 25th" I tell her. Why am I telling her this stop talking Hazyl GOD. I became Ms.Talkative all of a sudden. "May I" Mrs. Black says wanting to carry the girls.

"Sure they don't really like strangers so sorry if they cry when you pick them up." I tell her she picks the girls up one on each arm and when she picks them up I'm surprised when they don't cry they smile at her wow that's the first I'm shocked. She sat down with both girls on each side.

"I have a 3 year old grandson whose name is Asher. I always wanted more grandkids but my daughter is about your age and she wants to find Mr. Right and out of my boys only Adam Asher's dad has given me a grandbaby, Asher's mother, well she didn't want him she didn't want kids at allso she signed her right away she said she was too young for kids." she tells me damn if that pisses me off what the fuck kind of mother would abandon thier baby I might be young but I can't imagine my life without my girls.

"Wow I could never abandon my princesses, they are my world. I don't understand how some females have babies to walk away from them." I tell her she looks at me with admiration in her eyes.

"I can take the twins next door to my house while you finish unpacking." she tell me. While I think about her offer. I look around and think of the stuff still in my car. I do need to finish unpacking . And she lives right next door. my grandparents always talked about The Black family and always said good things about them.

"Would you like something to drink?" I asked her yes I know I haven't answered her question. But I'm thinking.

"Water will be just fine, dear." she said as I walked to the kitchen.

"Okay but if they bother you please bring them back." I said from the kitchen rude I know but I was feeling a little embarrassed. I walked out and handed her the water.

"Oh sweetie these angels won't be a bother to me." she tells me with a smile.

"Omg how did you get them to take a nap or at this time. How do you do that so fast." I'm shocked she even got them to take nap or that the twins didn't throw a tantrum when she picked them up like wow.

"Well I just rubbed the girls back and rocked them to sleep. They are so sweet." Kira said to me

"May I ask a question if you don't mind." she say to me

"Yeah sure" I say to her

"Where is the twins' father? And where are you parents?" she asked me

"Well my parents don't want anything to do with us. But I have my brother who will be moving down here along with my two best friends." I told her

"And the girl's father is not in the picture, he was a bad guy." I informed her why did I say that to her OMG

"I'm sorry sweetie and I'm happy you had people on your team and now you have me too." she says to me with a smile

"Thank you, do you want me to get the bag ready for them?" I asked her

"Yes that would be great." she says to me

I went to get the baby bag ready and went back downstairs to Mrs. Black who was waiting for me. She picked up Ashlynn and I picked up Allison and helped her take them to her house. Her house looks just like mine on the outside and the layout inside is a little different. There was a girl around my age who looked like Kira with light brown eyes and medium hair was sitting down to play with a little boy with dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

"Hey mom oh hi I am Haley and this is my nephew Asher who are these beautiful little girls." she ask with a smile on her face

"Hey I am Hazyl and these girls are my twin daughters Ashlynn and this one is Allison." I told her she is smiling while looking at the girls.

"Omg they are so beautiful how can you tell them apart?" she asks but before I can answer Mrs. Black answer first.

"Well Ashlynn has silverish grayish eyes like her mother and Allison has deep blue eyes just like Asher." she informed her and she smiled at her mom.

"Well Hazyl, this is my 18 year old daughter Haley. I have three son Adam 23, Nash 24, and Van 25. Asher's dad Adam is my youngest son." she told me

"Well you should finish unpacking sweetie and I will make dinner and you can have dinner with us. My boys will be over for dinner." she told me

"Oh no that's okay I don't want to impose." I try to tell her but she is already walking into the kitchen taking the girls with her to call her daughter to bring her Asher.

"She is not listening to you coming to dinner. I'll help you finish unpacking. Let me take Asher to my mom." she took Asher to the kitchen and came back. I guess I'll be making a new friend.

We got to my house and we started unpacking and talking. I told Haley about my daughters, my brother Hunter and my best friends Lexi and Luna and how they're moving down here too. And she was telling me about her friends and her brothers and how crazy they are. I was having a good time talking to her. Maybe she will become a good friend too. Only time will tell.

We were so busy enjoying our convo that I didn't realize my best friends walked into the house.

"Well it looks like Haz replaced us Lexi." Luna said we turned around she has a smile on her face.

"Yes she did Luna." said Lexi with a smile on her face too I ran to them, I'm so happy they are here so happy. I look at Haley and she is smiling.

"Omg what are y'all doing here y'all doing here y'all said you'll be here in two weeks." I tell them, I'm so happy they are so happy. I look at Haley and she is smiling.

"Well how rude of me let me introduce you two to Haley, my neighbor and new friends." I said " Haley, this is Lexi and Luna." I said pointing at each girl. They said hi and nice to meet you . And we started to talk and laugh.

"Well you stuck with us Haley, any friend of Hazyl is a friend of ours." says Luna with a smile and Lexi agreed with her too.

"We should finish unpacking and get y'all things in here and unpack. My ma is making dinner and you two are invited too and don't worry she cooks a lot cause my brothers can eat. I'll text her now to let her know." Haley says and we do just that while we talk, laugh and unpack.