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Irresistibly Drawn To My Contract Luna

Irresistibly Drawn To My Contract Luna




Lorena Jones was sent to mate with Seth Rodriguez by her father. After she snatched him from the jaws of death, they signed a marriage contract, deciding to play the couple role to get by. Misunderstandings and conflicts kept occurring between this quarrelsome and loving couple. However, there was always an unbreakable force to make them get closer to each other. When Lorena finally dropped the guard and accepted Seth, which was supposed to be the happy ending of the story, the secrets behind Lorena's true identity unfolded. This time, where will fate take them?

Lorena POV

The Rodriguez family mansion.

A round full moon hangs high in the sky, creating a solemn atmosphere. There are only a few scattered individuals around, most of whom are immediate relatives of the Rodriguez family. In the center, I am dressed in a robe, conducting a mate ceremony with an unconscious man lying on the ground.

As for why this is happening, it's quite simple. The man before me, Seth Rodriguez, the esteemed royal Alpha heir, was involved in a car accident recently. The doctors declared him beyond saving and advised his family to make preparations for his passing.

However, Seth Rodriguez is the only son of the Rodriguez family. The Alpha King, unwilling to accept this fate, sought the help of the kingdom's most renowned witch doctor. The witch doctor suggested that strengthening his power through the mate bond might be the last resort. My father, Walter Jones, the Alpha of the so-called Dark Moon Pack, someone who will do anything to gain favor with the elite, couldn't wait to send me out for this purpose.

I know that originally, it should have been my half-sister Shana Jones, who shares the same father but different mother as me, to perform the ceremony. However, her carefree mother Kayla Wood, who has already severed her mate bond with Walter, strongly opposed her daughter joining with a dying man through the mate bond. So, she did everything she could to seduce Walter. That's why I am standing here now.

I did try to resist, but Walter is someone who only cares about power and beauty. At the slightest temptation from Kayla, he disregarded my wishes and made me the one to fulfill that role.

But I don't believe in witch doctors. If the injury is so severe that even doctors say there is no chance of survival, I don't believe that the power enhancement brought by a mere mate link can bring back someone who is almost having tea with the moon goddess. I just hope this farce ends soon so that I can go back to my own home.

The ceremony is over.

Mrs. Rodriguez looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "Seth has just been helped back upstairs. Go up and keep him company. If you need anything, just let the butler know."

"Okay," I obediently replied. With my oval face and a bit of chubby cheeks, I give off a pure, sweet, and kind impression.

One of the werewolves said, "This girl looks like a perfect match for Seth. Maybe she can really wake him up."

"Exactly," the other werewolves agreed.

I was speechless. I never knew I had the power to bring someone back from the brink of death. I reluctantly made my way upstairs. The first room was Seth's. As I entered, I saw a young man lying on the bed. His face was very pale, almost like a dead person.

I almost screamed. The dim lighting at the ceremony made it hard to see clearly, and I didn't expect him to be so weak. But gathering my courage, I squinted my eyes and took a second look. Although his eyes were closed, it was not difficult to see his handsome features - sharp eyebrows, a straight nose, and clean-cut facial lines. He had a very attractive appearance.

"Indeed, he is handsome," I muttered, leaning closer to him and checking his breath. "It's very faint, it looks like he's dead."

I suddenly felt a bit anxious. I leaned in and lifted his eyelids. Not sure if it was just my imagination, but it seemed like his eyeballs moved. I looked at the other eye in confusion. Then I realized, that eye was actually open, with a cold and clear black-and-white iris staring at me.

I suddenly became flustered as the wolf spirit within me unmistakably hinted that the man before me was my mate. My heart started racing. The man in front of me also showed a puzzled expression. He stared at me intently, as if wanting to raise his weak hands, but ultimately gave up due to exhaustion.

"Ah!" I jumped in fright, but lost my balance and tripped over a chair behind me, falling to the ground along with it.

"What's happening, what's happening?" The butler heard the commotion and hurriedly rushed in. "Oh my, young master is awake!" the nanny exclaimed.

"Really, Seth is awake?" Alpha King and Luna rushed in ahead.

"Seth, you're really awake." Mrs. Rodriguez tremulously and excitedly hugged her son.

Seth Rodriguez's Adam's apple moved with difficulty, he was awake, but too weak to speak.

"Why are you crying, quickly take him to the hospital," Alpha King reminded.

"Yes, yes, the doctor said if he wakes up, we should rush him to the hospital," Mrs. Rodriguez quickly let go of her son, then looked at me with tears in her eyes, "Lorena, you come too, I knew conducting the ceremony was the right choice, Seth will definitely recover."

This is so absurd. After living for twenty-two years, it's the first time I've heard that a mate relationship can bring someone back to life. This blow makes me question life a bit. Wasn't I supposed to wait for him to meet the moon goddess? I just want to go home.

It's 10 PM. I'm still wearing the robe used in the mate ceremony, sitting outside the emergency room with a confused look on my face. At this moment, the door of the emergency room opens. The doctor takes off his mask and says, "Miracle, it's a miracle. The patient had no hope of survival, but unexpectedly woke up. I've never encountered a patient like this before. Rest assured, the patient has passed the most dangerous period and is no longer in danger."

"That's great." Mrs. Rodriguez couldn't stop crying. "Lorena, thank you. You're my son's lifesaver." After saying that, she tightly holds my hand.

Soon, Seth was taken to the ward. I was assigned to stay in the ward as a companion, they said, but in reality, the Rodriguez family also hired two caregivers. I was just there for show. As I lay on the bed, thinking about what to do next, the phone suddenly rang.

Seeing the incoming call, I quickly grabbed the phone and answered, "Shana, why are you calling?"

"I just found out that you've become mates with the second son of the Alpha family. Are you crazy? Why did you agree? He's practically a dying man!"

Shana's voice was filled with anger and concern. Usually, it is difficult for two non-blood related people who become parents to form a good relationship as siblings. However, Shana and I are only two years apart in age, so even though we're not biological sisters, we have lived under the same roof since we were little, going to school and coming home together. Our bond has always been strong.

"No, the Rodriguez family said it would just be a ceremony, and we couldn't really refuse King's request either." I didn't want her to speculate, so I deliberately hid the fact that Walter had practically handed me over. I interrupted her, saying, "Isn't it a good thing that I'll be free after it's over?"

Shana gritted her teeth, "And what about Seth Rodriguez now?"

Just thinking about it made me frustrated. "He did wake up."