
Let’s Read The Word

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Chosen Luna

Chosen Luna




I WAS on my way to Lupus Point to attend a class reunion when my car broke down. I looked for help but accidentally trespassed into a strange compound and was held captive by the residents living there. I attempted to talk to their acting leader; Greyson Frostale to free me however, the annoying man and his minions didn't believe that I meant no harm. I was disappointed and was losing hope until Grey changed his mind. He discussed a proposal that he'll let me go if I live with him in one month. At first, I was beyond enraged for I am too innocent to live with a perverted jerk like him but later on agreed for it's my only ticket to go back to the City. To my freedom. Never did I expect that I'll have a change of heart as I spent time and had lots of fun with the residents of the compound. That I'll be attached to them. Then I found out one day that they were not ordinary humans but werewolves. That I was chosen by the Goddess of the moon as Greyson Frostale's soulmate. I was torn into two options. Go back to the city or prove that I can be a deserving chosen Luna of FireMoon.

"HEY, you, Grey Frostale!" The ground barely shook as I clamored the name of the man who was just a few meters away from me. All the people around us snapped their necks in my direction with wonders written all over their faces which made my left eyebrow rose.

What's their deal? I was given a chance as bright as the glowing sun that it's gleaming on me so bright to finally confront the dude who kept me in that place for almost seven days. Did they think that I'd let it pass? Nuh-ah. I would not let him ignore me this time.

My chest was crammed with so much disdain for him and if I keep it in, it will surely explode like a bomb, so before that scenario happened, I must face him no matter what. To tell him how bad and a jerk he is.

I don't care if he's in front of his disciples.

Yes, I used the word 'disciples' cause for me, Grey Frostale is the king of depravity, and those people who were residing in that creepy place were his minions. Oh, how I despised them just as much as I despised him and I freaking swear, I'd make them have a taste of my growing wrath that's soaring every second.

With my hands fisted tightly and my nose flaring, I walked towards Grey with narrowed eyes but only to halt halfway as the despicable excuse of a man turned around and faced me. Our gazes locked. His stare settled into mine with astonishment, and as I fixed mine to his, I abruptly breathed in and grabbed the left side of my chest when something twitched painfully inside of my body.

'Ouch!' I mentally groaned and winced. What the heck was that? When did I develop heart problems, huh? Is it because I drank too much coffee which implicated my heartbeat? Or is it because my hatred towards Grey reached another level and my soul couldn't handle it anymore?

That made my jaw clench and I glared at him. I should have known that he would not bring anything good to me but misfortunes. But wait! I need to calm down and think about my health problem later for I still have a very important thing to do before my once-in-a-lifetime chance melted.

Fixing my whole attention back to Grey, I proceeded to pace forward at a fast stride while catching how amusement reflected in his eyes.

I huffed. Seriously? What's there to be amused at? Realizing that he's not taking me seriously made me even more pissed. Grey Frostale smirked. He crossed his arms above his chest and muttered, "Another escape, I guess."

I rolled my eyes at him and replied sarcastically. "Oh no. It's not me! The girl you locked inside this place? Oh, no, I'm not! I'm just one of your hallucinations, your highness!"

Well, sarcasm is my middle name, duh! If he got a problem with that, then spank me! Anyway, I was expecting that he'd be annoyed but to my utter dismay, his smirk turned to a wide grin. Even the man beside him began to cackle too.

My brows knotted together. What the-? What are they laughing at? Do I look like a clown?

I snickered. Nope. They were simply just making fun of me and it's no surprise why I hate them to no end. While still walking towards Grey, I took notes of how I started detesting him.

First. A week ago, I was going to attend a class reunion but my precious car's engine suddenly died on me. I was looking for help and accidentally trespassed the strange place. It was freaking weird like it's a compound or something that have tall gates a rousing that area. The moment I stepped my foot inside, unknown men instantly appeared in front of me. Without giving me time to blink or to react, they hauled me and threw me inside of an empty room.

Creepy right?

Anyway, second. I tried to converse with them and asked what was happening but they refused to attend to my concern. I even pleaded with them to let go of me for I was just looking for help and I meant no harm, and again, they dismissed me.

Heck! I am innocent. It's not fair for me to be held there against my will.

It crossed my mind that maybe, they restrained me and made me a captive to ask for money. Well, sorry to burst their bubbles but I don't own companies and though my grandfather is filthy rich, his wealth is not mine. It'd be a big disappointment to them for they would never gain anything from keeping me there.

Accordingly, the last thing that leaded me to hate the close-minded vermin; Grey and his disciples was because I learned that he's the acting leader to that place. A mayor or something, I don't know how to call it but whatever. So, yeah, from the small window of the room where I stayed for a week, I figured that those people who live in the compound respect him and were following everything he says. And when he ordered two dudes to guard outside the room where they confined me, my expression towards him was made.

He's the worst! He's the evilest of all evils. But if he thought that I was just an ordinary girl who would just going to cry in times of trouble, then he's wrong for I am a very strong and clever girl. I proved to them those attributes as I succeeded on sneaking out of my cage four freaking times but unfortunately was caught by those who saw me running away. I gave them hard times for a few days and that served them good for being impossibly loyal to Grey.

And that detestable ass. How I loathed him and his handsome face and ripped body. I mean, it's also not fair to the whole universe that the leader of my kidnappers possessed good looks and sizzling body, right? My whole system is extremely declining to accept it.

I grunted mentally. That just how absurd human life is!

Grey suddenly chuckled and that made me dart out of my deep thinkings.

My face turned grim. The stupid jerk should learn not to mess with me. I am Pippen Dagger and no one could make this amazing woman a laughing stock, ever!

I finally crossed the distance between us and the moment I stepped in front of him, my right hand flew in the air. "How dare you!" I rasped and without reluctance gave Grey Frostale a hard slap across his gorgeous face that hurled his head turn forty-five degrees.

The whole place was filled with shock gasps but just like what I've said, I don't give freaking care. For a moment, he and his disciples got appalled to even move and I mentally praised myself in satisfaction.

"There!" I proudly lifted my chin and pointed a finger at him. "Do not mess with me, ever!" I sneered venomously before flipping my hair like those girls in the TV ads but as I felt a tingling sensation ran up my knuckles to my arms, I suddenly frowned. What the heck is that?