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A Hybrids Tale Love & Lust

A Hybrids Tale Love & Lust

Author:Jemma Louise almond



Trinity a hybrid lycan/ vampire was held captive by the evil Derek for ten years, he treated her poorly and kept her chained in his basement hoping when she turns 18 he could maye with her to produce hybrid heirs to take on his pack and over rule anyone who stands in his way. Hunter who is also a hybrid thought he was the only one left in existence he was the most powerful alpha know to this day his whole pack was lycans unlike every other pack which was the usual werewolfs. Hunter is stuck in a loveless relationship, he has learn to deal with this untill one day he meets another hybrid by the name of Trinity, not just another hybrid but his mate, he helps her by taking her away from the clutches of Derek and his evil intentions. Will they give into fate and be together? Will he let her go to live a normal life? With people watching them and so many obstacles in their way who knows how this love story will end.

Story has been deleted

Story has been deleted

n the other hand have been kept to serve a purpose, Alpha Derek wants to use me as a breeding machine, you see everyone here thinks that i am a simple omega wolf, only a select few people actually know why im locked down here. I am a hybrid, half lycan half vampire which makes me faster and stronger than anyone here, however as i have been starved and had beating after beating by the guards or Derek when hes had to much to drink and pays me a visit in the middle of the night. i have no strength i need blood to be able to thrive, my body is almost in constant repair, when one broken bone starts to heal Derek will purposly break another. i cant fight back anymore as i got older he knew i would be stronger so he keeps me here in these chains bound  around my wrists attached to the wall above my bed. it always makes him angry  when he can see that his actions dont bother me anymore i can take all he has to throw at me, it still doesn't stop me from telling him what i think, this is my problem my mouth, i never know when to shut it!

"lets go over the plan one more time, is there any news on what time alpha Hunter will be here" i asked "yes his plane lands around 10am so he and his men should make it here around 1pm, he will be in the hall with Derek and all of Derek's best warriors for about 2 hours going over everything" that was our window! you see hunter is the alpha to the blood moon pack he is the one that provides all the protection to all packs he's greatly feared, i have no doubt that Derek will have all his men with him to put on a good show in front of hunter and his men. during this time Michelle has been assigned to stay with me.

"ok, as soon as that meeting starts, we need to go ,we have to get as far as we can before they notice we have gone, and you are sure you can get the key for the chains" i asked looking at her scared little face. "yes don't worry about that, its 8am we have about 5 hours Trin, lay back gather your energy we will soon be out of here" she leans in to hug me pulling back she looked at me with a smile "this will all be a distant memory for you soon my darling you deserve so much happiness" Michelle says, she looks down and pulls out a piece of tissue and places it into my hand from Luke's face he pulls back the arrow ready to fire it at me.