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Trapped Between Three Mates

Trapped Between Three Mates

Author:Author christy



She tried to hide the fact that his touch was affecting her, she never wanted him to know how much she yearned for his kiss, how much she wanted him inside her, how much she wanted to beg him to make her cum. “Don't you want me to touch you down there?” He said, pushing her to the wall as his hands found their way into her wet pussy. “Please, don't stop,” She said, looking at him with eyes of desire. *************** Not all heroines are powerless, not all heroines want to have a mate, some heroines just want nothing but revenge. And she was that type of heroine. Her parents were killed by a vampire and her pack was destroyed by a rogue alpha, this made her hate vampires and rogues. But what happened when she found out that she was mated to the two creatures she hated the most? VAMPIRES and ROGUES. And just when she thought she had had enough, the silver-eyed man came into the picture. Who was he? And why does he keep calling her towards himself? Will her mates take it seriously when they found out that she was not just mated to a VAMPIRE and WEREWOLF but also a caused MAGE? She was trapped between three men who wanted nothing but to fuck her all night, and her desires towards them were something she could not describe. A powerful heroine gets melted by three men who make every part of her body crave their touch. But will this stop her from the revenge she has always wanted? And who exactly killed her parents and destroyed her pack? NOTE: This is not your regular werewolf story, a lot of mature content is present in this book and readers less than 18 are reading at their own risk.

Chapter 1

The room reeked of blood, it had a dim light that barely showed the facial features of anyone but to her, it was the perfect aura to kill. She looked at him as a frown appeared on her face, he was her best friend, the only one who understood her perfectly, she didn't for once believe that he would betray her but yes, he did.

“How dare you! haven't I given you everything? I picked you from the trash and made you a figure of influence and you had the nerve to betray me! Such impetus,” she fired at him as her claws became sharper ready to take hold of the life he had remaining.

It's been ten years since she embarked on her journey of revenge, and just when she was about to get a clue on what exactly happened that night, the night that her life took a huge turn, he came into the picture and betrayed her to her face. She was never a woman of compassion, she never pitied anyone, especially those who trend in her den and he was no exception.

He thought she would let him go, he thought she would have a rethink considering the memories they had together, but it dawned on him that he never really knew her and for a minute he regretted taking that one horrible step. He never wanted to betray her, but it was all part of the plan from the crash and he could not go down on it.

She looked at him with disgust and then averted her gaze to her right-hand man “Kill him!” She commanded without a trace of sadness or regret in her voice, it was the path he chose for himself, and she was sure he was ready to pay the price for his mistake.

She walked out of the house and was halfway to her car when one of her men rushed to her, panting heavily “Boss, you’ve been invited to Nate Devan's party, to celebrate his unknown mate as he would be revealing who she is at the party tonight” He said, handing over an invitation letter to her.

She looked at it as a frown appeared on her face. The invitation was sent two days ago and he was just telling her “Kill him!” She said as two betas walked to him and ripped off his head before her face. She doesn't tolerate mistakes, especially one that was not acknowledged.

“Prepare me the newest brand of Louis Vuitton strapless gown and send it over immediately! The party is tonight and you don't want me looking low class,” she said to anyone who cared to listen before entering her Batmobile Limousine alongside her assistant and right-hand man.

She picked a glass of screaming eagle cabernet and gulped the whole content not sparing her assistant or anyone present with her a glance. She was a woman of class who was quick enough to look down on anyone who depended on her, and they were no exceptions.

She went through her phone as she chuckled lightly not noticing the worried expression on her assistant's face but she could hear his thoughts and heartbeat. She knew something was off so she averted her gaze from her phone to Kimbry, her assistant.

He was shivering in fear which got her confused and irritated at the same time “Speak now!” She said, looking at him coldly.

He didn't know if he was making the right step, she hated people who betrayed her and it was obvious that someone just did that. He inhaled and exhaled before looking over in her direction “Haven't you checked the news boss? You're trending," he said, trying as much as possible to break the news to her slowly and steadily.

"Who the fuck gave you the right to ask me questions? And, I've always been trending so is that new?" She said, clenching her fists tightly and impatiently.

He gulped the lump in his throat with much effort as her menacing gaze pierced through his body and headed for his heart. "My apologies boss, the paparazzi has raised a scandal stating that Achi dumped you for Cambry his real mate and I'm afraid, but a lot of hateful comments have been placed against you," he said looking down to avoid further gaze from his boss

Achi is her contract boyfriend, she hated the scandal that was flying around as her being a lesbian and thought entering a contractual relationship with an infamous drug lord and Alpha would help reduce it, and of course, it did, but the asshole crossed the lines and she wasn't going to allow him to spend a minute alive, not when he offended a person he wasn't even supposed to cross paths with.

"I want him killed and his filthy mate brought to me, take care of the media and find the person responsible for this scandal, I want these issues to be taken care of Asap. He has to understand that they're setting people you should be careful of while dealing with matters like this," she said as a smirk appeared on her face. The most dangerous thing for every wolf is to cross paths with someone who would lead to their death and for Achi, he just did and she was ready to make him have a taste of her rot.


In a room looking more like a study, a man walked in with a cold and deadly expression on his face as he looked at his assistant angrily "Who made that report!" He fired at his assistant who in return shivered in fear.

"Boss...I……..I…...I'm not sure," he said trying to put words together.

His boss walked up to him and moved his claws roughly around his neck making blood gush out but he wouldn't dare make a sound or even move, he knew better than to do that. His boss has long wanted to find his mate and now that he has found her and was even preparing a party for her, a scandal was raised against her and he knew he would go in for it.

"What do you mean by you're not sure? I told you to keep an eye on her, and you allowed a fucking paparazzi to raise a scandal against her! Do you realise that she is my mate and the future Luna of this pack? Get rid of the mother fucker who cheated on her with a weak omega and take care of the media or consider yourself dead!" He said and walked out without spearing his assistant a glance.

He walked elegantly to his room as the servants maintained a large distance away from him for fear of being killed. He was a man who was feared by everyone, his name rings a bell in the four walls of North America and no one had the balls to cross paths with him or harm something that was dear to him. And now that someone has tried doing that, he wouldn't mind killing the asshole with his very own hands.

He moved his hands around his hair as he gulped a large amount of the chilled whiskey laying on his table. He knew she would be surprised to know that she is his mate but he didn't care, she belonged to him and he was going to make her is no matter what. But the big question still kept ravaging his mind, would she accept him and allow him to pleasure her just like every woman wishes?