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Awaking Love: Surrogate For My Billionaire

Awaking Love: Surrogate For My Billionaire




After the loss of her mother, Haelyn's world turned upside down as her father remarries Margaret, with a hidden agenda. Alongside her stepsister Nora, they relentlessly bullied Haelyn. Holding onto the hope of marrying her boyfriend Casper, her plans are shattered when her father falls critically ill, leaving the family business in jeopardy. To secure the company's future, Margaret insists Haelyn marry Davian, the vegetative eldest son of the powerful Wyatt family. Caught between duty and her shattered dreams, Haelyn agrees to the contract, unaware of the fact that Davian is the Uncle of Casper. On their wedding day, Haelyn discovered that Casper and Nora were betraying her. Fueled by anger and a desire for revenge, she schemes to thwart Casper's inheritance rights. As the test-tube baby plan unfolds, Davian miraculously awakens from his vegetative state. Unsettled by the unexpected turn of events, he yearns for a different life than the one fate has decided for him. Despite their initial animosity, living under the same roof exposes hidden depths in each of them. Davian was drawn towards Haelyn and she also discovered the warmth that he is hiding under cold façade.

Haelyn stood in the sterile white-walled room, the surrogacy agreement clutched in her trembling hands. The weight of the decision pressed down on her chest, threatening to suffocate her. She looked up at the doctor, her eyes wide with a mixture of uncertainty and determination.

"Could you please explain the specifics of this surrogacy arrangement?" Haelyn's voice wavered, betraying the storm of emotions raging within her. She knew what was at stake, but the reality of it all was almost too much to bear.

The doctor, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, nodded sympathetically. "Of course, Haelyn. The Wyatt family is seeking a surrogate to carry and give birth to an heir for Mr. Davian Wyatt, who is currently in a vegetative state due to a car accident. The terms of the agreement outline the medical procedures, financial compensation, and the legal aspects involved."

Haelyn's gaze fell to the document, her heart pounding in her chest. This was a monumental decision, one that would alter the course of her life forever. She took a deep breath and began to absorb the details, her mind racing.

After what felt like an eternity, Haelyn left the dressing room, the weight of the agreement still heavy in her hands. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, taking in her own graceful figure. She had always dreamed of a wedding, but this was not the way she had envisioned it. There would be no groom waiting at the altar, no vows exchanged in the name of love.


3 days ago;

Haelyn’s family suffered a bankruptcy and they were in an urgent need of money. Haelyn had no idea what to do to help her family. In the end, all she could think of was Casper. He is her boyfriend and belongs to an influential family. She believed that he will find a way for her out of this mess.

She called him to have a conversation with him. Determined, Haelyn went to the garden to find him, the garden was surrounded by the fading blooms of late summer. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation that could change everything.

"Casper," she began, her voice steady but tinged with urgency, "we need to talk."

He turned to her, his eyes filled with concern as he took in her serious expression. "What's wrong, Haelyn? You look troubled."

She took his hand, her fingers entwining with his. "My family is in desperate need, Casper. We're on the brink of bankruptcy, and my father's health is failing. The company he built is on the line."

Casper's eyes widened in concern, his grip on Haelyn's hand tightening. "I had no idea, Haelyn. I'm so sorry."

She nodded, her gaze unwavering. "There's something you can do to help, Casper. Your family has the means to save us. We need a substantial sum, and I believe you're the only one who can provide it."

He frowned while his thoughts raced around. He looked at Haelyn in a way that caused her heart to skip a beat but not in a good way. Through his eyes, she could see that whatever he was thinking, it is not good.

“I do not have such amount of money, Haelyn. You know that I am having a hard time at work.” He said to her with disappointment, her heart withered as well. He judged her expressions carefully as a sinister planned formed in his head.

“But there is something that you can do to earn the money.” He suddenly suggested, her eyes lit up as she looked at him with desperation.

“What is it? I can do anything.” She said without hesitation.

"Haelyn, my uncle Davian has been searching for a surrogate wife. He's willing to provide financial assistance in return."

Haelyn's heart quickened, “What do you mean?” She was surprised, it was something which she did not see coming, not from her boyfriend.

“Actually, he was in a car accident and ever since then, he is comatos. In order to continue the family legacy, the Wyatt family is looking for a woman who can continue his lineage. But you don’t need to do anything. Just marry him. It will be on the papers.” He sighed, “And I believe that you can help me as well.”

Haelyn’s brows knitted together as she listened to him. Whatever he was saying, it was not making sense to her, “And what can I do for you?” She folded her arms against her chest as she gazed at his handsome face attentively.

“You need to kill him. That’s the only way for me to get the inheritance.” He told her nonchalantly.

The plan was to eliminate Davian, making Casper the sole heir. The words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. The starkness of the proposition sent chills down Haelyn's spine.

"You want to... kill Davian?" Her voice trembled, disbelief and horror mingling in her eyes. The man she loved, the man she had turned to for help, was now suggesting something unimaginable.

Casper's expression was cool, detached. "It's the only way, Haelyn. We can save your father's company, secure our future together. Think about it."

Haelyn's heart pounded in her chest, torn between the desperate need to save her family's legacy and the unfathomable act Casper was proposing. She couldn't fathom taking a life, even in the face of such dire circumstances.

"No, Casper," she said, her voice resolute. "I can't be a part of this. There has to be another way."

Disappointment flickered in Casper's eyes, quickly replaced by a steely resolve. "You're making a mistake, Haelyn. This is our only chance."

The man she thought she knew, the person she had turned to for support, had revealed a dark side she couldn't ignore. Doubt gnawed at her, mingling with the grief and desperation that already clouded her thoughts. Haelyn's suspicions only grew. She watched Casper closely, unable to shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her heart. She knew she couldn't be a part of his plan, no matter how desperate their situation seemed. It was a weighty burden, one she bore with a heavy heart, determined to find a way to save her father's company without sacrificing her own integrity.

Casper was getting mad at her. She is always like this and he finds her frustrating now.

They were still arguing in the gardens, when the soft sound of footsteps approached from behind. Casper turned to see Nora, Haelyn's stepsister, her blonde hair cascading around her shoulders. Her eyes gleamed with a shrewd knowingness.

Nora's arms wrapped around Casper in a tight embrace, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "Casper, it's been so long. How have you been?"

Casper returned the hug, though a seed of unease had already taken root. "Nora, it's been too long indeed. I've been... preoccupied."

Haelyn was quite surprised to see them so close. No matter what, he is still her boyfriend, they are committed but right in front of her, and he was getting close to her stepsister.

Nora pulled back, her eyes locking onto his. She was completely ignoring Haelyn. "I heard that Haelyn signed a contract. Quite the predicament, isn't it?"

Haelyn’s brows furrowed. She was not sure about what contract Nora is talking about. As far as she remembered, she did not do such a thing. The concern etching lines into her forehead. "What are you talking about, Nora?” She inquired.

Nora's lips curved into a cunning smile. "Well, Haelyn, there's something you should know. If you will not fulfill that contract, you’ll be in debt for thirty million. Quite the hefty sum, wouldn't you say?"

Her eyes widened in shock.

The air grew thick with tension, a suffocating weight settling in the garden. Casper's demeanor shifted abruptly, a cruel glint in his eyes as he turned to Nora. In a calculated move, he drew her close, his lips meeting hers in a mocking display of affection. The kiss was a bitter blow to Haelyn, a visceral reminder of her newfound isolation.

Haelyn's jaw clenched, her fists balling at her sides. She watched in silent fury as Casper belittled her, praising Nora as if she were the savior they all needed. The betrayal cut deep, a wound that would take time to heal, if it ever could. “This is what you get for being incompetent.” He said to her harshly.

Haelyn clenched her fists as she tried to calm herself, “I did not know that I was dating such a jerk.”

Nora's laughter rang out, sharp and cruel. "Oh, Haelyn, you always were too naive for your own good. You should learn to listen to those who know better."

Haelyn's gaze narrowed, her voice laced with icy resolve. "You know what, you will always get second hand things.”

Her words were a blow to Casper and Nora and Casper was little offended since she called him second handed.

But his grin widened, a predatory glint in his eyes. "It's about time you started seeing reason, Haelyn. This is the only way to save your precious company and your father's life is to do what I am asking for. Since you have already signed the contract and you do not have such amount of money to pay the compensation. Therefore, it will be better for you to marry Davian and give birth to his child." His words turned dark at the end and they pierced her soul.

The words hung in the air, a twisted reminder of the choice that had been forced upon her. Haelyn's heart pounded in her chest, the weight of the situation settling into her bones. She felt cornered, trapped in a game she never asked to play.

End of Flash back.

The air hung heavy with the scent of fading roses as Haelyn stood in the elegant sitting room, the soft rustle of her gown the only sound in the quiet space. Abigail, Davian's grandmother, entered with a grace that belied her age, her silver hair gleaming in the soft light.

Abigail's eyes twinkled with warmth as she approached Haelyn, her face a canvas of kind wrinkles that spoke of a lifetime of wisdom. "My dear Haelyn, I must say, you look radiant."

Haelyn managed a soft smile, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "Thank you.”

Abigail took Haelyn's hands in her own, her touch gentle and reassuring. "You're a brave young woman, Haelyn. I know this is hard for you at the moment but when Davian will wake up, he will really like you."

Haelyn's gaze flickered to her. Although she is quite old, still she does not look like her age at all. There are only a few wrinkles on her face and she appears to be domineering and commanding. Haelyn wanted to run away from everything but she gave her a nod while deep inside, she was burning in the fire of revenge. She wanted to take her revenge on Casper for betraying her and on her step mother for making he sign the documents.