
Let’s Read The Word

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Day And Night

Day And Night




It is said that the Greek god Lycaon was cursed by Zeus thus transforming him and all his children into wolves. Zeus may have ruled over Olympus but he forgot that there might have been greater powers on the move. The moon goddess, whom protects creatures of the night took pity on Lycaon and his children, giving them long life and the ability to shapeshift from wolves to humans; under the condition that they do not harm humans and bring peace between other of their kind. That lasted for centuries until some wolves decided to leave the mother pack and create one of their own and packs throughout time have established themselves in different parts of the world, that brings us to Florida, USA. Elena, a she-wolf with unique abilities future alpha of her pack. Chris, a stubborn but strong and mighty alpha. Love, hate, alpha battles, magical and supernatural gifts, along with some power hungry wolves make this story all the more interesting.

The Rush family has for generations protected the precious moonstone given to their ancestors from the moon goddess herself. It is said that when she took pity of Lycaon after Zeus was enraged with him for serving him a meal made from remains of a sacrificed boy, to test Zeus and see if he was all knowing. Zeus then turned him and his children into wolves, she felt in her gentle heart she must now relieve his pain and give him a chance to redeem himself after ending so many lives. She trusted him with a moonstone which would give him and his descendants special abilities and as long as the moonstone remained with his bloodline. She allowed the wolf that now lived in Lycaon to be able to communicate and accept who they were. The wolf chooses the host and once the wolf feels the host is ready, he or she will wake within them.

She made a pact with Lycaon stating that he will remain with his abilities as long as he no longer harms humans, allowing them to live long healthy lives and the wolves duty was to protect humankind from anything or anyone who’d put them in danger.

Years went by and the pact of peace between men and wolfs was kept until one fateful night. Lycaon was now the alpha of the pack, they had created their own village far into the woods far from Olympus and far from Zeus. On a cold winter night, one of Lycaons 50 sons, Carteron fell in love with a human woman. He had been courting her and bringing her gifts and falling in love. She was a common girl whom had fallen in love with him. That night Carteron had decided he was going to show Calle his true self for he believed the moon goddess had blessed him with a mate. When he arrived at her house late that evening, he found a horrifying scene. Three men had entered her home killing everyone including Calle. Carteron lost his control and his wolf showed himself in all his might and killed the three men leaving a bloodbath in the home. Once he was done with his revenge, the beautiful full moon above him seemed to mock his pain and he howled with all his might to the moon goddess. It was said that the howl was so loud that it woke the entire village up and confirmed the villagers suspicions of wolves living near them. When Lycaon heard of what happened he rushed to the moonstone begging the moon goddess to forgive his son.

After much pleading she found it with her to forgive him but she exiled him. He left and began traveling all over the world creating a new pack. Eventually more werewolves began to leave the mother pack and spread through the world. Since then the moonstone has traveled the world in the trusted hands of Lycaons descendants reaching the year 2020 and the Rush family.

Cesar Rush was a beloved, benevolent and peaceful alpha. His wolf was mighty like Lycaons, some even say he was chosen by Fang

Lycaons wolf

because he looked exactly like him. He found his mate at a young age, a beautiful woman named Amalia. She was from a pack in Puerto Rico. No one ever knew Puerto Rico could have wolves with their climate but she believed the they were sun wolves. The night time for them was dull and only used for hunting whereas the day when the sun was at its brightest was the perfect time to live. She moved from Puerto Rico to Wisconsin where she’d meet Cesar. As soon as he laid eyes on her that December night he fell in love and his wolf knew she has his mate. She felt the mate bond just like he did but she was already promised to a wolf from her pack. A duel was declared and Cesar won by a land slide. His wolf was almost three sizes bigger than the challenger. After fighting till near death, Cesar won her hand and Amalia was to become part of the Nightingale pack. She soon became the Luna and they had a fantastic wedding. The new Luna soon became pregnant and on a visit to her family in Florida, Elena was born. They fell in love with the peace in Florida and decided to buy a home there and there were no wolves around and they could easily blend in with the rest. They would often visit their Florida home along with their betas. Amalia was also an alpha by birth and blood and Cesar made sure everyone respected her not only as their Luna but as an alpha as well. She also had her beta which was not something other packs were accustomed to. The wolves from the nightingale pack weren’t summer lovers and didn’t last long in Florida so the alpha family traveled a few times a year so they could enjoy summer and Disney world of course.

Elena grew into a beautiful young woman. She took pride in her long black wavy hair that reached her waist, her honey color eyes would turn a olive green when the sun shone its light on them. Her skin looked smooth and almost like the sun kissed her skin everyday leaving a trail of sunshine. She had curves that called the attention of anyone whom saw her. She wasn’t the most athletic type but she was strong, stronger than most in her pack. Alpha Cesar made sure that she trains with the best warriors in his pack as the soon to be alpha, she needed to be prepared.

Elena spoke three languages, had read every book in their library and was wonderful on the piano. There’s one thing that her parents were not happy about was that she loved to party. In the pack and outside the pack wherever there was a party, Elena was the first one there. She was now 20 years old, working her way through college in Florida but spring break finally came around and she had planned a relaxed spring break with the pack in Wisconsin.

“Hello dear home!” Elena said as she parked her car outside the pack house. Her three siblings ran outside as they sensed her arrival. David and Juliet we’re there ready to shower her with hugs after not seeing their sister since January.

“Leni!” Juliet screamed in excitement as she ran to her embrace. She was 12 and the joker of the family.

“My Juli! You’ve gotten so big! Keep growing like that and you’ll be taller than me!” Elena said with a smile as she placed her hand on her head. Juliet smiled and giggled.

“Did you bring me the chocolates?” Was David’s greeting to his older sister.

“Hi to you too!” She said as she softly punched her brother. He embraced her into a big bear hug.

David was taller than Elena. Elena was about 5’8 and David was 6’4. He towered over most in the pack and was proud of it. He was handsome and strong. He had dreamy hazel eyes that would make any girl in the pack fall in love. His chiseled jaw made him look manly. He liked to show off his beard which made him look older than 17 and not mention the hours he’s spent in the gym making sure his body looks just perfect. Another reason why Elena decided to go home was for David’s 18 birthday which would be happening in the next two days, March 23 to be precise. Everyone would finally see his wolf and he might even find his mate! David met his wolf when he was 12, just about Juliets age. She already knew her wolf as well but their bodies are still developing so it’s not until they reach the age of 18 that’s their wolf truly shows.

“Leni! Darling!” Elena heard her mother sweet and kind voice say. She ran into her arms and hugged her mother tightly.

“How was your trip?”

“Long, but good! I made a good travel playlist which helped me survive! Where’s dad?”

“He’s in a meeting. Somethings happened in one of the nearby packs and their alpha is here. He’ll be done shortly and will join us for lunch.”

“Shouldn’t I be there then?” Elena asked concerned, after all she was the soon the be alpha.

“No dear, they’ve been in there for quite some time now.” Amalia said softly.

“Well then, it’d be rude to interrupt I guess. I’ll take my things to my room then!” Elena said with happily. Something in her wasn’t feeling calm. Something serious was happening.

— Do you think it’s a new peace treaty?— Light, Elena’s wolf said.

— I’m not sure, but we’ll keep an ear out.— Elena said to Light.

Time seemed to pass slowly as she arranged her room and of course Julie was there to help.

The uneasy feeling in Elenas stomach didn’t subside and she knew something was wrong.

“Juli, I’ll be right back.” Elena said to her sister and she headed out the gigantic room. The pack house was a 4 story house, the Alpha and his family, the beta and his family along with the lawyer of the family and the first omega of the family lived in the pack house. They each had several rooms to themselves and all the benefits of living there. The house was guarded 24/7 and many times Elena was part of the watch crew.

Elena walked to the second flood of the house, as her room was on the fourth and stopped in front of her father office. She smelled fear coming from the inside and suddenly a growl. She quickly opened the door to the office and stopped in her tracks.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Was all Elena managed to say and just like that Light took over. The office was dark as the curtains had been shut, her father sat at his desk, hands tied and unable to speak but she could feel his pain. One man approached her and she let out an alpha growl which made him stop from taking another step towards her. With that growl in a matter of seconds the entire pack house stood behind her.

— Let’s rip their throats out!”—