
Let’s Read The Word

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One Kiss A Day

One Kiss A Day




Luna meets a mysterious guy with pale skin and a tail as well as ears. He asks her a question that shocks her out of this world. The mysterious boy grows closer to her and so does she to him. But he had a secret he didn't tell her... And so her journey begins. A journey of decisions. A journey that could affect her destiny. This is the story...of Luna and the mysterious boy.

This is the story of a young girl.

A human girl.

Ordinary girl.

Just a normal girl living a normal life.

Searching for a job of her dreams.

But being rejected again and again.

That was until...

"W-who are you...?"

"Huh? A human?"

This is the story of a young boy.

Not just any ordinary human boy, no.

But a special boy.

This is the story of a young girl and boy.

And this is where their journey begins.

Their journey...

To their destiny.

Will Luna go to the left where nothing is right.

Or to the right where nothing is left?

That's for you to find out...

•welcome home•

"You are fired! You here me? We already have enough trouble in our hands and you causing more trouble was beyond the limit! You. Are. Fired!" The man yells so loud that the whole floor was able to hear him.

"I'm incredibly sorry sir. Please just guve me one more chance. I promise I will fix everything!" The woman begs for forgiveness, even though she knows it's no use. "Enough of this nonsense! You said that last time! Get out! Pack your things and Get. Out!" He spits at her.

The woman sighs in defeat and walks out the door down to her work space. She starts packing her things into a medium sized box as people were gossiping about her. But she didn't mind. This happens to her all the time.

"Luna?" The familiar voice turns the girls attention to the voice. "Is it true? You are fired?" The girl asks. "Yes... I'm sorry..." She apologizes. "Why do you apologize? It wasn't your fault those brats leaked the information and blamed you!" The girl smiles bravely.

"You're right... I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too, Luna..." The girl pulls Luna in for a hug and they both share their last goodbyes. Two best friends to be parted within seconds. "I'm leaving the country...I might not see you again after this...but let's stay in contact!" Luna smiles weakly.

"I know...and of course we should! We are best friends after all right?" The girl smiles hesitantly. Luna nods reassuringly and takes her bag along with the box and walks out the door. As she reaches outside she turns around to take one last glimpse of the building and the area around it. Taking in the sight as it's her last.

"Time to say goodbye, Luna... It's nothing new anyways..." She says to herself. She walks away as if nothing ever happened. Just as she always had. She makes her way to the lonely and quiet street and walks her way back home. Taking in every last sight she could of this place. As this is the place she last saw her parents.

And each object reminding her of the happy and painful memories. The cold yet refreshing wind blowing her hair back and forth as she walks. The sun barely peeking through the clouds and shining right on the empty street. The birds chirping as they come to laugh at the woman who lost her job again.

But she just smiled. Because she was ready to go back home. To the place she was raised as a child. The place where everything was good. The place where she could start all over again. And this time. She is going back stronger than ever.

...The next day...

"Flight 65 is ready in 10 minutes. I repeat. Flight 65 is ready in 10 minutes." The announcement rings through the building. People cramped in the building and chattering all the way. The only way out was to squeeze yourself through each and every person.

You finally reached the outside and take a deep breath in from the new yet old air. You sigh in relief and smile as you make your way to a taxi until someone else bumped into you and stole your taxi, sending things flying out of your luggage.

"Well ofcourse this had to happen right? Tsk. Nothing new anyways..." The brown haired girl picks up the papers and clothes and throws it back in her bag. Closing the bag proporly before looking around and having sight of no taxi.

I stand up and sigh as I take out my phone to find the location I was looking for. I start walking down the long and busy sidewalk. After a few minutes of walking, I reached a bus stop and decided to wait for the bus as it was an hour and a half walk to the house. The bus stops and I climb in, finding my way to the back of the bus and then sitting down.

Half way there and she fell asleep. Her dreams filled with laughter and love. Filled with her mother and father. Filled with her childhood. But there was one that always kept itself blurred...

A dream? Or...a memory? About a boy and a girl playing together. His face unknown but for sure he had black hair. He was making the girl laugh. Then they were playing hide and seek. And just as she was about to get a look at his face, she woke up from her slumber as the bus came to a harsh stop.

She notices the area where they were and quickly stepped out of the bus, taking her luggage along her. The bus drives away and she smiles as she knew...

This was her home.

She runs up the steep hill until she reaches the top. Takes a left turn and there it was. The house of her childhood. Still as good as new as it always was. As if no one barely lived or touched it, but still brand new. She rushes to the door and unlocks it. The moment that door opens, she was filled with happiness.

Happiness that she has not felt in years, happiness that- "Bang!" A loud thud comes from behind her. She turns around slowly and sees that the lion head that was on the wall, has fallen. "Well...that scared me..." She laughs to herself. She turns back around and explores the whole house again, looking for any changes. But none. She was glad. The room wqs filled with her presence and hers only, not one speck of dust. Everything she used to have as a kid was still there.

She opens the door to her room and "thud!" "Well...this should be interesting..." She says as she looks at the door that was now laying flat on the floor with the doorhandle still in her hand. She shakes her head and laughs. She runs to her bed and collapses down on it. A smile creps her lips as she stares at the sealing, seeing the glow in the dark stickers her mom gave her for her birthday.

She closes her eyes, drifting to her slumber again. To the world she used to know as a kid...only this time...She is back to that world. The world she has longed for. The browns haired girl starts dreaming about her future. Her future in this new world of hers. How she is going to accomplish her dreams this time and do it successfully.

For she is the strongest now than she has ever been. Now she is ready to take on anything that crosses her path. For she, is prepared. But the question she prepared for the terrifying horrors that's about to enter her new world? Is she ready to take on the thriller of what is to come? Is she ready....for the next step of her life that can determine her destiny?

Or will she give away her braveness and run?