
Let’s Read The Word

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Alpha Adrian

Alpha Adrian

Author:Amber Aidan



" Let me go." I scream. " Hush little mate. You're mine now , mine to love , mine to hurt , mine to fuck and mine to kill." he whispers huskily. " Stay away from me. I can't believe you're the same Adrian I fell in love with." I sob remembering our childhood together. " Nothing has changed Aurora. You were mine then and you're still mine." he whispers. " You'll stay with me and shower me with love either willingly or forcefully." he growls sending shivers down my spine. ^-^ Being a human in the world of werewolves was difficult for Aurora especially dealing with an elder jealous sister all the time. During all that , she found comfort with Adrian. But it wasn't long before Adrian began bullying her too just to fit in the popular bad alpha position. That's when things began getting messy.


  Ting. . . Ting. . . Ting

  My alarm rings as I dance on its tune in my dream.

  " Wake up bitch." my sister's voice comes breaking my peaceful sleep.

  Opening my eyes , they are greeted by a horrible sight. It's eight. Shitty shit. I'm late. AGAIN.

  Rushing out of bed , I wrap my hair into a bun and I run downstairs like a racecar.

  Picking up the two heavy garbage bags , I made my way to the bin behind our house. As I stepped out of the house , cold breeze hit me causing me to shiver.

  I pushed a bag into the huge bin and my arms were already aching , to make it more better this cold wind kept blowing causing goosebumps on my skin. That bitch must be deep in sleep now while making a popsicle out of me.

  " Wait , let me do that." A deep voice said breaking me from my thoughts. Upon turning , I saw a handsome Adrian Grey standing there.

  He was wearing black jeans with white shirt and a huge black coat. His dark brown hair is styled in a messy way but he looks adorable in it.

  Gosh ! Does he take some type of drug that makes him more handsome everyday ?

  Adrian Grey , an year older than me and lives next door. He is the son of our alpha and the next alpha in the line. We know each other since I was five years old. I have huge crush on him but never had the courage to confess it.

  We barely talk , that doesn't mean we are quiet around each other. We barely talk because we are busy fighting all the time. I try to talk to him

like normal humans do

but each time it turns into a fight

like mentally unstable patients do

and I would end up getting punished by my sister.

  Yeah , my sister . She has Adrian in her claws like every other thing I like. She's with him because he is famous , good looking , wealthy and also the next alpha to be. But deep inside me there is a hope that one day I'll become Adrian's Luna.

  Hahh ! A wish that would never come true. Come on Earth , sweetie.

  " Morning." He mumbles looking at me for an answer. Oh I forgot he was also here.

  " Good morning." I reply . See , I can also be polite.

  He gives me his famous smirk while taking off his coat and placing on my shoulders. His coat is huge and makes me look tiny in it but its also warm and smells heavenly of Adrian.

  " Let me do that." He says as he takes the other bag from me and shoves it in the bin. Then he takes another two bags which he brought and throws them into the bin.

  I start walking towards my house and he comes by side. " What were you thinking standing there ?" He asks walking at my pace. His green emerald eyes searching mine for answers.

  " Plotting to kill my sister." I murmur laughing but I know that he knows that I'm serious about it.

  " Great , killing the only person that cares about you." he laughs humorlessly and my smile dies.

  " Are you even serious ? Why in the name of chocolate ice cream would that bitch care about me ?" I ask raising my voice.

  " Because I know her." he says raising his voice. If mental hospital staffs see us , they're going to capture us right now.

  " Oh really ! Are you her secretary who'll tell me what that witch feels for me ?" I shout.

  " Look I'll give you some advice . You need something that is really important and that is . . . " he halts and looks deeply in my eyes. At least someone knew what I'm feeling.

  " That is rooms of mental asylum with some shock treatments ." he shouts breaking into a fit of laughter. " You really need some mental help , Aurora." he says laughing.

  Tears pool up in my eyes , he's making fun of me and to make it more worse he thinks my sister is correct.

  He stops his laughing session once he realizes the tears rolling down my cheeks. " I hate you." I shout throwing his coat on his face and running in my house as soon as my legs could carry me.

  Stupid asshole , idiotic jerk , alpha's brat , certified bastard , I hate you Adrian Grey