
Let’s Read The Word

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MOON SERIES1: A Second Chance

MOON SERIES1: A Second Chance




It all started with love. A love that putted Crystal in regret and pain because of one misunderstanding. Crystal was madly head over heels in love with Anderson who's her childhood friend and first love. She then found out when Anderson said that He loves her Sister and only thought Crystal as her sibling. It broke her loving heart. Countless days have passed and one unforgettable day has came. Crystal saw her Sister with Anderson and thought they were dating. She cried in pain and ran but Anderson saw her so he chased her. Crystal was sobbing, running towards the road, unaware. Unfortunately bad luck passes between their lines. Anderson got hit by a truck and died. Crystal's heart was shattered into pieces even more. She blame herself for everything that happened. it was a stormy night when Crystal saved a black mysterious cat getting run over by a car. a Cat that granted her an ability to see wandering souls of the dead. the next morning, She woke up in shocked. Crystal didn't expect the unexpected. what if there's a second chance for everything? a second chance where you can choose between present and past? A chance to make your life wonderful? and maybe a chance for your painful love that can turn to one magical love. Either you choose to forget or accept, everything will change.

{Crystal's POV}

"Lazy head, wake up!" the loud voice of Charlene while continuously knocking on the door woke me up.

I heard her entered my room but I didn't bother to take a look.

"I don't wanna!" I irritatedly answered and pulled my blanket to cover my face.

"you'll be late for school silly!" She sat down on my bed and began to pull my blanket.

"Charlene!" why does weekdays need to come in just a blink of an eye? can't it always be weekend? urghhh..

"Get up, Eat your breakfast, take a shower and get ready for school. I don't want to be late just because someone woke up late and I need to wait for her." I rolled my eyes as a sign of 'I don't care'

I'm an eleventh grade student so is my Sister. I love computer and technologies so I took the strand of ICT and when I've finished my Senior highschool year I'll take IT as my course for College.

Charlene on the other hand is my sister, a year older than me. I'm Seventeen She's Eighteen. She took the strand of cooking, HRM. her dream was to be a famous Chef.

Charlene and I are studying to a well known school named River Falls Highschool. same school but different buildings, that's a relief for me. you know, I not hearing her non stop nagging.

first building are for ICT students. on the ground floor it has four rooms with four different sections and three floors for the laboratories needed. my sections name is Macintosh.

and for Charlene as an HRM student, the building She goes to is next to mine. all buildings are the same, ground floor for classrooms and three floors for different laboratories.

"don't give me that look Chelsea Crystal David. Boivin!" she shouted. for pete sake! she's just a year older than me! I sat and irritatedly messed my hair.

"Ca m'est egal!" I shouted back.

"you don't care? I'm a year older than you Chelsea!" Charlene is always bossy when it comes to me that's why we don't get along sometimes.

our family is rich and all but we're not the type of family who's surrounded by happiness in their sweet home. I and Charlene always fought for small things. we live at New York City and grew up in a Mansion. Mom is American and Dad is French. my Mom doesn't work and Dad is a Ceo in Japan, He develops games and softwares. he's a self made billionaire.

Dad travels when he had business to take care of, actually he just got back recently. Dad and I aren't that close. His too busy while He missed every single year of my birthdays. I often get bullied by some brats at our school, they kept saying that I'm an outsider of our family and that my parents didn't care for me but only Charlene because She's the real daughter. I know it's not true but what they said, It felt that way.

All bruises and wounds of pain? I can handle it on my own. I don't want anybody to get involved with this type of vibes that sometimes I'm having. I'd like to spread happiness not sadness to those people who are near me. even though Charlene helped me with those bullies I always tell her that no need to do that, I'm fine.

I envy Charlene because Dad's always there when it's her birthday. He brought me gifts and things that I would like but that's not what I want. I want him to attend my birthday for once. just once... then I won't ask anything for him.

Me and Charlene are half French and American. I can fully and fluently speak and understand French while Charlene can only understood French language.

our parents taught us to speak French. only Charlene doesn't give a little bit of effort learning. I speak French, Spanish and of course English. I learned Spanish by watching movies and reading some books.

I was taken back to reality when Dad made a huge bang on the door.

Mom and Dad were at the door staring Me and Charlene angrily.

"Dad!" we both uttered.

"Pourquoi tu me combat toujours?!" Dad is furious!

He asked us why do we always fight. isn't obvious? Charlene is in my personal space again.

"We're sorry..." we both said.

"I'm going back to Japan in few days! both of you! do me a favor and don't quarrel for a week!" Dad's always mad but I never seem him 'This' mad.

before He left I got scolded for shouting and not listening to my Sister. urghh what a pain in the ass.

I got up and went to the bathroom to rinse my face. when I was done I decided to go down stairs and eat.

I saw Mom, Dad and Charlene at the dinning table, eating. I joined them and started to eat.

"You should listen to your sister Crystal." Mom said and took a bite of the hotdog.

"yes Mom, sorry." although I can't bring myself to speak with Mom about some problems or the sadness I'm feeling, I don't want her being mad at me. She's there when Dad's not.

"You should be." Dad butted in.

I didn't bother answering and just finished my pancake to be the first one to leave and get ready to prepare for school.

"You've only eaten one small pancake Crystal and you're done?" Mom asked. I nodded and decided to go up stairs.

I entered the bathroom and took a shower.

after few minutes, I'm done. I got out, sat on the chair of my makeup table and took my blow dryer to dry my hair. when my hair has dried I started to put simple touches. I putted face powder and pink-ish lip gloss. I'm not into make up but I know how to use. I'd prefer a simple look rather than me looking like a clown because of make up.

I was brushing my hair when Charlene suddenly barge into my room still wearing her bathrobe.

"ugh... hey?" I awkwardly said.

"what do you need?" I asked. obviously I know she needs something.

"can I borrow your hair dryer?" Charlene asked, giving me those puppy eyes.

"don't you have your own?" I answered. I was looking at the mirror while brushing my hair.

"It's not working!! so pleaseee, let me borrow yours." She's pleading.

"here." I handed it over.

"Thanks!" she took it, before She leaves I called her.

"Yes?" waiting for me to say something.

"Don't ever do the puppy eyes. like ew Charlene, it doesn't suit you." She glared at me and left.

I giggled. I stood up and took my uniform out of my cabinet. I got dressed up, took my backpack and left my room.

Charlene was already at the front door waiting for me.

"hurry up we're gonna be late." I ran towards her and said...

"looks like you dried your hair well." I mockingly smiled.

"You-" she didn't finished what she's about to say because our Limousine has arrived.

the driver opened the door for us to get in. Charlene entered and so did I. the driver closed the door and went back to the drivers seat.

we were both quiet during the ride until we got to our school.

the driver assisted us when we're going out of the Limo. we said goodbye to him and started to walk towards the gate of the school.

we're about to enter when someone tap my shoulder.

"Anderson!" I was surprised. His my childhood friend. my parents and his are best friends, we always spend time together ever since we were little.

I remember that when we're just six years old we always play Princess and Prince. I was the Princess, his the Prince and funny thing, my Sister is the villain. good old days. when I was at seventh grade Anderson stood up for me when I was being bullied.

He always makes me smile, buy me ice cream when I'm sad, sweet towards me and cares for me. that's why I fell for him. it has been five years now. five years of having a crush on my best friend. I may be popular to guys and tons would want to court me but I only had eyes for him.

"Class is about to start, let's go." He then held my hand and pulled me. I mouthed see you later and we left Charlene.

Oh My Gosh! his holding my hand! I wanted to scream and jump because of excitement but that would expose me. I felt my cheeks blushed so I pulled my hand but he still didn't budge. God help me! I can't handle this! I think I'm gonna passed out.

We're in front of our classroom so I immediately entered and he set my hand free. I sigh as a relief. Gosh I felt like my heart ran for miles, it's beating like crazy.

I sat down at my table, near the window. my heart again was about to burst out when Anderson sat next to me.

"T-that is not your table." I nervously said. I did some fake coughs and clearing my troat so he wouldn't notice I was nervous.

"Oh, Aaliyah exchanged sits with me." What?! Aaliyah did?

you have got to be kidding me!