
Let’s Read The Word

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Resisting The CEO

Resisting The CEO

Author:KM REM



Paige Milller swore to never fall in love again. Callan Montgomery swore to only fuck women once. What happens when these two opposites are fated to meet? Can Paige keep herself from falling in love with the CEO who keeps trying to make her see a different side of him? Is Callan really in love with her or is she just one of the women he wants to conquer?


“Wait! Let me buy one thing before you close up.” A strikingly handsome man wearing a tuxedo with a boutonniere, pushed the door I was just about to close and lock.

“Sorry. We’re close. It’s almost 2am, buddy.”

“Please? I’ll make it worth your while. I’ll buy the most expensive thing there and give you a thousand dollar tip.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Here. You can swipe the most expensive alcohol you have plus your tip.” He said, handing me a golden master card. His smile was intoxicating and his piercing stare made me blush.

I cleared my throat and told myself to get a grip. Gorgeous guys like him are always nothing but trouble.

“Fine. Okay, come in.”

“I’ll take a bottle of your most expensive whiskey.” He said as he sat on one of the bar stools.

“Sure thing.” I said, swiping his card, before turning my back from the bar and standing on a stool to reach the Dalmore 50 which I was specifically told to keep on the top shelf at all times unless asked for.

Just as I was getting off the stool, I heard a crack and the next thing I knew I was falling; The whiskey flew out of my hand and the sound of its glass breaking was more painful than my butt hitting the marble floor.

“Fuck me.” I cursed. The man who ordered the now wasted bottle of whiskey effortlessly pulled himself up on the bar and went down to help me up.

“I just might if you tell me you can’t pay me back my money tonight.”

“I…I can give you back the cash. I’ll lose more than my year’s worth of salary, but hey just my luck, right?”

“That bottle is a year’s worth?” he sounded shocked.

“Yes. I know rich people like you think 79 thousand bucks is nothing, but for us normal folks it’s our whole year of working.” I said while holding my tears from falling pathetically. An accident like this was the last thing I need.

“Wow.” he looked dumbfounded as he scratched his head with his hand.

“If you can wait back in your seat, I’ll be right back with your cash.”

“No need. Just give me a kiss.”

“What?” My voice was so high pitched I thought a glass would break.

“Let me kiss you and I’ll be on my way.”

“Yeah, right! I’ll kiss you and—-.” His lips pressed into mine and I was surprised how good it felt to be held so tight and kissed like I was wanted. My brain wanted me to push him and then punch him, but then my heart was beating so fast and hard as if it was begging me to let it be.

The warmth of the palm of his hand on the back of my neck, and the force of his other hand pushing me toward him, gave me feelings I thought I would never feel for any man again.

“There. Paid in full. You can even keep your tip. Best kiss I’ve had all day.” He said, grinning like an idiot. The man winked at me, picked up his card and walked out of the bar without another word. It took me a few more seconds before I was able to snap back into reality.

“What the fuck? Jeez, New York really is a weird place.” I said out loud to myself as I hurriedly locked the doors. Touching my lips, I couldn’t help but notice how horny I felt and how wet my underwear already was. Damn that gorgeous man.

After taking a warm bath which didn’t help me forget my libido, I laid on my bed naked and had a serious debate with myself.

We can’t do this. We promised ourselves.

Yeah, but that guy’s kiss was fucking hot. And I know you can still feel your pussy wet and throbbing. We’ll do it just this once. Imagine him just this once and that’s it. Problem solved. It’s not like we’re ever going to see him again.

I didn’t reply to my naughty brain anymore and just bit my lower lip as I started rubbing my nipples. Once they were erect, I proceeded on touching my wetness and spreading it on my clit, going in circles until my hips involuntarily moved up and I moaned. I imagined that man licking me and fucking me so hard even though I knew pretty well it was only my middle and pointer fingers doing all the work.

I could feel my orgasm coming, so I laid on my stomach and fucked myself faster and harder until I felt all the muscles on my body tensed. Panting, I laid still and sighed.

So this is my life now. No more real cock. Just me and my fingers or my dildo which I’m always too lazy to charge.

Yeah. This is for the best. It’s all for Gwen.

“Mom! Wake up! And why did you sleep naked?” I opened my eyes instantly hoping to God my hand wasn’t still by my crotch. Lying on my stomach, I groaned when Gwen threw my robe on my back, covering my butt.

“How could you sleep naked? You’re going to get a cold, you know that, right? I mean after all you’re the one who always reminds me to dress warmly.”

“Oh Gwen. How will I ever manage without you, my little smart angel.” I said, putting my robe on before hugging my beautiful 10 year old daughter. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on my lips.

“I love you too, mom. Now come on or else we’re going to be late for my first day of school and your first day at work.”

"Oh my God, you’re right. What time is it? I’ll just change and meet you downstairs, okay? Thanks for waking me up, hon.”

I hurriedly put on my pencil skirt and tucked in my white blouse. I applied on some light make up and tied my hair up in a bun. After putting on my high heels, which I thought were inappropriate for working in an 8 to 3 job where you have to move around all day, I came down to our tiny kitchen and saw that Gwen had already made toast.

“Wow. These toasts are perfect. I’m sorry you had to prepare breakfast. You want me to make you my famous scrambled eggs? We still have some time.”

“No thanks, mom. I’m full. Besides, you can’t underestimate New York traffic.”

“My God, sometimes I think you’re a forty year old stuck in a kid’s body.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you. Now hurry up mother. I don’t wanna be late.”

“Right.” I said as I looked at her and my heart felt so full of love, I thought it would overflow.

“You know, if all goes well with this day job of mine, we can probably be out of Aunt Helen’s attic by the end of next month.”

“I don’t mind it here." She shrugged before zipping her roblox packbag. It’s tiny but cozy and my room has just enough space that no monster can hide inside.”

“Hmm okay, but I don’t know, Gwen. For a forty year old, aren't you too old to still be scared of monsters?” I said, teasing her as I laughed at her wrinkling her nose. I looked around at our small apartment and sighed. The place was so different from what she was used to. Back home we had a big old house and a huge yard.

“Are you thinking about sad things again?” Gwen suddenly said, pulling me back to reality.

“Yeah. I’m sorry I’m not giving you the best of what you deserve for now, baby.”

“But you are the best, mom. As long as we have each other, I’m happy.”

“Me too, baby. Now, come on or we’ll really be late.”

The walk to Gwen’s public school took exactly 20 mins just like what Google maps suggested. I kissed her goodbye and told her I’d pick her up from school later at three.

Another 20 minutes later, I finally managed to hail a cab and told him to take me downtown where the new company Cooper-Holden Financing was located. The moment I reached the entrance, the security guard asked for my ID and congratulated me on my first day of work.

By the time I was in the elevator, I hurriedly pressed the 14th floor, checked my phone for messages, and just as the door was about to close, the guy from the bar came in with three other men. The three men were so big and buff, that it was easy enough to assume they were his bodyguards.

I was pushed to the back of the elevator and I just shook my head when he didn’t even recognize me. I hoped and prayed that they would get off before the 14th floor.

The elevator dinged and to my surprise, the three men stepped out to follow the man from the bar who ordered someone not to bother him. Before I could look at where the man was going, a high pitched happy voice greeted me.

“Hi. Are you Paige Miller? I recognized you from your files.” A young looking woman asked me. She was wearing heavy make-up, but she was dressed as I was. Short pencil skirt and a baby pink tucked in blouse.

“Yes, I am. Hi. I’m so excited to be here.”

“Great. I’m Darla Evans, your head secretary.”

“I’m Paige. Wait, you know that already. Sorry. Must be more nervous than I thought.”

“Oh perfectly fine. I was the same on my first day five years ago. Now, come on and I’ll show you to your desk and tell you what exactly it is you’ll be doing here.”

I followed her as she pointed around the open spaced office and mentally took note of everything that was important. She pointed at a separate room whose walls were clear glass and said, “That’s our CEO. Callan Montgomery Holden the third.”

“Oh. Okay.” I gulped and tried hard to ignore the images in my mind.

“I’d introduce you, but I don’t think he’s the nicest person today because the news was that he got left at the altar last night. But he’s a great boss though.” Darla said, whispering the last part.

“I bet he is.” I said, sarcastically, which lucky for me, she missed. Oh crap. I let the new boss put his tongue inside my mouth while he was probably drunk with pain.

Hopefully for us he was too drunk to remember.

You can say that again.

“Come on, I'll show you your des—-.” Darla stopped talking and nodded her head as if she was answering someone from far away. When I looked back, I realized the CEO was gesturing to her to come into his office. Darla held my hand and pulled me to go with her.

“Uhm maybe you should go alone and you can introduce me later.” Like next year when I can move to a different job.

“Oh, you should definitely come. It’ll be less scary for me that way. At least if he’s pissed off he can fire you instead of me.” she chuckled apologetically.

“Great. Glad to help you.” I said, liking her already.

“Good morning Callan. You needed me? This is my new assistant secretary, by the way. Uhm Paige Miller.”

“Good—.” The veins in my eyes almost popped from trying so hard not to make my eyes roll at him cutting me off.

“Darla I need you to call my Social Media guy and tell him there are still stories leaking about the wedding. Tell him I’ll have him killed if he can’t fix the problem.” Callan said, his eyes not even leaving his phone. I wanted to smack his face for being so rude. He didn’t even recognize me.

“Yes, boss. Anything else?”

“That’ll be all.”

“Okay, boss. Just call if you need me.” Darla said, pulling me softly to go out.

“Paige Miller. Stay here for a bit.” He suddenly said when my foot was already out the door. I swallowed hard and looked at Darla who just shrugged and closed the door, leaving me alone with the hot Callan Montgomery Holden who was smirking at me.

“So…Paige. I thought you were a bartender.”

“And I thought you were just a rich asshole kissing girls all day. Never would’ve peg you for a CEO, boss.”

“Hmm… you’re funny. I like you.” Callan chuckled, his smile enough to brighten up the gloomy office.

“Please don’t.” I said and he laughed again. He bit his lower lip and I could feel myself wanting to hump him right there on his swiveling chair.

“You’re thinking the same thing I am, aren’t you, Paige?”

“That I should report you to HR for sexual harassment?”

“Ha! Good one but no. I know you want me too. Right here right now. I can feel you getting hot, wet and ready to for me.”

“From the way you kissed me, last night? Sorry, but not interested at all. Besides, I'm married.” I lied knowing he can easily ask for my file. I realized I was being stupid\

when I remembered my aunt who helped get me this job telling me I shouldn’t let them find out about Gwen because it was specifically in the job listing that I had to be single with no kids.

“Okay, look. I’m not married, but I’m not interested either. I can’t afford to be your next plaything, alright? I need this job to save enough money to start my own small business and not work for anyone ever again. Please. I know you’re probably a great guy, but I’m just not interested. So, if there’s nothing else you need professionally, I will go now, Mr. Holden.”

“Sure. But they always say that at first too. You’ll come around.”