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Tamer. A Tale of Two Souls

Tamer. A Tale of Two Souls




TAMERS A tale of two souls Selene Ambrigio, sent back to the ancient time when she was bitten by the greatest hybrid vampire. Trapped in the forbidden forest for two years, Selene was haunted by the people of the ancient world. Dream was what she called it, but what happened when her future was in the dream. Her mission in the ancient world began to unfold when she was kidnapped or rather rescued by the vicious king of the Euphoria kingdom. Lorcarn Vlad was his name, ruthless, vicious, fierce and a bloodthirsty vampire. He took over the Euphoria kingdom throne after the demise of the 7th king against the laws of the land. He is a king with no queen feared by everyone but has a story with the greatest vampire hybrid.

" All hail the king !"

" Lorcarn! Lorcarn! "

" All hail the king !"

" Lorcarn! Lorcarn !"

Came the thunderous voice of the millions villager with their hands shot out and their faces gloomy

He sat on the throne, his hands laid possessively on it's hands and over him was a shade. A few moment from now, the rite will be completed and he'd be crowned a new king

A sinister smirk crawled on his lips " finally, the whole Euphoria city will be under my feet " he muttered

" Over to you queen Morgan" the general commander said as he walked over to a lady in red garment

Morgan nodded, her eyes slit red as she stood on her feet, the staff in her hand and she walked closer to the new king and stopped before him

" Are you sure want to do this ?" She mumbled lowly, staring at him

" Get done with it " he hissed

Morgan nodded, she turned away from him and face the crowd " today we welcome a new king in the Euphoria kingdom! " She shouted thumping the staff on the ground

" Lorcarn! Lorcarn! " Came again the thunderous voice of the villagers

Morgan inhaled sharply and turned over beside her, she picked the ancient horn and walked closer to the new king

" Today ...." She began, her faces held no expression as she thumped the horn on his head " the blood, the flesh of all living thing in the whole Euphoria kingdom belongs to you, the new king, LORCARN VLAD! " Shouted Morgan

" Lorcarn! Lorcarn!"

" All bow to the new king ! " Said the general commander.

Watching the crowd shouting has never been enough, but watching them bowing, their ear, head dropping low as they all bow to the new king.... Lorcarn Vlad!

Lorcarn lip stretched into a chilly smirk as he stared at the crowd, having their heads bowed before him, their submission even though he never has their consent for taking up the throne

He nodded before he tore his gaze away from the villagers and rested it on lady Morgan " what next ?"

" You're now the king " said Morgan, her head bowed in respect to the new king

" Hmm" nodded Lorcarn. He stood on his feet, his height towering Morgan's and his chest puffed out as he glared at the crowd before him

Had it been he's the type who smile, he'd have let out a great smile but instead, another smirked passed out his lips

" I am the new king!" Just as his height, his voice towered the whole kingdom sending chill down their spine. He was the king to fear, a ruthless killer. He smirked again as he saw how they cower before him " the new Euphoria....."

" You're not the king !" Came a voice from the crowd. A small man came out from the crowd, his face a mess of terror trying to inject a little confidence in them " no one ever appointed you as the king" he added. His face full of sweat, a sweat from his fear

Gasping, murmuring went spiral round the whole area. Gazes went to the small man giving him a look torn between exasperation and terror while some diverted their gazes toward Lorcarn

" You're not the king " repeated again the small tiny man

Lorcarn creased his brow, his eyes a shade of red " do you never appointed me ?" He questioned. He moved a little forward glaring at the small man. A small smirk form on his lips and he nodded slowly

" You can't rule the kingdom !"

" You're right " said Lorcarn, his voice so loud it travelled round the kingdom " I'm not the king " he turned his back to the crowd making them all gasped

" Is he pardoning the man ?" They whispered but had they not know? Nobody insult Lorcarn Vlad and goes scot-free

Swiftly as he turned as the knife flew out of his hand and landed straight into the man eyes and another between his head.

Gasped. Terror.

" Feed his body to the lion, they have been hungry for days and let his family accompany him " said Lorcarn. He whirled around to face the people " I won't spare anyone who speak against my rule " growled Lorcarn, his eyes boring into the millions before him

" This is not right Lorcarn" whispered lady Morgan beside him

" Not even you mother "

She flinched on hearing the growl and the glare that accompanied it " Lorcarn...."

He spun around glaring at lady Morgan, " I won't spare anyone that against me mother and not even you " he hissed

Swivelling around, he took a last glance at the crowd before he walked out of the great Hall

" The first meeting will soon commence milord " said Mont a giant man behind him holding a small leather book

Lorcarn nodded sharply walking away from the spot and Mont bowed after him


His reflection stared back at him in the large mirror, his hairs packed in a high pigtails and his pointed nose shot out in the air as his red eyes went up to the crown on his head

" The new king " he mumbled tracing his hand on its edge

Swivelling around, Lorcarn walked to his bed and sit on it, he gaze out at the window his eyes following the movement of the tree

Few years ago, he has been here as a crying baby but now he was here as the ruthless king of the Euphoria kingdom

How time flew

The door opened and a man in a green robe walked in. His face expressionless. He bowed before Lorcarn

" The meeting is about to commence milord " he growled

" Hmm" nodded Lorcarn. He stood on his feet placing his hands behind him " get it ready Roderick"

Roderick nodded, he opened the door wide enough for Lorcarn to walk out before he follow him

**** The throne room****

The throne room was large and spacious, the throne sit at the far middle of the large room and the chairs were lined up on either side of the room

Lorcarn walked in with an air of superiority causing the ministers to stood up and bowed their head

He walked to the throne ignoring the dirty and ugly look he was getting from them as he sat on the throne. Two guards on either side of his and Roderick, his trusted man stood firmly behind him

" Your majesty " said the ministers

" Sit " Lorcarn ordered strictly " where is lady Morgan ?"

Just as the word came out of his mouth, the door pulled open and lady Morgan walked in taking her steps slowly

" Your majesty " she bowed

" What punishment are for those who come to the meeting after me " hissed Lorcarn, his red eyes boring behind her head

" Three weeks suspension from the throne room " said Roderick

" So be it " Lorcarn said

Morgan gasped raising up her head " Lorcarn...."

" Take her out !"

The hall emitted a loud gasp as Morgan was being took away from the throne room

Surprised as it could be, no one dare muttered a word as the king mother was being dragged out of the throne room

" Do we continue the meeting now " said Lorcarn as calm as he could not seems perturbed by what just happened " I..."

" This is against the law Lorcarn !"

Lorcarn growled as his snapped his gaze to woman sitting few steps away from him. She was dressed in a red garment and in her head was a small golden crown

" You know the law Lorcarn " she hissed already on her feet " this throne is not for a king without a queen "

The rest of the ministers made a hideous nod and whispered among themselves

Lorcarn hissed, had it been another person, he could have snapped her head broken. He tore his gaze away from the woman " you're right queen Erylis " he said " who else agree with the queen ?"

He creased his brow " no one ?" He mumbled " look queen Erylis ...."

" You have no right to the throne " barked queen Erylis her whole body shaking with anger " the throne belongs to prince Leandro! Only him has the right to rule !"

" Because he has a fiancee " hissed Lorcarn. He straightened his shoulder and sit upright on the throne. Not seems bothered by the angry glare sent his way by queen Erylis, he diverted his gaze to a man sitting beside Erylis " do you hear your mother Leandro ?"

" Lorcarn " groaned Leandro " don't ....."

" I felt threatened now Leandro" he hissed his gaze not leaving him

Leandro stood on his feet positioning himself beside his mother protectively which Lorcarn find quite amusing

" You have a fiancee Leandro but I have none " he paused. His eyes moving up and down its socket " Erylis want the throne for you but I'm the king now "

" Lorcarn don't...."

He placed his hands on the throne arm, tilted his head forward, his eyes went from red to dark void of any emotion " I hate it when I felt threatened Leandro"

Leandro nodded sharply. Did he not know? He has been his family for a long time and it's not new who Lorcarn Vlad was but never in his life would he allow him lay his hand on his mother " don't you hurt my mother Lorcarn " he growled

Lorcarn chuckled " hurt Erylis ?" He mumbled " no, I only have a few word to say " he hissed as he stood up on his feet staring at the curious eyes before him " I, king LORCARN strip Leandro his position from this moment "

" What?"

" Lorcarn!"

" From today on, Leandro Vlad ceased to be part of the Euphoria ministers !"

" What !" Shouted Erylis. She tried to lurge forward but the tight hold from her son held her up " you can't do this "

Lorcarn stepped down from the throne, walked closer to her " I did it Erylis" he hissed " his presence threatened me " he face Leandro who held on his face a blank expression " your mother makes me too angry Andro but she didn't know that, this is my reign and I make THE LAW! "