
Let’s Read The Word

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Conquering Saman

Conquering Saman



Short romance

Anna, Jennifer, and Cynthia are three best friends. Anna hates school a lot, while Jennifer's parents are very poor and Cynthia's parents are more than wealthy. They are from different roots but didn't allow their background to hinder their friendship. They decided to attend the same school and on their first day of school, they met the most handsome guy on campus and fell in love with him at first sight.'What would happen to the three best friends when they have to fight each other to the love of the hot guy on campus?'.'Will their friendship stand, or will their friendship collapse when the hot campus guy, chooses one of them and leave the others?".

Sometimes, I think I should be alone, how possible will my friendship and my friends last. It has been seven years now we have been together. I hope nothing spoils our relationship.

"Today is the 25th, holy shit! school is resuming next week. why do schools have to resume now, why is there even something called school or college? I'm frustrated when I hear the name school. look at my mum and dad, they are trying hard for me to make them proud with this so—called school, this same school that I don't like. How will I make them proud?. Even after schooling, I hope there will be something nice ahead of me, things like good jobs and a good, handsome—looking man that will take care of me to the fullest. I hope I find all this and I hope my friends try to make me love school". Anna talks to herself of how life is on a sofa.

Anna Elijah is a little girl and the only daughter of her family. She's very intelligent and jovial but she hates school so much that her parents keep telling her to go to school so that she can make it. She has friends who have been by her side for years but Anna keeps having this doubt that something terrible will happen to her friend. I also forgot to say, Anna loves football a lot which is one reason her friends dislike her. she rather join the boys discussing football even when she doesn't even know them than be with her friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Elijah are the parents of Anna who own a small company for the production of noodles. Although, Mr. Elijah had worked so hard that he managed to open his small company with the little he had and the help of his wife. Mr. Elijah always keeps his promise to make his family eat and also happy. Mr. Elijah suffers a lot in everything, thank God for Mrs. Elijah. A god—fearing woman, a woman filled with love and happiness. Mrs. Elijah loves her husband very much even though the marriage wasn't by true love but by free will by both parents. During bad days and bad times, Mrs. Elijah had been the one holding the family back. She even brought the idea of the collection of loans to start this small company. Yet, she doesn't feel like the man of the house, instead she gave her husband all the maximum respect and love. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah had long looked for babies before Anna was reproduced. During Anna's delivery, it was the most joyful day in their life which made them throw huge parties, inviting friends, relatives, and even beggars to join them in celebration. Because of this, they want their daughter to study hard in order not to pass through this hardship they have undergone but yet their daughter Anna still doesn't love school.

"Mum, school is resuming next week and I don't feel like resuming next week. Hope I can stay at home for more than two weeks?". Anna asked her mum with a frown on her face.

"My dear, there isn't anything you are doing at home and it is better if you resume early so you can be caught up on time. You know dad will be very happy if you made us proud and smile". Mrs. Elijah tells her daughter not to miss class.

"ok mum. The thing is, my friends can't resume school next week and I will love to go with them together". Anna tried using her friends as an excuse in order not to go to school that same next week.

"Oh! Your friends, don't worry I will call them on phone so definitely, they will change their mind and then you three can go to school together. My daughter, the secret of learning is being in lectures regularly and paying attention to what your lecturer or professor taught you. By paying close attention, you will be able to gain more when reading your book. Don't worry I will also talk to your friends about this. It's already past right and I need to join your dad in the office". Mrs. Elijah also advises Anna on the secret of learning and good grades but lets hope Anna listens to her mum.

" Thank you mum, my friends will be coming later today. Please take care of my dad for me. Bye". Anna gives her mum a warm smile as she waves goodbye to her.

I need to take my bath and put on my mini dress since I'm all at home just expecting my friends today. Should I put on the plant and watch film or football? Oh shit, I'm really tired. The house is boring. I think I should call my friends now. let me take my bath because this odor in my body gets out of hand.

"Hello, we are here. Come open the gate for us" Jennifer and Cynthia knock on the door.

"Hello, we are here!!!!!. Anna can't you hear us" Jennifer shouts heavily as she knocks at the door.

"Sorry I was watching a film. The volume was very high. So sorry" Anna apologize

Jennifer is also the only daughter of her family. She is from a poor family since the day her father got arrested for drug dealing years ago. Since then, things have been really difficult for Jennifer and her mum even if they are few. Jennifer is intelligent but thinking of her mum made her lose interest in a lot of activities like school and dancing. She started dancing at the age of five and stopped at the age of fourteen because of her father's arrest. Jennifer's daily prayers were Lord keep my family safe and don't allow us to be ashamed and yes God keeps answering her prayer for her. Jennifer believes in miracles since her life alone was a miracle and also she is a quiet girl. People say she is quiet but her friends do say she is a WordHippo Thesaurus


while Cynthia is the second child of six children and she is from a very rich and healthy family. Cynthia only awaits her certificate and starts earning money as soon as possible. Her parents made it clear that she didn't need to suffer but indeed will enjoy the good tree. Cynthia's only problem is to get a husband and her parents assure her to look for a husband by herself and they won't interfere in whosoever they choose.

" You know I don't like shouting and you are stressing me out. Next time if you didn't hear me on time, I won't come here anymore". Jennifer replied with a smile on her face.

"Is there any food at home? I'm starving like hell. please if there isn't please do well to prepare food". Cynthia asks with a sad face like she is beaten by hunger.

"Yeah. My mum prepared fish tacos and it's very delicious grilled or fried white fish

such as cod or mahi—mahi

, shredded cabbage, crema, pico de gallo, and a squirt of lime all nestled into a double layer of corn tortillas and can you believe it, it her first time doing it". Anna explains with joy in her heart. looks like the food is one of her best because she has never explained to her friends any food.

"Excuse me madam. Why are you explaining to us? We ask for food but you are explaining how to prepare food. Please serve us food and leave the cooking for some other day". Jennifer questions Anna with a smile. it's all a joke but deep down Jennifer is also hungry but since Cynthia has said so, she had to let it slide and let them bring the food.

These three friends started eating together wow, it was indeed delicious as Anna said earlier

"Hope you guys know that school is resuming next month".Anna asked her friends

"Yeah! Your mum even called us that we should all get ready that we are going that same next week but the problem is my mum doesn't have enough money to give to me. Although I called your mum, she promised to give me some little cash to hold on to but I don't even know how to collect the cash from her or how to say thank you. I don't know how to take money from others, I don't like it but I have no choice but to collect it from your mum". Jennifer explains as the beautiful smile earlier turns to sadness making her eyes get wet and emotional. Thank God for Cynthia, she was able to rest her head on her shoulder.

"Wow. My mum is so fast in calling, we just finished discussing how to go about school. Oh, I remember, I told her you guys are coming. I guess that is what made her call you guys on time. Jennifer, we are your friends and we have known each other for the past seven years if you need anything or you have any problem. We are here to help you out and also let's try our best to make this school count for our parents".Anna who doesn't love school started advising her friends to love school. I guess she has changed her mind. So she is resuming on time.

"School is no big deal for me but one thing is certain. We must do ourselves and make parents proud".But let's try our best to have each other back. I don't want us to have any problem maybe because of school so we should try our best to be supportive to each other". Cynthia concluded

Look at how these three best friends advise themselves on how to spend a happy life together. It's time to go home, Jennifer and Cynthia walk themself out on their way home planning on telling their mum that they are going to school next week. The little conversation and warm chat with these three best friends made it look as if nothing can come in their friendship and look at how they advise each other. I guess this is true friendship.

"Mum! Dad! Next week I'm going to school". Cynthia told her parents

"No problem, my child , get ready and prepare yourself for school. Try not to miss your meal and be serious with your study". Mr. Fidelis advises his daughter

Mr. Fidelis was a rich man from he was 24 till he got married to Mrs. Lilian fidelix. Mr. Fidelis had everything which means he can never lack anything. Mr. Fidelis has a different branch of the company and he plans on giving his daughter Cynthia one of the companies. All he needs is for Cynthia to complete his education career, why Mrs. Fidelis, a very lazy woman , had to employ a maid, a laundry service, and even someone to do her house shelf. Mrs fidelix has believed that since there is money, she should spend it now that she is alive not when she is about to die. Despite her laziness, she still loves her family greatly and she also wants Cynthia to be the best.

"Now that I've told you guys that I'm leaving next week please don't forget to remember me in your daily prayers". Cynthia concluded by giving her mum and dad a huge smile and hug saying they are the best parents in the world.