
Let’s Read The Word

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Undercover Vampires

Undercover Vampires

Author:Marie Delacroix



Blair thinks Garrett is an uptown snob, and he thinks she's a backwater penal smart-ass. When these two paranormal detectives are sent on an undercover mission to take down the most dangerous vampire gang in New Orleans, tension becomes desire. A night stranded in the bayou changes things between them and a turn of events will either make or break them.

On the outskirts of the French Quarter in New Orleans, there’s an old cathedral that serves as an office for the Paranormal Police Department. It’s dysfunctional, smelly, underfunded, and home to supernatural criminals. Blair Wagner, a backwater detective, came in dragging a witch in chains that prevent her from using magic and locked her up in an empty cell where other witches were held. Richard Harper, her charming partner, locked up a werewolf in bars made of pure silver and infused with wolf’s bane for extra measure.

They had just successfully locked up a witch and werewolf that had committed a murder deep in the bayou. That night, Blair was going to tell Richard something very important.

It wasn’t the easiest decision to come to. Blair had been working with Richard for the past four years and together they had been unstoppable. Blair had been in love with Richard as long as she’s known him. They’d been the best of friends. He made her laugh, but little did she know, tonight he would make her cry.

Her heart pounded as she approached their shared office after locking up the basement where supernatural criminals were held. Tonight, she finally decided to tell Richard how she felt. She was so sure he’d feel the same way she did. “Great work tonight.” she smiled at Richard who sat in his chair filing the paperwork.

“Thanks.” Richard flashed his charming grin at her. Richard had wavy brown hair, soft brown eyes, and dimples for ages when he smiled. He was a bit full of himself, but Blair didn’t mind. She found his confidence to be refreshing. She was blonde and wore her hair in high ponytails, her eyes were an ice blue shade. She loved herself some black coffee and cigarettes. It was how Richard took his coffee too, and she took up smoking when she found out he was a smoker, hoping it was something they could bond over. Now she was just addicted.

She wore makeup that day and would be lying if she said that Richard not noticing didn’t sting a bit at the core. However, Richard was a bit dense when it came to women. Even though he seemed to score with them. He stole the hearts of many, and Blair was easily one of his longest victims. Blair cleared her throat and pulled out a cigarette to light it. She took a drag and blew it out casually. “So, did you notice anything different about me today?”

Richard looked over her thoughtfully, his brows furrowed as he rubbed his chin, “Hmm, you don’t have a coffee stain on your shirt?”

Blair laughed, “You’re such an idiot.”

“I’m sorry Blair, I honestly can’t pinpoint it. You look the same as you always do.”

Blair’s laughter faded and a more solemn expression replaced her smile. He really didn’t notice her, did he? She shook head, “I’m wearing makeup.” she batted her eyes at him as she stepped closer. It wasn’t the work of a professional, that was for sure. But her eyes had a decent shade of soft pink shimmery eyeshadow and some mascara. The rest of the face was bare.

Richard looked into her eyes and reached up, brushing a dry piece of mascara off her cheek. “So you are, it looks good on you. You should wear it more often.”

“Really?” Blair smiled brightly.

“Yeah, you’ll knockout any guy who takes a good look at you.”

Ouch. Any guy who takes a good look at me? She thought to herself. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Richard’s dense. That’s it. His words just came out poorly. “I wore it today because I have something I want to tell you.”

Richard looked at her with eyes that looked scared. As if he knew what was going to come out of her mouth and he didn’t want her to say it. But that was too damn bad. She made up her mind and she was going to say it. For her sake. “What is it, Blair?” he asked with an oblivious tone.

Blair closed her eyes and put out the cigarette as she took a deep breath. She moved closer to him, and Richard moved slightly back. Her gut told her this was all a bad idea. That the real reason for her confession was to see if Richard would feel the same and they would hook up and live happily ever after, forever chasing monsters together. Blair told herself that it was a confession that she would make to simply move on with her life.

It was a lie. She knew that. Her gut screamed at her. But she was so in love with Richard, she ignored all the warning signs. It was a conversation she rehearsed in her head for months now. She even rehearsed it with her friend and secretary at the PPD Delancey McCurdy. However, when it came down to the moment. When she looked Richard into his boggled eyes, everything she had recited left her brain and she was speechless.

It all hit her how this could make or break how she feels about him. But something had to be said and done. “Richard, we’ve worked together a long time...”

Richard held up his hand and shook his head adamantly, “Blair, don’t do this, whatever you’re about to say, I’m just going to break your heart. Don’t make me have to do that to you.”

She stopped for a moment, registering the words that sent a shock from her chest to the pit of her stomach. That dreaded feeling when you die a little inside swept over her and what she wouldn’t give to be swallowed by the earth at the moment. She took a deep breath and stepped closer to him, “Well then I won’t say it.” She leaned in, and pressed her lips against Richard’s. The kiss was nowhere near sweet. It was awful, and she could feel him pulling away. Rejecting it.

“Richard?” a female voice asked from the doorway of their office.

Richard broke free from Blair, leaving her flustered and embarrassed. His next words, nearly killed her all the way, “Blair, this is my girlfriend, Brittany. Brittany, this is my partner, Blair.”