
Let’s Read The Word

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The Knight's Princess

The Knight's Princess

Author:Hazel Lee



This story is a fantasy inspired by Women's Empowerment and how its a Crucial Aspect Of Healthy & Prosperous Society in our African culture and celebrating that culture. We tell of a princess who has a power destiny to protect the balance of the world that we live in. With her Golden knight by her side will they succeed in keeping the peace and wisdom of life perfectly balanced well lets find out.

Long ago, in the vast space of time and balance, life could not thrive in the endless darkness. As a result of Time and Balance, the first Goddess, Sahar Zahundai, was born. She is in charge of everything, including creation, balance, love, life, and time. She created the first world of life, which included animals, people, plants, oceans/rivers/lakes, land, and so on. Then Sahar began to return to Earth to closely monitor her creations. In order to do so, she would assume human form. However, while in human form, she absorbed their vulnerabilities and weaknesses. As a result, Sahar created The Pearl Stone Amulet. It possesses the power of balance, time, and life, among other things. It can also change colors depending on the wearer's mood. This has the potential to alter how the powers manifest in the vessel. She would travel all over the place, watching, healing, and protecting life itself. Until she met Hakim Medina, the first king of Demenia, one day. At first sight, the king Hakim and the goddess Sahar fell in love. They married and had their first child together, a baby girl named Namari Medina, who will become the first powerful female protector in the future. Sahar was overjoyed, but Time and Balance were not thrilled with the new path Sahar had chosen for herself.

To compel her to return to her rightful place, they created a new god, Mandla Zahundai, her brother. He was the deity of annihilation, devastation, deception, and even death to the point where the soul could not be reincarnated. Nevertheless, Time and Balance did not know it until it was too late for Mandla wanted to be in charge of everything and be the only god on the planet. He realized, however, that he could not remove time and balance without Sahar's help. He could not merely take her powers; she had to give them up willingly. Therefore, in order for him to cease control, he targets her weak spot, which was her daughter Namari. Mandla crept into the castle by assuming the body of a maid because he cannot create a human form like his sister. Sahar could feel Mandla close by while he was making his moves, but she did not recognize his ora because they had never met.

However, she knew it was not a positive feeling she was getting from this strange presents. She got up to investigate where this sense of impending death was coming from and found it in a maid who was heading towards the baby's room. As she follows the maid, she notices her putting the baby in a dark sphere. Sahar blasted the maid before she could finish the chant to trap the baby, separating Mandla from the maid's soul.

“Who are you?”

“Well I’m the darker version of you. I am; how they say it in this world. Your brother Mandla Zahundai God of destruction, carnage, manipulations, and even death.” Sahar was in shock to find out that Time and Balance created another God especially one of destruction of anything he touches.

“Time and Balance grew angry with you for choosing humans over your duties as a god. They sent me to bring you back but those plans have changed.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I'm not going to bring you back anywhere; I'm just going to destroy you and take your powers for myself, and then I'm going to destroy time and balance and rule over everything. So, to make this as painless as possible, simply will your powers to me so that I can end you as soon as possible.”

“Never” then, she shot a fire fused light blast at Mandla.

As the battle was happening king, Hakim realized his queen was not in the bed with him so he got up and went to go look for her. As he’s walking around looking for his queen, he sees lights flashing coming from the baby’s room and rushed over to see what was it about. To his dismay he witness his wife battling an unknown being. Mandla grabs the baby and before disappearing, he said: “If you want to see your daughter again hand over your powers by midnight tomorrow. I’ll be waiting at skull mountain and I would hurry of the descision making because I don’t know how long my patience will wait.”

Hakim rushed to Sahar side to make sure that she was ok and to find out what was going on. “My love what the heck did just witness? What is going on? And where is Namari?”

Sahar got her husband to calm and explained everything that just happened and who she really is.

“Wait a minute Sahar Zahundai the Goddess of Creation, balance, love, life, and even time itself?”

“Yes my love that would be me”

“So what does your brother have to do with you?”

“Time and Balance created him bring me back to the world of the spatial plains for they are against my choice to be with a human and have a child by one no less.”

“Now the next question is how do we destroy him?”

That’s the thing you can’t destroy a god you can only trap their spirit which includes stripping them of their powers. An order to do that Sahar would have to trap him into her amulet which will force his soul to wonder on earth for enternity without being able to be reborn but their always a price to pay that’s the rule of balance. She lose my ability to become human and be a goddess forever. Gods can’t live on earth with humans.

Meanwhile at Skull Mountain Mandla was getting the ritual circle ready when Namari was smiling and giggling. She was wanting Mandla to pick her up however he dismissed her and covered her back up in the dark sphere, which puts her to sleep.

“Soon your mother’s powers will be mine.”

Sahar and Hakim arrived at Skull Mountain. They stepped quietly into Mandla’s domain not knowing they stepped into a trap magical circle. In addition, the dark creature came out of the shadows and attacked the king as instructed to distract him while Mandla goes for Sahar’s powers. As Hakim is busy fighting the dark creatures to try and get to sahar when Mandla appears from the shadows and sent Hakim flying into the dark sphere where Namari sleeps.

“Hello sister it’s been so good to see you”

“I can’t say the same about seeing you”

“Well I can care less about what you feel when you see me I just want your power”

“Your rule will destroy the world.” Trying to explain to Mandla that his power is not for a world of life if for a world death.

“So what Tomato Potato but enough of that give your power now! Or its bye bye daughter and husband.”

Sahar agreed to relinquish her powers to her brother. What Mandla doesn’t know is that sahar was the most powerful goddess ever to be created. No one can handle her pure energy of power. “Alright repeat after me “I state your name will my power to you”

“I Sahar Zahundai will my power to you.”

The ritual circle flashed into a bright light. Her power beamed out like her soul was being sucked out and it transferred to Mandla. The thing that Mandla didn’t realize was that Sahar’s powers is an endless supply of pure energy that is was eating him from the inside out making him explode.

“NO! It’s too much!”

Explodes into a shadowy soul like spirit. The ritual circle disappeared freeing Sahar. Powers returned to her and her family were free from the dark sphere. Mandla appeared in his spirit form for sahar powers made him very weak to take on his true form. Sahar summoned a barrior to trap Mandla while she summons a banishing circle to send him to the void.

As Sahar is finishing the banishing, spell Mandla casted a curse vowing to return and destroy the bloodline.

“I will return to the world of the living when the 4 planets that represent the 4 natures of chaos earth, fire, wind, and water Eclipses with the sun of your resurrection. I will come for your bloodline and destroy them all.”