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The Last Wolf

The Last Wolf

Author:Yui Ismutomo



Valdano Bertoldi Adam the last Werewolf in earth, 50 years ago the hunter succeed to hunt most all of his kin and he is the only one who survive since his father, the Alpha hid him in the hidden cave. Living alone in the forest isn't as good as before since human start cutting the trees where he used to lived, since then he start living with human but no one know who he really is. Nothing happen and he live as peace without any hunter try to kill him, until he sense something... This is.... Shit!!! It's his mate!!!!

  Today is the 1st of November 2019, my supposed wedding day but it all failed because of my best friend, Lily who snatches my fiance, Luke, as her lover.

  Knock.. knock...

  "You ready?" Ricky my other best friend who stands in front of the door asks me.

  Last month I decided that I need to go from the city, being an author has it perk, one of them is living anywhere around the world. This is why I decided to go with Ricky who is going to visit his grandmother in New Zealand and stay with her there.

  Since the moment I found Luke with Lily in my bed, I know I'm not myself.

  Living alone in this world Luke is my rock. He knows my pain since my father left me to be with his new wife since I'm only 15. Ricky, Luke, and I know each other since Junior High school, we're the three musketeers who have an adventure together until Luke admits that he has feelings toward me.

  I always know Ricky has a feeling toward me too but he's more like a brother to me so he said as long as I'm happy he will support me.

  Now, he still the one who supports me the moment I explain what Luke and Lily do behind my back even though he's happily married to Trisha.

  I nod my head before grabbing my last bag and close my apartment door.

  It is going to be a new beginning...

  Hopefully, I could start writing again since this four-month I'm useless and didn't have any idea in my head.

  Trisha smile when I jump inside the back seat followed by his husband who takes the driver's seat.

  "Ready?" She asks

  I nod "Sorry if I'm interfering with your holiday"

  She waves her hand "Nonsense, you're like Ricky sister so it is our job to make sure you're back into your happiness" She said kindly since day one Trisha dislike Lily since she said she's so plastic and fake, little did I know how right she is about the woman that I used to call a best friend "But are you sure going to lived there?" She asks.

  "As long as it's far from them" I whisper only to get an understanding smile from her.

  Trisha knows how to hurt I am because of Luke and Lily's act since both of them is the people I care about the most since I lost my parents.

  "in time you'll heal, Jo" She whispers while holding my hand tight as support.

  I give her a small smile before nod my head while Ricky keeps driving in our direction.

  My name is Jovanka Zakeisha, 20 years old and this is my life as a single woman in a new place called New Zealand.

  I hope I'd be able to heal my broken heart in a new place where I'll be far away from the people who hurt me.


  "Val?" My Beta, Blake who shockingly I found since he comes to the small city called which snap me from my mind "What's wrong?" He asks when I turn my head.

  I shrug my shoulder "My wolf act strange" I told him who frown in confusion.

  "What happens to him?"

  "I honestly don't know" I reply the truth toward my friend.

  Blake and I meet each other in this city, it is a small city in New Zealand where we choose since this place is surrounded by forest where we could change into our real form without making anyone suspicious.

  It's been 50 years since the hunter succeeds hunt werewolf and erase my kin from most of the place, now I thought I am the only one left before I meet Blake.

  It is only the two of us now and we're hoping no hunter going to find us here.


  'what is wrong with you?' I ask my wolf who keeps howl inside.

  'I don't know.. I'm just excited' He replied.

  'About what?'

  'I don't know

  "What did he say?" Blake interrupts and again, I just shrug my shoulder since I have no answer.

  I just hope nothing bad going to happen...

  Living with the human in the small city I know there's no danger but we can be so sure since the hunter is everywhere.

  "What if he senses your mate?"

  Blake's words snap me from my mind and make me think about the possibility of it.

  What if he's true...

  Mate or our half is important for our kin, she's forever...

  50 years living alone I thought I'm not going to find one since no more werewolf left, but there is a rare case when the Alpha mate is human, is it possible that my mate is human?

  Is it possible the reckless I felt from my wolf because she's near...
