
Let’s Read The Word

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Tied With The Artist

Tied With The Artist




There's a lot of secrets and mysterious things in our world, like in this story. Who would've thought that there's actually a realm where extraordinary people live? No one, not even the protagonist of my story. Not until they saw that painting— that's very stunning but weird because… they saw how those two people entered that painting and in just a blink of an eye, the painting went back to normal.


“The Destroyers are showing up. I need your help.” the man with xanthous hair seriously said to a woman in front of him.

“Of course, I will help you for the sake of this realm. What can I do for you, Grandmaster?” the woman said before plastering a soft smile on her face. The Grandmaster shook his head and sighed.

“I-It's not about the realm, I can handle it on my own. But… I need your help for my daughter who is living in the normal realm. She's not a kid anymore, the Destroyers might sense her blood,” Grandmaster explained. The Queen just arched her right eyebrow because of amusement.

“Oh my! You mean, your daughter with–” she stopped when Grandmaster cutted her off.

“Yes.” he said, blushing.

“Okay, what do you want me to do?” Grandmaster was shocked when the queen asked that, because even if he's the Grandmaster, he can't convince the queen easily when it comes to personal matters.

“I-I… I want you to protect my daughter just, do what you want to do, but I want you to protect her.” he said in a pleading voice, the queen just smiled.

“I will. But first, let me tell you what I wanted to do, since you are her father.”

“Yeah, what is it?” Grandmaster asked.

“I am the queen of the Master Realm— this realm, in which magical silver and gold blooded people can live.” Grandmaster stayed quiet as he looked at the woman in front of her, sketching wine.

“You know what my special role here is, except for being a queen?” she asked, and in just a snap of her fingers, the wine on the sketch pad became real.

“You're a tie artist— the immortal one.” the queen took a sip of her wine before nodding.

“And what my ties can do?”

“It can… It can connect.” the Grandmaster's voice became low.

“Exactly. I'm the one who decides where to connect those, especially the people here in this realm. I ask you again, how did you and your wife meet?”

“U-Uh, because I'm an adventure artist and, when I first laid my eyes on her in the Normal Realm, I knew she's the one. I love it when I'm with her, and I'm longing for her when we're not together.” the Grandmaster scratched his nape after saying those.

“It's because you are tied, you're fated to be with her so she does. When I tie a group of people, it means they're fated to be together. When I tie two people, like you and your wife, they are fated to be with each other, forever.” she smiled.

She put the wine back on the sketch pad.

She drew a red tie and in a snap, it became real, she showed it to the Grandmaster who just realized something.

“You are going to tie my daughter to someone… to protect her?” he confusely asked. The queen nodded.

“I'll tie her with the artist.”



Copyrights 2021 © artimyahaest.

All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction, names, characters, business, places, events and incidents are either the products of author's imagination of used in a fictitious manner. Any similarities to actual people, living or dead, or actual event are just purely coincidental. Do not distribute, publish, copy, revise or exploit the contents of this story in anyway. Please obtain permission.

WARNING: Some unpleasant words along the way.