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Alpha's RougeMate

Alpha's RougeMate




Abigail had turned into a werewolf rouge at the age of 18, not by choice though. She was forced to get out of their pack because of a rouge attack which happened 8 years ago. She lost everyone - her loved ones, her friends, and her whole pack - but luckily she was left with a beautiful baby girl in her arms. But what she didn't know is her pack's killer is still on the move and he's looking for her because he found out that she's still alive. Alpha Elliot have been leading the Stone Pack for almost 10 years and now it is the largest and strongest pack in America. Although they are the largest and strongest pack, they still have someone important who is missing - the Alpha Female, the Luna. Elliot Stone have been trying to find his mate when he turned 16 years old and ready to mate but now that he is already 28, he gave up looking for her and just concentrated leading his pack. One day, her mother the former Luna, asked him to pick up his brother at the human territory after his school. When he and his best friends got there, his brother is talking to a young girl. She is his classmate maybe but growled when he sniffed her. She's a rouge. He then walked towards them but stopped when he sniffed an intoxicating scent. His mate's scent, a beautiful young lady walked towards where his brother is sitting at together with the rouge. He growled louder as the rouge called her 'Mommy'. What happens now that he found out that his mate has a young daughter? Will he reject her because she did not wait for him? What will the pack say? What would his parents say?

Abigail's POV

"Mom! What's going on?"

I asked worriedly as I heard growls and howls outside the house. My mom then run towards me while carrying baby Hannah on her arms.

"No time to explain honey. Come on, you and Hannah both needs to get out of here." She says frantically and grab my arm pulling me outside my room.

We both quickly got out of my room and run quickly downstairs. She then let go of my arm but I still followed her and run towards Henry's office, the Alpha's office.

We got inside and locked the door, my mom then let go of me and carefully put Hannah into my arms before she walked around Henry's desk. She opened one of Henry's side drawers and grabbed a backpack and walked back towards me.

"M-Mom?" I whispered.

"I'm sorry honey, but you both need to leave, take this bag with you. Everything you need is all in there." She says while tears slowly falls in her eyes.

"M-Mom, what's going on?" I asked again worriedly.

"I-Im s-sorry honey, the pack is under attacked. Don't worry we will find you. You and Hann-" she was cut off when we both heard some crash outside the room.

She then grab my arm and run towards a wall, a wall that I never knew exists. The wall slides to the right opening a secret tunnel making me shocked in surprise. Mom then pushed me inside while I carried Hannah and the wall closed behind me.

Standing up I heard a crash in the other side and a painful scream was heard. Not just any scream, it was my mother's.

I felt tears leaving my eyes and sobs escaping my mouth as I  felt my mother's pain but that's not important right now. I have to get out of here.

"Quick search everywhere there has to be a secret door inside this room." A voice was heard in the other side.

As a cue, I stood up swinging the backpack in my shoulder and carefully hold Hannah tightly in my arms before I quickly run as fast as I can through the tunnel with my werewolf speed.

"We must hurry." Alessia my wolf said to me.

"I'm trying." I said.

After a couple of minutes, I saw a door at the end of the tunnel and run faster. I swung the door open and looked around to see where I am. I was at the forest near the border.

With my werewolf hearing, I heard cries, shouts, and growls so I turned around to looked behind me. And saw bright light where the pack house is. I sniffed the area and smelled smoke and blood from my pack mates. Tears then again run down my face when realization hit me. My pack is now gone.

I was startled as I heard a bang to where I came from and again I run faster to where the border is.

I then stopped when I was one stepped closer to the borders.

"Are you ready?" I asked my wolf.

"Yes!" She says confidently.

With that I dashed through to the no man's land breaking my ties to the pack but I don't have any pack anymore. They're gone, my loved ones, my friends and pack.

Tears again run down through my eyes as I felt the pain of losing everyone in my pack. But still carried on if being a rouge can keep our safety then so be it.

I stopped when I saw wolves in front of me but this aren't werewolves they're just normal wolves. Feasting on a couple of deer's.

"Abi, we have to go. We don't know if there's still rouges gaining on us." Alessia says hurriedly.

As she said that, howls started to erupt through the forest.

"They're still tracking us." I hissed.

"Abi, wait I have an idea." Alessia says.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked hurriedly.

"Make the rouges believe we were eaten by those wolves."

"What? I-I don't understand." I said confused.

"Take off your clothes and Hannah's and ripped it. And put some of your blood and hers."

"Okay." I said trusting her.

How can I not she's my wolf.

I then followed what she says and laid Hannah slowly at the ground and quickly took off my clothes and Hannah's but not before putting a jacket on Hannah that was on the bag pack.

I then ripped of the clothes and I slit my palm with a sharp rock I saw beside me and smeared it all over my clothes. I then hold Hannah's palm.

"I'm sorry baby." I said.

With that I slit of her palm and she wailed as I did that. The wolves in front of me then stopped at what they were doing and growled at me thinking that I might eat their meals.

I quickly threw the clothes at their direction and used my werewolf speed, taking the bag and Hannah in my arms and quickly run to another direction.

After a couple of minutes, howls erupted to where I left with the normal wolves making me stopped my run. They're signalling the others that they were going back to my pack.

I sighed in relief and sat down on the ground. Again tears again drips down my face as I felt the pain of losing my loved ones.

A few minutes past, I then wiped my tears and dropped the back pack in front of me. I opened it and looked through the contents as I didn't actually see its contents when I pulled the jacket.

I saw a couple of stash of money, an ATM cards, a first aid kit and a couple of clothes. I laid Hannah carefully on the ground and pulled out the first aid kit to clean Hannah's wound. She might be a werewolf and has Alpha gene's to heal her faster but she's just a baby and still don't have the ability to heal.

After that I pulled out a dress and a small blanket that I found at the bottom inside the bag pack. I put on the dress and it fits me perfectly luckily I was still wearing my flats. I then wrap the blanket around Hannah's body to keep her warmer and I wear the jacket that I recently put it on her.

With that I swing the back pack in both of my shoulders and lifts Hannah into my arms and jog again through the forest.

As I jog through the forest the sun starts to rise up and I saw a road and a bus moving nearby. I quickly used my werewolf speed and luckily I made it on time as the bus was near me. I lift my arm and the bus stopped in front of me. I climbed on and gave my payment before I walk to the back and sat one of the empty chairs.

I looked around and sniffed the area. They are all human so I  sighed in relief as I know that we were both safe in other werewolf hands.

We're both rouges now, so we have to be extra careful. Father always said that if ever a rouge wants to be alone or do not want to be with a pack they should stay in a town that there are no other packs that have claimed on it.

And that's my plan, I'm planning to live in another town, together with Hannah, where there are no packs that have claimed on it and where no one will find us or knew who we are.