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Captivated By The Werewolves' Den

Captivated By The Werewolves' Den




Georgina Hidalgo lost both of her parents from a car accident. Leaving her without anything, an old lady came claiming as her grandmother, she had no choice but to go along with her. She is forced to leave the metro city to live on a isolated town somewhere named Grimson; a place she will never expect in the contemporary time. Wishing nothing but to start a fresh air, she bound to find friends in Howling University. But fortune didn't came easily for her. Upon learning that the school she's attending is controlled by an unjust student ranking, she is bullied in a rough way. When she exceed her limit, she finally decided to find rescue from their gorgeous slash hot SSG President; Casper Cross Roswell. But the refuge she expected from him vanished when the secret of the town had finally unfold for her. Grimson twon is a den for... werewolves. Captivated and nowhere to go in the monstrous town, can she resolve the fate given to her?

Chapter 1

Grimson Town

The moment I opened my eyes, I knew my world will never be the same again.

I let the time slip for seconds. The overflowing pain in my chest creep in with the silence as I tried to recall what happen last week. I force my memory to remember only to bring me too much pain that in swell unto my soul. It was burning me alive…

Mommy… and Daddy, they… they didn’t survive. They’ll never comeback, they’ll never have the chance to hug me once again. They’re too far away from my grip now. They finally welcome Heaven.

I squeezed my eyes shut that made the warm tear roll down. Another second passed before I decided to crawl up from the hospital bed. After the car accident me and my parents went through, I woke up in St. Luke Hospital located in the metro. What’s heart breaking is that I found myself alone in this room while my parents are announced dead on arrival.

It was completely life wrecking, knowing that your two most favorite person in Earth is now dead. Their life is now just a mere memory.

I heaved a sigh to erase the pain then hugged my knees. I look outside the window to watch the deep blue ocean-like sky, it was at least calming me by the fresh air it delivers inside the room. In the middle of wondering, I suddenly had a thought of my destiny here in this world.

What could happen to me now that both of my parents are dead? How about my life and studies? In my 18 years of existence never did I saw my parents had contact with our relatives. My biggest struggle now is how to survive the outside world. I am a dependent person, I must admit that.

My parents gave all their best to provide for me without an exchange, they showed the love that I also don’t deserve that’s why I grew spoiled. I know it’s too early to worry about that aspect because my parents wake doesn’t even started. But I wanna know now, how can I continue living now?

I am being bothered by thousand of demons when my door room slowly swing open. I waited for the person to enter before guessing, it was just the nurse and the bundle-like medication the doctor prescribe to me. I stayed quiet even how much the nurse tried to pull the energy. I waited patiently for her to complete her round, she was in the middle of fixing my IV drip when she caught my attention.

“Someone’s is at the lobby for you,” she said that made my eyes focus on her.

My face is painted in questions. What was she talking about? Someone for me? As far as I know I know no one except for my parents. I don’t even have friends at the moment, her statement shaken me for a bit. I diverted my eyes at the door. “Is is the detectives?”


“I am asking if it’s the detectives? Are they going to ask me again about the accident?”

“Wait Gina--”

I wore my gloomy face before covering myself with thick blanket. “Tell them to just pissed off, I don’t want anyone’s presence at the moment.” I thought it will clear everything to her but what she once again spill made me shut up with eye wide open.

“It’s not the detectives, Gina. It’s your grandma.”

I couldn’t believe what she just said. What the hell?! Grandma? Just to think of it, my parents didn’t even mention any grandparents to me when they were still alive, now out of the blue…

An old woman named Imelda Hidalgo is claiming that she is my father’s mother. I think she’s around late 50, her face is covered with wrinkles but you can still figure out that she’s strict type of person that only want top drink tea all day long.

At first, I was a little hesitant. I thought she might be a con-artist or a kidnapper or maybe a immortal witch, but I immediately cut off my made-up stories. Scanning her, I knew that she’s telling me the truth. She is my grandma. I wanna feel thankful that I wasn’t alone all along, that I still have a family by my side. But realizing her absence in the last 18 years, I tasted bitterness toward her.

And another thing, why did she only showed up now that her son is dead? She could have done something while he’s alive. Or just be there for the last days of his son on Earth. I wanna question her behaviour. Because from what I see, it looks like that she doesn’t have any interest in taking care of his son. However I didn’t took advantage of her, I wasn’t mean or anything.

“I already took care of everything, Georgina,” she told me. After a three weeks of healing in St. Luke I am finally leaving this boring place. Like what Imelda said, she played her role as my remaining guardian. For the last weeks she never leave my side. In every action and check up she made sure I was feeling fine.

We both have the same vibes. Imelda doesn’t talk that much. She only open her lips when I need to take my pills, or it’s my time to eat  and lastly to inform about the hospital stuff. Moreover, the old lady do not have nay guts to asked about my parent’s situation before the incident. I think she’s not interested or… maybe shy?

I also don’t know her reason with the cold shoulder, but its all fine with me. Due to the incident and fresh wound, I am asking for a little space far from family issues.

“Where are we staying?” I asked her while she’s busy driving. I am also impressed that even at her late age she still handle to drive. She was truly helpful.

“At your parent’s house.” Her words sting my heart. Parents huh? “But after a week of fixing everything here at the metro, we’ll be leaving for good.”

I took off my eyes at the road to sight her. I was covered with wonders. “What do you mean leave? We’re leaving my home? That’s odd,” I almost exclaimed. “I am currently studying in here, my parents works in her--”

“But where are they?” I froze hearing that dagger words from her. She handled to shortly deem at me. “They’re dead. You have no future in here,” she pointed making me weak. “As your guardian you have to follow what I say. Topic adjourned.”

"No,” I blurted out,she stop the car for us to talk. “I am not leaving the metro.”

“You’re deciding for your own?” She grin shaking her head. “Why? Can you provide for yourself? Buy food and pay your tuition?”

“I--” I balled my fist from anger when she caught me off guard.

“You can’t do anything on your own, right Gina?” I diverted my eyes back at the road. She hissed then drove once again. I was in the middle of rebellion when she spoke again. “I know it’s complicated, Gina. I might not saw you grow but I am telling you the whole truth, I care for you.”

“What do you even mean?”

“Just sway with me to Grimson town. I am appealing this for you to move on from what happen. You’re traumatized by the accident, and being here in the metro will only worsen your case. Find a little new start in Grimson, after that go on and do what you want.”

For the first time, I couldn’t find my words to utter. I stare at her for minutes. Imelda is so mean, but she had a point, a big point to clarify it. I really do need a new start to forget what happen, to live normally. And it Grimson town can give me that start, why not grab it?

Just as Imelda stated, we stayed at our house for recovery. She was busy all the time, I guess it’s about my personal document to be brought to Grimson or whatever that town is called. However, I busied myself doing nothing but lock myself in the room singing even though the mic itself gave up on me. At times when anxiety attacks me, I’ll drown myself into a bath until I feel lighter.

But if I lost count of what to do next, I’ll simply seat at my window and watch people walking pass our house. Then a thought enter, if we finally arrived at Grimson, will Earth be finally gift me even a single friends? How I wish.

In a blink of an eye, I didn’t even knew that week countdown had officially ended. Numbered cloths are neatly packed, lastly I am at my messy outfit that couldn’t wait to enter Grimson. Who would have thought that the one who rejected the idea of leaving the metro ended up as the excited freak?

Gosh, I am just badly craving for a new start.

Hopefully Grimson is my safe den. “All ready?” Grandma asked me before closing the door.

For the last time I stared at the house who built the Georgina who survived the traumatic incident. The moment I face back at this little castle, the memories will surely be blurry afterwards. I heaved and nodded at grandma. I might be leaving the house, but it will not take me forever to comeback. I promise that I will comeback, and by that time. Georgina is a lot stronger.

Even uncomfortable, I still asked Imelda. “Is it going to be all right?” Surprisingly she gave a sly smile.

“Hmm… it’ll be. Because finally, you’re coming home.”

Home? Grimson is my home? Confused by the her words it vanished when the almost six hours travel using a coal-powered old train stopped.  Everything is spinning rapidly anticipating what the new town could unfold in my life.

Just when my shoes landed on the wood station, shivers run after me when I heard a loud… howl.