
Let’s Read The Word

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Into the Blue

Into the Blue

Author:Kobe Alcala



Arielle Tesfaye's senior year immediately turn upside down the second she finds out about her switch to another swim team. Although the problem with this one particular swim team was not what she was expecting. What if this team was home to the ten most popular, sexiest, charismatic, most talked about boys of Amphitrite High School?

  Considering from the Walmart shopping bags underneath my eyes, with my hair almost resembling a bird's nest, and my mind close to shutting down, I am now officially a train wreck.

  The school I go to is not entirely normal. It's basically a school specifically made for people who really takes swimming seriously. Knowing new students have to join, older swimmers are switched to a different team.

  Amphitrite's swimming teams system is insane. There are so many students all around the world that travels just to attend this school, in hopes of one day being in The Olympics.

  Since there are so many people wanting to join and better themselves as swimmers, Amphitrite has decided to make 6 all girls swim teams and 6 all boys swim teams, making 12 all together. Plus, Amphitrite still has regular sports, football, baseball, volleyball, etc.

  Take a normal school for example, and then times it by 20. Yea this school is huge. No exaggeration.

  "I'm so over life right now." I thought to myself as I sat down on the bench near Vanessa, who was scrolling through her pathetic Instagram feed.

  "Is it just me, or the members of the TigerSharks literally look like male models." Vanessa flicked her fingers in front of my face, causing me to snap out of my mind drift. "Um, you okay?"

  "Sorry, I just can't believe I'm actually getting switched, like I've been in this team since I was in 6th grade and now I'm sent away like nothing?" I ranted, putting my swimsuit on for practice. "That's so rude of coach to do."

  "Well how do you think I'm mourning? Your switch is so dumb! Like literally watch us lose the whole season because of you not being in our team anymore." Vanessa sighed, putting her hair in a high ponytail.

  "Vanessa, I can't do it, I just can't." I'm normally not emotional, but this past week has really hit me hard physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Okay maybe I'm over exaggerating but it hit me in someway!

  "What are you doing?" I sniffled as I wiped my eyes with a towel.

  "I'm playing our friendship song." She muttered, as she hit the play button on her basic ass Iphone.

  Okay I need to stop being so negative, I've honestly been so done with life lately, and it's making my whole body hurt.

  I have no problems with iPhones or Instagram whatsoever, but I do have a problem with what I'm going through right now.

  Oh god the friendship song is starting. Since when did we have a friendship song?

  "ALL MY LIFE! YOU STOOD BY ME! WHEN NO ONE ELSE! WAS EVER BEHIND ME! ALL THESE LIGHTS! THEY CAN'T BLIND ME! WITH YOUR LOVE! NOBODY CAN DRAG ME DOWN!" We both sang in unison as we danced weird moves only me and her understand.

  Actually, scratch that, she did all the dancing and singing while I sat down on the bench, closing my eyes as the song echoed through the locker room.

  Vanessa mostly did all the singing since I don't really listen to One Direction, or Pop music in general. You could say I'm more in the alternative side.

  I'm not saying I'm quirky either, pop music as of late just lack content I need right now. What happened when pop music actually used to be good?

  "Vanessa you're so cringey sometimes." I winced at her as she tried to twerk.

  Emphasize on the tried.

  She playfully rolled her eyes at me. "Oh come on! Cheer up! I know you wanna dance too!" She raised her hands up as she sang the verse.

  "I'm okay." I kept sitting still as she kept singing, then all of a sudden stopped to talk.

  "Harry Styles is so daddy!" I cringed at her comment.

  We both looked at each other as we tried not to burst out in laughter, but it was too late.

  We cackled loudly as we hugged, dreading that the day would soon come that one of us would have to be switched. And it just so happened to be me.

  "Trust me Arielle, if I can hold up 3 fingers in the air, and yell I volunteer as tribute! I would." Vanessa laughed, putting her hair out of her face.

  That Hunger Games reference though.

  "I know you would, that's why we're sisters." I laughed with her, hugging non stop while Drag Me Down continued to play in the background.

  "OKAY GIRLS! 3 LAPS LEFT! MOVE IT! MOVE IT! NO SLACKING!" Coach Elva yelled, causing echoes to emit through out the large indoor pool.

  Since this was sadly, my last day being on The Butterflies, I decided to give it all I've got on these last 3 laps. My mind started thinking hard about tomorrow and how I'm about to be leaving my friends, memories, and basically everything behind.

  These thoughts running through my mind caused my arms to paddle faster and faster till I reached the other end of the pool.

  After a quick pause to let us finish swimming, Coach Elva began to talk again. "Alright, alright, that's a wrap! Practice is over girls! Arielle do you think I can talk to you for a second?" Coach Elva crossed her arms, watching me get out off the pool.

  "Yes coach?" I quickly slipped my cap off. I personally think caps are ugly, it makes me look like a wet garbanzo bean and I hate it.

  I ran through my incredibly tangled hair as I walked towards my coach, knowing what she was probably gonna say.

  "Look, I know the switch thing is tomorrow and I want you to know that I don't make the switching decisions, the high-school principal does. I know it's hard for you love, but trust me its harder for me since I've known you for the longest time." Coach Elva weeped, a tear drop melodramatically dropping down from her eyes.

  I tried not to laugh since her crying face looked funny. "Aww coach don't cry! I'll always visit. I'm never gonna forget this team, the team I'm gonna get switched to probably sucks anyway." I cheered, hugging her tightly.

  "Arielle, you'll always be a butterfly alright?" Coach sniffed, wrapping her arms around me for a warm hug.

  "I promise." I smiled brightly, returning her tight and comforting hug back.

  Still to this day I can't believe I learned to love our overly cringey swim team name. Who in their right mind would name a swimming team The Butterflies?

  I quickly made my way back to the girls locker room as I wiped some of the incoming tears away. Out of nowhere, a bunch of hollers and screams bombarded my ear drums. The loud hollering and screaming caused me to stumble down, dropping my towel on the floor.

  I just walked out the pool so thank god i'm still wearing my swimsuit that makes me look like a bloated dolphin.







  Vanessa and my other friend Savannah helped me up, causing the three of us to laugh out loud. Taylor, Sabrina, and Emily were helping by giving people plates and forks.

  This honestly looked like a get well party for kids in middle school and it was already enough our team was literally called The Butterflies, but I still loved it. I already looked terrible and me crying isn't going to help solve that.

  Out of nowhere, I felt complete despondency, causing tear drops to slowly come out of my eyes. "O-oh y-you guys didn't have to!" I stuttered as I started to sob loudly. "Why are we even crying? Most of us have classes together!" I laughed out loud through my cringey sobbing.

  Oh god I hate being an emotional mess.

  Vanessa quickly spoke back. "Just because we have classes together doesn't mean we can't miss having you here. We're a team! You not being here is gonna be so different."

  All of us formed a huge group hug. Vanessa and Savannah did start to cry also. "Aww you need to s-stop!" I continued to stutter, struggling to fight back all the tears that were coming out.

  "If you switch up on us just cause you're gonna meet new people, I swear I will throw hands." Savannah teased, tightening her comforting hug around me.

  "You know I won't." I rolled my eyes, hugging her back.

  Coach Elva entered the room with Vanessa and Savannah's mom, both helping each other to hold the gigantically colorful aquarium cake that included fish made out of candy.

  I never thought It was humanly possible to be able to cry more just until I read the amazingly cheesy writing on the cake.

  "Arielle will always be our sister!"

  I hope whatever team I do get switched to, feels the same as The Butterflies.