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Once Upon A Love Story

Once Upon A Love Story

Author:Danny Wlalker



Beautiful Cynthia Adams is heart broken when she discovers that her boyfriend was already married before they met- she pours her emotional anger on a handsome stranger who she later falls in love with and sooner than later she is shocked to discover who he was. Reality begins to spin wickedly when her best friend Angel is raped, shot twice and left to die, Cynthia gets caught up in a dangerous rivalry of billionaires and is kidnapped by a ruthless billionaire only to discover that the man she loved never loved her, leaving her to be killed by his enemies; or so she thought

WARNING! This story is rated 18+ for its sexual scenes and use of dirty languages and brutal gory scenes... if you are not 18, you are not advised to continue reading...

Chapter One

You can easily say that she was close to being called perfect, she had beauty, she had a fine sense of fashion, she was all in one. Coffee brown skin lady, spotless, 5.9ft tall, beautifully carved eye brows, hazel eyes, pointed nose, red lips, hour glass figure.

Cynthia Adams was 27years old student of PTI

Petroleum Training Institute

located in Warri, Delta state and in her final year studying Hydrocarbon

She was in a relationship with Frederick, good looking young fellow who would soon be leaving for Lagos where he would be running his IT in Shell oils

“So you’re actually leaving me here” Cynthia said with legs coiled on the arm chair as she stared at Frederick who had eyes on his phone

“Yeah, I’m going to Lagos” he replied without looking at her, she remained silent, he then looked at her and she slowly looked away, he looked back to his phone

“So I guess... you’ll move on and forget about me” she said

“I didn’t say that” he replied

“You are responding like you will” she said, he got up and walked to her, then sat on the arm of the arm chair

“I cannot forget you” he kissed her forehead and she smiled lightly

“Let’s hang out tonight” she said

“Great idea”...

In two days time he left for Lagos with Cynthia still in Warri; the communication between them began to drop slowly, it got to the point that he no longer called and when she did there was no answer.

Cynthia soon became ready for her IT and was also sent to Lagos for her IT in Total oils, her excitement was not because she would see Frederick again but because Total oils was her dream company; she also planned on paying Frederick a surprise visit

One week later...

If there was anything Cynthia wanted, it was to be retained in Total after her IT and she was going to make sure she did her best so as to be retained. She was shipped to Total oils Ikeja, she was also given an accommodation in Ikeja by the company, the company was in charge of her rents, she was also given a brand new Toyota Hybrid; it happened that she was the best student from her department, so she was awarded some gifts by the company. Cynthia later got to discover Frederick’s house and decided to pay him a surprise visit...

Owen Robin is the CEO and top share holder of Total oils, he is a 35 years old British-Nigerian and a billionaire with a net worth of $12 billion dollars; he is known to be one of the sexiest men alive because he was a very handsome dude but he very well avoided the media and it’s paparazzi. Nice beards, the body of a fitness model, grew up in Europe with lots of business experience; he graduated from a Kung Fu school where he practised Wing Chu in China town, England as well as a black belt holder in Karate. And in many ways he had been described as an Alpha male, one who was born with Charisma that can be easily perceived the moment he is present; he presently resides in Nigeria

Owen Robin was in a relationship with Rita Michael, a cute girl who loved his money more and was a secret alley of Joshua Matthew, the CEO of Josh Corp another young billionaire with a net worth of $2 billion dollars; Joshua happened to have made himself a rival to Owen; Josh was young and deadly and one of his biggest aim was to terminate Owen Robin

“We’re running late” Rita said as she walked down the stairs into the large environment; the body guards greeted her but she ignored

“Okay let’s go” Owen walked down to her in black suit

“So you want to compete with me in make up right?” she joked, he smiled

“Like I have the time” he walked to the car an Audi Q2 2018; she had refused they went out with guards since it was a quiet private party

“Zee, we will be back by evening... eyes open” Owen got in the car

“Yes boss” Zee replied; it was a code message

Owen pulled into the run way and headed for the bar gate, the gate automatically opened and he entered the street and into the main road

“How was the meeting yesterday” Rita started a conversation

“Went as planned... we lost it” he said with eyes on the road

“How do you mean” she stared at him

“I was not present so I sent representatives, Josh Corp had more to offer” he said

“Why did you say went as planned” she asked

“Well we couldn’t find a project file. It strangely went missing and was found with Josh Corp... How it got there I do not know” he explained; she looked away

“Sorry about that” she said

“I hate that guy” he said


“He’s deceptive, full of shit, arrogant and not a competition for me though”

“Just stop please” she said, he looked at her

“What... you sound like you are defending him”

“And what is that suppose to mean” she asked, he looked at her then looked away

“Nothing” he said

There was silence for a while

“Are you angry?” he asked

“Shut up and drive” she said

“Okay Rihanna” he said and she laughed lightly; he phone rang and she picked the call

“Hello” she said

“Okay” that was all she said

“Who was that?” he asked

“None of your business” she replied without looking at him, he looked at her then looked back to the road

“I see” he said

They arrived at the party in Ikeja, the environment was lightly noisy; Rita appeared to be quite familiar with lots of the people there better than Owen; this was something he hated, being in an environment where he is ignored

“Owen sit here and wait, I’m coming” she said

“What did you just say?” he asked

“What na...” she said

“How can you tell me to sit down here? With such tone from your voice”

“What is your problem” she angrily walked away; Owen was perplexed because she was acting really weird

She walked into a door and shut it, leaving him outside... he thought about the whole thing for a while as he looked around, some of the men stared at him, he then proceeded to the door she entered

“Where are you going to?” a male voice said but he ignored as he walked

“Are you deaf?” Owen ignored, the stranger walked up to him from behind then pulled him, Owen grabbed him and delivered a head boot to his face then slammed his face on the door which barged open with the man passing out from the hit

Owen found himself standing in front of Rita and Joshua who were in a romantic position

“What is going on here?” he asked...

The building was partitioned into flats from up to down; Cynthia walked into the compound, the environment was quiet and she didn’t really know which flat belonged to Frederick, just then she saw a man come out of a flat

“Good morning” she said

“Good morning... can I help you?” he said

“I’m looking for Fredrick, he works in Shell oil” she said, he smiled

“Another one?”

“Sorry I didn’t get that” she said

“Never mind... Frederick’s apartment is over there” he pointed


“You are welcome” he smiled as he watched her walk away

“Frederick and women” he said then walked away

She knocked on the door twice then a female voice responded and opened the door, Cynthia saw a pretty black girl in Frederick’s shirt, one of the shirts she bought for him

“Yes can I help you?” the lady said

“Where is Frederick?” Cynthia asked

“What do you mean by where is Frederick? Who the hell are you?” the lady said

“I should be asking you that? Frederick is my boyfriend” she said, the lady looked at her from head to toe then smiled

“Boyfriend?" Congratulations then... didn’t know you were one of those girls chasing after other ladies husbands”

“What?!” Cynthia appeared to be in shock

“For your information, Frederick is my husband and because I am in a good mood, I will allow you walk out of here with your fine face but the next time you crawl up my door, I am going to destroy your beauty, now get lost” she slammed the door, speechless Cynthia walked back to her car, sat inside thinking as tears rolled down her eyes, she then drove off...