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Agent Ikenna

Agent Ikenna

Author:Danny Wlalker



Danny Walker puts the CIA on a completely new train of thrilling events and supernatural enjoyment... In a small town people go mysteriously missing and some are found mutilated. The CIA dispatches Super Agent Silas Ikenna to haunt one of the world's deadliest criminal and solve the mystery of missing persons. He meets a beautiful and mysterious woman who knows too much about the happenings in town. Chaos ensures as Agent Ikenna discovers that his actions have alerted the supernatural, coupled with the discovery that the mysterious lady had died years before he arrived. The situation becomes even more complex as Agent Ikenna himself suddenly goes missing... All for the search of the girl who lived then vanished

Chapter One



NAME: Ikenna Silas


SEX: Male


Highly Classified

OCCUPATION: Special Assassin and Professional Spy

RANK: Elite Agent


YEARS ACTIVE: 2007-present


Highly Classified








NATIONALITY: Nigerian, American, Mexican




PROFILE PASSWORD: Mission Impossible

SKILL: Expert hand combatant, Professional Swimmer, Desert Eagle


Highly Classified

UNOFFICAL JOB: Writer and Blogger

NOTE: the above information can only be found in Washington DC and Abuja

Agent Ikenna Silas top CIA Agent in the US, trained in Russia and America. The best man on the field, having received so many awards and promotions he gained a lot of fame in the military but his facial identity remains anonymous to the world because of the risk and dangers involved especially for the fact that he has earned lots of enemies. When a mission becomes impossible to accomplish Agent Ikenna is one of the few to be immediately called up...

In the period of his vacation he received a call up for a mission, one which he underestimated since it was happening in a place he thought less of… And for the first time he was more of a saviour than a destroyer...

Owerri, Nigeria


Ifeanyi had come in from the next village just to wait for Nne because they had agreed meeting at the usual spot; it was very dark and he constantly checked his android phone to see the time. He suddenly heard footsteps, luckily it was Nne, and he smiled brightly as she moved closer and kissed him

“How are you” she asked

“I’m fine... what took you so long” he asked

“Sorry, I had to do some cleaning in the kitchen with my mother”

“So how was your day” he asked

“Was just boring” she said

“How come”

“You know na” she said

“I don’t know” he replied

“This village is too uncivilized... sometimes I wish I never came back here maybe I should have just remained in Port Harcourt” she said

“It’s okay, don’t worry I will soon come and marry you” he smiled and she does same then kissed him; suddenly they heard movements in the bushes, he looked around

“Did you hear that?” she asked

“Yes... don’t worry, it’s probably one of those night animals” he said then kissed her neck and suddenly a spear travelled quickly in the darkness and straight into Nne’s head, the force pushed her to the ground in the direction the spear was travelling, with the spears piercing out from the other side of her as blood flowed out uncontrollably; Ifeanyi was terrified and speechless as he looked at the love of his life lying dead like an animal killed by a hunter; four men came out of the bushes; Ifeanyi angrily attacked one of them but they over powered him and suddenly one stroke his head with an iron rod forcing his head to collide with the bark of a tree. Ifeanyi falls to the ground weak

“You all will regret this... you will pay” he said as blood came out of his mouth; one of the men flashed a torchlight to his face

“Nobody can do anything about this” he said then another slammed the rod on his head again, this time the iron rod slammed his head against the tree and there was an outburst of thick blood

“You, Cut of her breast and eyes... You, take out his heart” a man instructed, and after they were done they dropped their bodies beside the road...

New York City, United States of America


The phone was ringing for the fifth time but Ikenna had refused to pick the call but instead rolled in the comfort of his bed and covered his head with a pillow; the call kept coming like the caller monitored him, he angrily got up and picked up the phone and without look at the caller he answered the call

“Hello” his face tightened as he lay lazily on the bed

“Agent, we need you at the headquarter immediately” a voice said, he quickly sat up then looked at the caller to see ‘General Brixton', luckily he had not used some abusive language like he loved doing

“I’ll be there shortly” he got up, had his bath and dressed in black suit, took his phone and left the house in a Range Rover

CIA building, New York City

A red range rover enters the premises and parked amongst other cars, Ikenna stepped out and headed for the large building. The large hall had men and women walking, all dressed in suits. Ikenna gets in front of a barricade, he pulls out his ID card and waves it over a red light that turned green then an opening, the barricade separated and he goes passed it

“Hey Agent Silas” a security personnel called out

“Hey Marcel what’s up” Ikenna responded

“I’m good... congratulations on your latest award” Marcel said

“Thanks man” Ikenna entered into an elevator

This elevator takes him to the 7th floor of the building; he stepped out into a passage, walked down the passage, passed various doors then entered into an office labelled “General Brixton”. In there were four persons with the General, they all looked at him as he entered, Mark accosted Ikenna

“Hey Ikenna, it’s been a while” Mark smiled; Mark was Ikenna’s top handler

“What’s up Mark, heard you got fired already” Ikenna joked as they shook hands

“I wish I was man, this job gets terrible by the day… General Brixton has got me on my toes ” Mark said, Ikenna chuckled as he walked towards the General

“Agent Silas” General Brixton called out as he walked close

“Morning sir” he saluted, General Brixton stretches his arm for a hand shake and Ikenna received it

“I’d like you to meet General Jide, Colonel David Obinna and Lieutenant Scott Brown”

“Nice to meet you” Ikenna shakes hands with them

“Heard a lot about you” General Jide said with a smile hanging on his face

“Really… because All I know people say about me is that I like women… but that is so not true” Ikenna said

“I wish it wasn’t … please have your seat gentle men” General Brixton said then sat, Mark laughed, General Jide, Colonel David and Lt. Scott sat down as the General did but Ikenna stood with folded arms; Mark stood beside General Brixton

“Agent Silas, there is an important assignment for you in Owerri, Nigeria” General said “I’m all ears” Ikenna replied and General Brixton continued

“General Jide is based in Lagos, Colonel David and Lt. Scott are based in Owerri and over the past years there has been reports of people going missing mysteriously; sometimes human parts are found or bodies mutilated. The Nigeria Government sent 2 Agents there but all 2 have gone missing and till date we have no idea what happened to them; everyone is confused, I believe there is a whole lot of dirty secret going on in that community” General Brixton turned on a screen

“intel reaching my desk some days ago talks about a deadly wanted terrorist Salvador, he is wanted in Russia, Germany, United States, China, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Japan, he has been our guy on our list for years now but he managed to stay underground for a while, info brings him as a top suspect to be behind the missing persons and the whole problem in the community, presently two persons were killed, a male and a female… We are sending you down there because this is now officially a United States operation since Salvador is involved”

“And which community is this sir?” Ikenna asked with arms still folded

“Orodo! Under Mbetolu local government” General Jide said

“You said two Agents have gone missing” Ikenna said


“So if two agents have gone missing what makes you sure that I won’t go missing too” Ikenna said and Mark laughed, General Brixton looked at him and the smile disappeared

“Ikenna this is no time for jokes” General said

“Jokes? We’re talking about kidnapping here sir” Ikenna said

“Silas you are one of the best Agent the CIA has in its history, and you have been chosen… you are black and you easily blend in”

“ Ok then let’s see what it’s like in Owerri” Ikenna said

“Good, you have a new identity and an undercover car”

“It’s beginning to sound really good”

“Mark please” General Brixton gestures to Mark

“You are going in as a natural scientist and Your new name will be Julius Caesar” Mark said operating a laptop on the General’s table

“Seriously? Of all names? What the fuck Mark”

“Language Silas” General said

“Apologies sir”

“Your new car would be a 1996 Toyota camary” Mark said

“Are you trying to sound funny? Because this shit ain’t funny” Ikenna asked

“Of cause not” Mark said

“I know that but at least… that car is awful”

“And finally, the Nigerian military has a house prepared for you; a small bungalow with two bed rooms and a sitting room, a kitchen and toilet… Lt. Scott will lead you there”

“Hope you got some sweet girls down there” Ikenna said to Lt. Scott

“And less I forget, Agent stay away from women” general said

“That was a joke sir” Ikenna said

“If you want to come back alive leave the women alone” General Jide said

“I hear Nigerian girl are gorgeous… I hear elegant ladies are littered all over the place, is that true?” Ikenna asked

“yes it is” Scott replied

“God Damn it General, I’m in” Ikenna said

“We have opened a new account for you and in it is 5million naira... that should sustain you for the period... Based on the unknown you have just 5 months to get your hands on Salvador… Mark will give you the other necessities. Your mission is to infiltrate, find the missing Agents, take down Salvadore and end all the bullshit there” General Brixton said

“Lt. Scott will take you to the house when you arrive at Owerri” General said “I guess we are good to go” Ikenna said

“Your Flight leaves tomorrow morning by 7:00”…